
  1. jarcast2

    Alternative art for some civs for VP

    This is yet another small mod I made for personal enjoyment I'm sharing to those interested. Features: Replace leader art of GH's Ainu with LitE's Ainu one (link). Replace leader art and civ icon of GH's Scotland with MC's Scotland one (link). Replace leader art of pineappledan's Chola with...
  2. Hinin

    G&H's Louisiana for Vox Populi

    Louisiana Download here (requires Vox Populi 4.2 or later) Leader - Joseph "Beausoleil" Broussard UA - The Grand Settlement Spawn a random Unique Unit every 20 turns. :c5citystate: Allied City-States and Cities in :c5angry: Resistance increase the amount spawned and grant XP to units (half...
  3. gwennog

    G&H's Louisiana - Joseph "Beausoleil" Broussard for VP v.9

    Adds Louisiana, led by Joseph "Beausoleil" Broussard. For use with VP and optionally MUCfVP To Talk about it Common Aspirations and Influence : Senshi and RawSasquatch: The Cajuns (Beausoleil) Octoski: Acadia (Beausoleil) Sir Ocean: Louisiana Artistic Credits (All Rights Reserved to...
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