policy slots

  1. Marko Vojnovich

    what's up with great people policy

    In later game you can't choose GP policy because you can't see them on display. . Because they don't have their own display like military,economic and diplomacy. What's up with that?
  2. L

    Policy "Corvée" not working (Not a Bug)

    In one of my game, I am building Petra (a classical wonder) an the Corvée policy (+15% production for ancient and classical wonders) does not apply to my production. I made sure to check one turn after I set the policy. For the details: I am building Petra in a city that is not my capital and I...
  3. ashvin.l

    Legacy Bonuses and Governments

    Hi all, Based on a lot of you tube watching of the gameplays, legacy bonuses are something that stuck me as odd. Basically, Legacy bonuses stick with you as you change government after government. Most importantly, each legacy bonus has a base and then a turn based bonus. So, you do get...
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