Hi, I am quite new to Vox Populi and Civilization in general. For last month or so I have been exploring the mod (mostly on King and later on Emperor once I understood all the concepts).
I have pretty good idea how to use Authority and Tradition as openers and where are their strengths and...
I was thinking of starting up a new game with Babylon, whom I have never played with VP before. I am thinking that the new changes to policies and scientist specialists have affected this is civ in quite a few ways. I wanted to hear other's opinions about how best to play Babylon now.
Is there any mod that makes science more realistic?
In real life, we don't discover new technologies by wanting them to exist... which is basically what the Science Tree is.
I'm thinking of things like, accumulating science points would allow you to unlock technologies in domains on which...
First of all, Im long time Civ5 fan and Vox Populi fan. I love Vox Populi and I think the team made a great game. VP is more thoughtful, more rewarding and more fun than any 4x game Ive played so far. It has some issues, but the team solve em like no other team do: fast and efficient.
You are...
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