save editor

  1. Blake00

    JCivED - a toolbox for Civilization (CivDOS & CivWin full editor incl map) 2022-10-05

    JCivED by @darkpanda is by far the most modern and advanced Civilization 1 editor created yet. Pictures, downloads and more information in official thread here: Note: If you're a CivWin user you can use CivCracker...
  2. Blake00

    CivCracker - CivWin Full Editor (incl map) 1.0.4031.13925

    This amazing editor and its creator @MountainMn10 disappeared a long time ago sadly so I'm adding it here so people know that there IS a CivWin editor and will never forget his work. CivCracker is a full save game & map editor for Civilization 1 for Windows. It also converts CivDOS save games...
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