1337 - leet

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Sir John

The evil one...
Jan 15, 2003
Norway, Bodø
This is probably old news for many of the people here but Im 15 so I just found this stuff :)

1337 aka leet is very cool.. For those who doeasnt know what it is, its a language where u use only numbers and signs instead of actual letters.. for exampel "fear the leet master" would be: PhE@r +H3 LE3t M@STEr..

I just wanted u people that like this to know of this generator I found on the net. It tarnslates to leet... Its only like 10kb..

Here is the adress: http://www.ryanross.net/leet/

Thread rule: U are only allowed to reply in leet!!!

For those who only can read leet:

th15 15 PRO84bLY 0LD N3ws pHor manY 0PH TH3 PE0pl3 h3RE BuT 1M 15 5O 1 jU$+ found Th15 5tufPH :)

1337 4K4 LEEt 15 v3RY Co0L.. Ph0R +h053 wHO Do3@sNT kN0W WHA+ 1T 15, I+$ 4 L4N9u49E wHErE u u53 ONLY nUMbeRs AnD 51gN5 1N$tE4d 0f ac+U4L l3++er5.. PhOR EX@mPeL "Ph3@r +HE l33+ m@5+3R" Would bE: PH3@r +h3 le3T M@$T3r..

1 ju5T WaNt3D u PeoPl3 +h4T lIK3 +H1$ to kNoW 0f Th15 g3nerat0r 1 FoUND 0N the n3+. IT t@RN$L4+3s +o l33+... i+$ 0Nly LikE 10kb..

HerE 1$ T3H 4DRe55: hT+P://Www.RY4NR055.N3T/l33T/

thRe4D rUL3: u @R3 oNLY 4LL0W3D T0 R3plY 1N L33T!!!
Hehe, yes only English as the posting language is allowed here. "Foreign" languages need the consent of the staff! :lol:

In any case, those that formerly invented and used this language, or better the type of people that used leet talk, is long back to normal. Those that talk leet nowadays are just kids, wannabes and posers. :p
Leet talk once really was for the elite, the elite of the nerds of the old school. But not anymore.
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