[Vote] (5-05) Statue of Zeus / Terracotta Army Changes

Approval Vote for Proposal #5

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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Current Statue of Zeus, as of Congress #4
Cost: 185 :c5production:
Culture: 1:c5culture:
Faith: 1:c5faith:
Policy requirement: 2
Free Barracks in the City in which it is built.
Free Worker appears near the City.
All Units gain +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Cities.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food:/:c5production: Distress in this City.

Current Terracotta Army
Cost: 200 :c5production:
Culture: 1 :c5culture:
Unlocked at Masonry
Number of policies required: 4

Tile improvement construction speed increased by 25%.
+10 :c5culture: Culture when you destroy an enemy unit in battle, scaling with Era.
Increases :c5war: Military Unit Supply Cap by 5.

VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 5
Discussion Thread: (5-05) Statue of Zeus Change
Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @pineappledan

Proposal Details
Status of Zeus
Remove free worker on completion
Add "Workers do not suffer a reduced improvement rate when captured (ie. immune to prisoner of war debuff)"

Statue of Zeus already gives a free Barracks. also giving a free worker on top is too much free hammers. 2 free things is also boring.
If SoZ made captured workers immune to the -50% improvement speed plague then that would fit better with SoZ's pre-existing offensive theme
SoZ also already gives a free unique promotion, so all that is required is to add a plague immunity to that promotion and give that promotion to workers.

VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 5a
Discussion Thread: (5-05a) Switch Worker Effects From Statue of Zeus and Terracotta Army
Proposer: @Legen
Sponsor(s): @Legen

Proposal Details
  • Statue of Zeus gains "Tile improvement construction speed increased by 25%" from Terracotta Army.
  • Terracotta Army gains "A Worker appears near the City" from Statue of Zeus.

The original intent behind the Statue of Zeus's free worker proposal was to add the +25% improvement speed from Terracotta Army instead; however, I already had another proposal involving the latter, so the original intent would violate the rule for one proposal per mechanic. As such, I opted to follow one suggestion to have Statue of Zeus add a free worker instead, as a good approximation of the original intent.

This counterproposal simply puts forward that original intent for Statue of Zeus, and hopefully leave both wonders at a more balanced state. The +25% worker speed should also be a good alternative for the "Workers do not suffer a reduced improvement rate when captured (ie. immune to prisoner of war debuff)" in the proposal I'm counter proposing; provides effectively half of that effect when you capture a worker, but, in turn, is useful for your regular workers.
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