A first impression is a lasting one!


Dec 2, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I've just started playing LoR and have noticed the addition of the "A first impression is a lasting one" as a Diplomacy modifier.

I did a search and couldn't find information here regarding to it. I assume that this is just the hidden modifier that has been refereed to in the regular Civ4 forums, but is revealed in LoR? I.e. War mongers that receive positive modifiers toward each other.

I've played 3 games so far and I've always received a -1 or -2 'A first impression is a lasting one' modifier. I've checked each game and have only ever receive one +1 modifier with an AI.

The AI however, almost always and with very very few exceptions always have +1 or +2 modifier with each other. Some however are +5 and the like, which is crazy! - Stupid Gilgamesh! F-U.

Has any one considered the adage, "Ignorance is bliss"? Is it just the normal hidden modifier in unmodded Civ4?
I assume that this is just the hidden modifier that has been refereed to in the regular Civ4 forums, but is revealed in LoR? I.e. War mongers that receive positive modifiers toward each other.
That's right.
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