a question about jotnar


Jul 15, 2009
Tianjin, China
RFE is a wonderful mod, I like it. but today, I choose jotnar, and notice surprisingly that jotnar can exploit 3 plots around city:confused:, instead of only 1 plots in FF.

I feel very confusing. Why did it happen? Jotnar is a advantage race oringinally. This change make jotnar become stronger, and maybe disturb the balance in RFE, isn't it? Perhaps it is only a slip of the pen:rolleyes:?
The Jotnar in Rife are completely different from the Jotnar in WM (and FF I guess), rather than having many 1 radius cities which are capped at 10 population they can now work in a 3 tile radius around their cities and their traditions civic reduces the maintenance for distance to capital significantly (100% ?). On the other hand they require 3 food to grow and they got a huge penalty on number of cities maintenance (400%).
They seem crazy overpowered even with the maintenance penalty. I usually can easily keep my neighbors down to one city for the first 100 turns or so. Giving me a huge advantage with just two or three cities.
IIRC, they were meant to have a slight overaul in next version or a further one (1.4 or 1.7... or whatever)
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