Adding new locale to the game


Dec 30, 2024
Hi here,
I am trying to play around with the localization files and seems like things have changed since Civ6 guides.

My goal is to add an unsupported locale to the game

What have I currently done:

Step 1: added the following lines:
>>Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Base\Assets\schema\localization\schema-loc-20-languages.sql

INSERT INTO "Languages" VALUES('lang-code','LOC_LANGUAGE_lang-code_NAME',null,8);

INSERT INTO "LanguagePriorities" VALUES('lang-code','lang-code',100);
INSERT INTO "LanguagePriorities" VALUES('lang-code','en_US',50);

With this, I am expecting to add a basic text support in the game.
After adding it, a new entry is indeed visible (and selectable) in the Options > System > Language


I can verify it applies, because I see a side effect: there is no carousel banner for the news/patch/etc (screen added later).

Step 2: adding the following sample (it should rename the "additional content" item in the main menu)

>>Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Base\modules\base-standard\text\lang-code\ShellText.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Replace Tag="LOC_UI_CONTENT_MGR_TITLE" Language="lang-code">

Step 3: linking new file via
>>Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Base\modules\base-standard\base-standard.modinfo

<Item locale="lang-code">text/lang-code/ShellText.xml</Item>

Locale files seem to be defined twice (after comments in Line 512 and line 943)


In the end, I get the following result
Spoiler screen :


Per my understanding, I need to do the same for every new localized file within every module (Base and DLC)

With this, I will be grateful for any ideas with the following areas.

Is there an easier way of integrating new files from Step 3?
It seems questionable to overwrite whole *.modinfo file for the sake of adding few new lines.

How can I fix the missing carousel banner for the news/patch/etc
I assume it behaves so because it tries to find banner-locale for the unsupported language on the server and fails.
If this is the case, is it possible to override it to use English as a default?

Thank you in advance.
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Nicely done!

For the double definitions of locale files, I think it's defined once for the "shell" scope and once for "game". Since text is always going to be necessary in the menus (shell) and in the game proper, I assume including text files twice would be the norm.

There's a log file twokdna.log that logs interactions with 2K's marketing and analytics servers. You'll see it queries for things like PromoLocalization_en_US and gets back stuff like

                        "Description":"Text for Napoleon reward claim where user must link their account in order to receive the two leaders, Napoleon Emperor & Revolutionary",
                        "en_US":"Link 2K account to retrieve Napoleon leader!"

So your guess that the news carousel fails because there's no language is certainly correct. I doubt there's a way to override it - the interaction is in native code, and the config file under DNA/Configurations doesn't seem to have language info so the DNA subsystem probably grabs whatever locale the game is set to.
@Solver Thank you for the info.

I did some more digging in Civ 6 department.
Apparently that news carousel banner has the same behavior (buss-out once new language is added)

However I stumbled upon an actual mod
That does show news carousel, but it replaces the language is some unusual way (manipulating with en-US and fi_FI).

With that I was thinking about the following.
If my custom locale will be stored inside an actual mod, will the carousel banner be fixed.

Unfortunately, I am not that familiar with full mod creation flow...
Maybe someone can help with testing or guiding me through...
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