AI Difficulty - A Possible Explanation?


Sep 22, 2010
My friend and I are long-running fans of the series, and we have been loving the new game. The minute it unlocked on Steam, we started playing multiplayer. Our normal format is 2v2teams of 2 AI, and so far we have completed a Prince, King, and Emperor difficulty level game. The Emperor game has actually been the easiest so far, and we completed it in 131 turns starting from the Ancient Era.

We've both been kind of disappointed in the difficulty levels, and our last game started us wondering if the difficulty select is actually bugged. We are currently testing out a deity game to confirm our suspicions. My friend pointed out that if you mouse over happiness, it indicates the +9 bonus to happiness from "difficulty level" no matter what difficulty level you actually select (even on deity, its +9).

Have you guys noticed anything else that would indicate difficulty itself is bugged?
lol, I have noticed that I have gone all the way to emperor as well and have yet to see a challenge.

I am adjusting .XML files now though, tweaking gamespead and some other stuff, if I notice anything with the difficulty levels I'll post.
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Assets\Gameplay\XML\GameInfo\CIV5HandicapInfos.xml


Mostly the base happiness stays the same i guess, but the other values are changing from difficulty to difficulty, so it's not bugged, just how they balanced it.
Only played on Prince as yet. I think the happiness being constant above a certain level (and not decreasing) is the same as IV, so probably not a bug.
Ok, so anyone complaining about overall game difficulty or aggressiveness of AI should play on deity. The computer appears to get about a triple production bonus and a lot of free units. They will also declare war very quickly, so be prepared to have fun. =)
The AI usually has good tactics (Besides weird stuff that happens irregularly). They just suck at building up an army.
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