[CTP] ATTENTION: Civilization Call To Power 25th Anniversary Celebration - Communities, Fan Mods & Ports, 4K AI Upscale, Multiplayer Server, & More!


CFC Mod Archivist & Social Media Helper
Sep 24, 2016
To celebrate Civilization Call To Power's 25th Anniversary this month I thought I'd do something similar to the recent Alpha Centauri 25th Anniversary Celebration and take a look at what's been going on in the Call To Power communities over the last few years so sit back and enjoy the big read below!
(EDIT: We've since done a Sid Meier's Colonization 30th Anniversary Celebration too!)

Firstly it's worth mentioning that both games work on modern machines (with some tinkering) and support modern HD resolutions. For those who no longer have the CDs or a CD drive Call to Power 2 is currently available on Good old Games and Steam.
CTP2 GoG: https://www.gog.com/game/call_to_power_2
CTP2 Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/572050/Call_to_Power_II/
However sadly the original Civ Call to Power 1 is not legally available likely due to it using the Civilization name and the result of the court case all those years ago. However perhaps changes to the title screen and a few other places removing the Civilization name would allow it to be sold again. Voting for it on the GoG wish list certainly increases the chance of them making this effort.
CTP1 GoG Wish Vote: https://www.gog.com/wishlist/games/civilization_call_to_power NEEDS VOTES!

CTP1HDTour.png CTP2Barb.png

Secondly I should mention that while sadly most of the old CTP communities are quiet or gone there are still some surviving forums and even some new social media groups where CTP fans meet to discuss their love of the games and even work on new mod projects.
CivFanatics CTP: https://forums.civfanatics.com/forums/other-civ-related-games.534/?prefix_id=173
Apolyton CTP1: https://apolyton.net/forum/other-games/call-to-power-1
Apolyton CTP2: https://apolyton.net/forum/other-games/call-to-power-2
Steam CTP2: https://steamcommunity.com/app/572050/discussions/
GoG CTP2: https://www.gog.com/forum/call_to_power_2#1646684053
As mentioned above there are some new CTP social media communities too! The Discord in particular is highly recommended as it's growing fast and it's owner NinjaBoy has collected every lost CTP1&2 mod he can find and has created places for current day modders to showcase their work.
CTP Discord: https://discord.gg/mVBDgyVRhT
CTP FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/956118938898676
CTP2 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ctp2/


Thirdly getting the CTP games working on modern machines can be a little frustrating these days. Help can be found on the GoG, Steam and Discord communities and there are a number of fan projects that help with this for CTP2 in particular. Many probably remember the Apolyton Edition of CTP2 built from the publicly released source code that fixes many issues. While it's last public full release was more than a decade ago the code is still quietly being worked on today. Sadly it has a few bugs of it's own however a talented fellow named Spyrover recently took the source, fixed up many issues and did a SDL2 Port for Modern Windows, Linux & MacOS! He's still working on it and can be contacted on the CTP discord. Unfortunately Multiplayer does not work properly in the Apolyton Edition or Spyrovers port however NinjaBoy is currently working on special CTP Multiplayer Server that should fix this problem nicely! And on top of that he's also working on a new CTP mod manager/swapper too.
Spyrover's new port: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...2-port-for-modern-windows-linux-macos.688176/
NinjaBoy's Multiplayer Server: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/open-call-to-power-1-2-server-project.688177/
NinjaBoy's Mod Manager: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/call-to-power-1-2-new-mod-manager.688175/
Apolyton Edition: https://forums.civfanatics.com/reso...yton-edition-addon-12-jun-2011-release.27588/
Apolyton Edition Source: https://github.com/civctp2/civctp2

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Fourthly there are many great and famous mods for CTP1&2 that people enjoyed back in the day such as Medieval Pack, Celestial Dawn, Forever Future, Ages of Man, Modern Times, and Cradle of Civilization. We've done our best to preserve a bunch of them at CivFanatics, however as mentioned above Ninjaboy has collected many more CTP mods on his CTP Discord that people many wish to check out. Kull is currently working on a new version 5 of the Cradle mod that supports the Apolyton Edition and adds many new & interesting things, he can be found on Apolyton or on the CTP Discord too.
CivFanatics CTP1 Downloads: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/categories/civilization-call-to-power-downloads.155/
CivFanatics CTP2 Downloads: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/categories/call-to-power-2-downloads.156/
Kull's Cradle 5 project: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...tp2-apolyton-edition-project-cradle-5.683439/

Fifthly there's been a couple of cool CTP videos in recent years. TheResistance has just done an amazing 4K AI upscale of all the CTP1 cutscenes making them look better than ever! While Waz Reviews has done a nice nostalgic retrospective review on CTP2.

Finally here's a few other things that might be of interest to CTP fans...
ModDB CTP1 Page: https://www.moddb.com/games/civilization-call-to-power/
ModDB CTP2 Page: https://www.moddb.com/games/call-to-power-ii/
CTP2 Bureau mod knowledge base: http://ctp2.info/
Apolyton Edition modding wiki: http://www.ctp2.info/aewiki/
CTP1 24 Player World Map: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/24-player-world-map.27586/
CTP2 28 Player Super World Map: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/28-player-super-world-map.27589/

Well that's everything we know about! If you know of something else awesome and CTP related from recent times that we haven't covered then please let us know in the comments and if it's your project please make a thread about it so we can follow your work! Happy anniversary CTP fans! :)
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Always found this period of civ history interesting. The civ naming rights dispute seemed to inspire a fair bit of creativity, Alpha Centurai, CTP and ToT all battling for our attention.
Wow 25 years! CTP is what made me seek out communities on the internet.
Wow 25 years! CTP is what made me seek out communities on the internet.
Dale, are you the same Dale that was so generous to help me by making some easy to apply Scenarios for me on CIV IV BTS many years ago? If you are I believe you you friends with Paddy The Scott, we used to play games together. I was in a bad wreck, on meds and unfortunately let my bad saide over ride what I know is better. Anyhoo, just wanted to say hello. Take care, even if you are not the same Dale!
Dale, are you the same Dale that was so generous to help me by making some easy to apply Scenarios for me on CIV IV BTS many years ago? If you are I believe you you friends with Paddy The Scott, we used to play games together. I was in a bad wreck, on meds and unfortunately let my bad saide over ride what I know is better. Anyhoo, just wanted to say hello. Take care, even if you are not the same Dale!
Hey Gramps. Yes it's me, still the same guy hanging around these rusty boards. 😁
CtP!! I remember watching the wonder vids for both iterations when I was a teen, but never managed to buy the actual games. Now I might? It's tempting.

The premise was always fascinating: Empire Earth but make it Civ.
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