Here's a new mod where three wonders have been reworked to give a boost after some turns.
First I removed the existing El Dorado and Fountain of Youth wonders using a small mod developed by Erik Taurus. Then I add them back in with new names and wonder placement. Definition inspired by Natural Wonders Enhanced by Leo. The core LUA file and functions are inspired by the Fortress With Borders mod by conan.morris.
Discovering one of the updated natural wonders trickers a turn timer being counted down each turn. When the time is up a reward is given and the timer starts over. The timer restarting after the reward makes the player wait around before triggering the reward again.
AI doesn't use it, as it requires them to camp a unit for the duration. But they might own the wonder surroundings.
Eventually it could be updated to give Faith (Player.SetFaith_(Civ5_API)) and Happiness (Player.SetHappiness_(Civ5_API)) and tech boosts. I'm not so sure of how to update the tech value (game upper left corner), would that be Player.ChangeScoreFromTechs_(Civ5_API)?
If anyone would have a trick to "flatten" the wonders that would be neat. Currently they appear elevated/on a hill.
Find it on steam as Natural Wonder Timed Boost v5
Primary LUA functions below - full code on GitHub
GameEvents.UnitSetXY.Add( doUnitPositionChanged )
When a unit changes position, check if the plot is one of the wonders - exit as fast as possible if not. check for a timer in the database, if no timer is set, then set a timer (remaining turns, position, owner). if there is a timer notify how long time there is left.
When the turns end (and it does for every player human, minor Civ etc), check if there is a timer for either of the wonders. if there is an active timer, count it one down. If the time is up give a reward if the timer belongs to a player. After rewarding the player, clear the ownership of the surrounding plots. If the timer belongs to no player (-1), release the timer for recapture
First I removed the existing El Dorado and Fountain of Youth wonders using a small mod developed by Erik Taurus. Then I add them back in with new names and wonder placement. Definition inspired by Natural Wonders Enhanced by Leo. The core LUA file and functions are inspired by the Fortress With Borders mod by conan.morris.
Discovering one of the updated natural wonders trickers a turn timer being counted down each turn. When the time is up a reward is given and the timer starts over. The timer restarting after the reward makes the player wait around before triggering the reward again.
AI doesn't use it, as it requires them to camp a unit for the duration. But they might own the wonder surroundings.

Find it on steam as Natural Wonder Timed Boost v5
Primary LUA functions below - full code on GitHub
GameEvents.UnitSetXY.Add( doUnitPositionChanged )
When a unit changes position, check if the plot is one of the wonders - exit as fast as possible if not. check for a timer in the database, if no timer is set, then set a timer (remaining turns, position, owner). if there is a timer notify how long time there is left.
Spoiler :
function doUnitPositionChanged(iPlayer,iUnit,iX,iY)
-- Initialize --
local pPlot = Map.GetPlot(iX,iY)
if not pPlot then return end
if (pPlot:IsCity()) then return end
local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]
local pUnit = pPlayer:GetUnitByID(iUnit)
if ( pUnit == nil ) then return end
if ( pPlayer == nil ) then return end
local iFeatureType = pPlot:GetFeatureType()
if ((iFeatureType ~= cFOC) and (iFeatureType ~= cGEE) and (iFeatureType ~= cGKS)) then return end
local iTimer = getTimerActive(iFeatureType)
-- print("doUnitPositionChanged: Plot OK, Unit OK, Feature OK")
local sResult = ""
local sFeature = GameInfo.Features[iFeatureType].Description
-- Execute
if (iTimer ~= nil) then
-- there is an existing timer
sResult = "Timer is on for "..sFeature.. ": "..iTimer
-- there is no existing timer
local centerPlot = {}
centerPlot.xPosition = iX
centerPlot.yPosition = iY
claimTerritoryAroundHex(centerPlot, iPlayer)
sResult = "Hold "..sFeature.." for "..cTURNS_TO_BOOST.." turns"
-- Notify
if (sResult ~= "") then
-- notify only if sResult has text
local iNotifyType = NotificationTypes["NOTIFICATION_GOLDEN_AGE_BEGUN_ACTIVE_PLAYER"]
pPlayer:AddNotification(iNotifyType, sResult, sResult, iX, iY)
When the turns end (and it does for every player human, minor Civ etc), check if there is a timer for either of the wonders. if there is an active timer, count it one down. If the time is up give a reward if the timer belongs to a player. After rewarding the player, clear the ownership of the surrounding plots. If the timer belongs to no player (-1), release the timer for recapture
Spoiler :
if (iPlayer == 63) then return end --skip for barbarians turn
function updateTimer(sKey,iPlayer)
-- initialize
local sFullkey = sKey.."_timer"
local db = Modding.OpenSaveData()
local iTimer = db.GetValue(sFullkey)
if (iTimer == nil) then return end
local iOwner = db.GetValue(sKey.."_owner")
if (iOwner == nil) then return end
local iX = db.GetValue(sKey.."_x")
local iY = db.GetValue(sKey.."_y")
if ((iX == nil) or (iY == nil)) then return end
local pPlot = Map.GetPlot(iX,iY)
if (pPlot == nil) then return end
local iFeatureType = pPlot:GetFeatureType()
-- print("updateTimer: Timer OK, Owner OK, Position OK, Player: "..iTimer..","..iOwner..","..iX..","..iY..","..iPlayer)
-- Execute
local sResult = ""
local pUnit = pPlot:GetUnit()
local centerPlot = {}
centerPlot.xPosition = iX
centerPlot.yPosition = iY
if (iOwner == iPlayer) then
-- if current player own the wonder
if (pUnit == nil) then
-- if no unit on the plot releases the spot totally
claimTerritoryAroundHex(centerPlot, -1)
sResult = "Wonder Lost"
-- there is a unit holding the spot
if (iTimer == 0 ) then
-- time is up, reset spot, restart timer
claimTerritoryAroundHex(centerPlot, -1)
sResult = giveTimedBoost(iPlayer,iFeatureType)
if (iTimer > 0) then
-- time is not yet up, count down the timer
-- sResult = "Counting down to Boost "..iTimer-1
if ((iPlayer == 0) and (iOwner == -1)) then
-- If Owner is -1 then count down timer to reset it again
-- but only once (for player 0), not any others
if (iTimer == 0 ) then
sResult = "A Wonder is released for recapture"
if (iTimer > 0 ) then
-- sResult = "Counting down for reset "..iTimer-1
-- Notify
if (sResult ~= "") then
-- notify only if sResult has text
local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]
local iNotifyType = NotificationTypes["NOTIFICATION_GOLDEN_AGE_ENDED_ACTIVE_PLAYER"]
pPlayer:AddNotification(iNotifyType, sResult, sResult, iX, iY)