Civ4 Suggestions


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
(Mods, I know, there's no Civ4 Suggestions forum yet, but when there is, feel free to move it there. :scan: ).

Ok, here's my list of things:

Resources -


Make them limited, even if just on higher difficulty levels. They could be found in other places, but only for a limited time. That way, (like AOE), if you run out of resources, you're stuck with trading, recycled parts, and outdated units. The same goes for the economy. Resources are a major part of it. It would be hard, and expensive if all you had were plants, and dirt. (You could manipulate the atoms with some future techs, though).

In addition, add a "stockpile" option (I read this somewhere on here. I'm just adding to it.). Have a certain amount of it in each city. (Ever take a drive/ride through your city's industrial parks? I did on the way to my grandmother's house on the other side of the city). :) Any civ that conquers would acquire that stockpile (which would make a resource that's no longer availible, much more valuble).


Some of these resources are animals and food. If a square gets polluted, these resources should have a chance of disappearing. (Save the Whales! :king: ) - which brings up water pollution... (more on that later) Grazing resources (i.e., cattle) can (if you have road to them) alter the land to plains, and desert. (Think overgrazing). You could have an option to move them.


Similar to Bonus. If you overuse, they can disapear. (i.e., having 10 cities use one source of spice, too much ivory poaching, and elephants go extinct).

Ocean Luxeries:

Here's a new one. There are some luxeries in the deep sea, (think deep sea drilling). The primary luxeries could be oil, and maybe sand for building new land (which will probably require another future tech). Be creative Firaxis! :D



There should be different kinds of pollution. Global wastes (i.e., ozone destroying chemicals), and local (destruction of natural habitat - would only affect squares in the surronding area).

Ocean Pollution:

Mainly oil spills, which can be caused by cities, or ships that are attacked. This would fall into the category of local pollution, but could have global reprecussions. (Too much of any local pollution - leading to loss of animal life) could lead to squares being overrun by deserts, forests, and jungle (what ever happened to swamps?)

Economy (of war):

Trade Routes and battle supplies:

Bring back the caravans/freights. Not only can they be used for trade, but also for supplying armies at war. This can allow civs to intercept war supplies (as well as stealing another civ's trade) and use them for their own use. (i.e., a civ that intercepts rifles, but is still in antiquity, can create only one conscript riflemen unit).
Thus, "The spoils of war".

Also along these lines, units can't stand around forever, say half way around the world, since their supplies are going to dwindle. (due to weapons being broken, age (weapons and people), etc.). Why would it take them 15 turns to get to where they want to go, and only 1 to "resupply" them? That's where the caravans/freights (or "War Wagons) come in.

Plundering and Pillaging:

And I don't just mean improvements. This applies to the stockpile idea. Whenever you defeat a unit, you collect their weapons and ammo. You can either use this to fuel your unit (i.e., if they're running low - provided they have to be trained), or dispatch a caravan/frieght to add to your civ's stockpile, or even trade it to another civ. If you invade a city with barracks, you get half of their weapons stockpile (assuming half were destroyed in the battle).

Ocean Colonies:

Linked to the above ocean resources. Basically, you bring a worker on a boat, and have them "turn into" a drilling rig. (the boat could be the rig, too). You could have automated boats shipping oil back to the mainland.


"Bridges over troubled waters":

Anyone watch that Discovery Channel/TLC program the other week about future projects? Bridges where one of them. (possibly with a future tech...) You can build a bridge over sea tiles, even one or two ocean tiles. (Civ1 had the right idea! :king: ).


This is one of the things that can bring a civ down to it's knees, or give it a strenght. The Aztecs where decimated because they had no resistance to smallpox, but the Spanish did. Civs should have a list of diseases and resistances. That way, say Spain contracted smallpox, and now it's a resistance. They go over to Mesoamerica, and their units (workers, explorers, military) inadvertantly gives the Aztecs smallpox.

Another scenario. You build a few colonies in the jungle. A few (population) die off because of disease and the rest become resistant. Your ships are slow enough (say, caravels, galleons) that it allows the colonies to acquire resistance and start building workers. I say slow, since they don't get back to the main area until a few turns (5-10 turns, let's say). They bring reinforcements (troops, workers - some who will still die off due to lack of resistance). Your caravel/galleon picks up a worker and brings him back to your homeland. Any unit that worker passes (even being in a city - it must be on the same square) has a good chance of getting that disease. A city with a high population (say, 12) will fare much worse than a size 2 city). So, if you're not careful, you could fall on your own sword. (Having advances like medicine would stem the problem).

Climate Changes:

This has got to be the trickiest thing to simulate. :)
The El Nino effect, and "Oceanic conveor belt" (warm and cold water circulation - it was on the Discovery channel or TLC last year) were just discovered. (as well as CO2 recycling - same program - of which I didn't catch most of it at all). And just recently, a program showing the fall of the Maya due to a severe drought. (Ever play SimLife and SimEarth? Of course, adding every system possible would bog the game down!) There could be a simplified version, such as a standard weather pattern that sometimes goes out of wack. To use the Maya example, heavy snows in Europe could have covered much of the roads (making trade routes harder), and in Mesoamerica, their population plummeted. (probalby rioting, revolting, canabilism etc.).

I'll try to think of some more. :)
most of your ideas about resources would just increase micromanagement and frustration. random strat resource depletion is bad enough as is, why make it worse by having lux and bonus resources do it too. cattle changing grass to desert? doesnt sound like much of a bonus to me :confused: and make strat resources MORE scarce? are you joking?? already in half the games i play theres no coal ANYWHERE, so no RR's for the entire game. they are far too scarce already.

In cities that experience Civil Disorder, the city governor (whether it is a prince, duke or senator etc...) could declare that city to be independent rather than burning down marketplaces or flipping to the neighbouring culture. This would be more frequent with a greater distance from the capital, and the city would have to be retaken by force. This happened historically with large empires such as Rome or Alexander's empire, and the rulers in question had to dispatch a military force to persuade the citizen's back into the empire (either that or put them to the sword).


A civilisation could declare that it has national borders, thus defining the nation properly rather than with just a cultural boundary. The cultural boundary could still exist, but the national boundary can never exceed it. I think the various civ leaders could get together and debate their own respective national boudaries and claim unsettled lands etc... It would be great if this happened, just like when the US bought Alaska from Russia for tuppence-ha'penny and then settled it with their own people (later discovering gold there must have really annoyed the Ruskis.)


Make it much cheaper - it is almost impossible to carry out anything useful with spies, and in reality they provide mucho information for a nation regarding it's enemies. So far I have only ever carried out one successful operation with a spy and that was the propaganda campaign for a city that would have culture-flipped in a few turns anyway. Also more options could be added such as kidnapping, inciting riots, assasinations of leaders etc...

Minor Civs:

Allow barbarians to develop into small Civs that can be annexed into a larger Empire or allowed autonomy/protection for trade purposes etc.. Alexander the Great allowed Cappodocia it's own autonomy as it would have been a pain in the backside to scour it of resistors and as the King there was willing to pay tribute to him he didn't bother to conquer it. Negotiations could also be made with barbarians aswell, allowing the player to decide whether or not it would be worthwhile to bring the backward axe-wielders into the civilisation (ie: do they have the knowledge of a certain science)

That's all for now, I'll give you some more input when I get the chance. If any of these are repeats of previous posts or even in this post I apologise as I am currently at work and having to type in between working and waiting for the boss to turn his back.
Here's another one. Civs shouldn't be able to contach another over water, or unless they're one tile away. (Having Germany or France contact the British via the English Channel isn't that realistic. (Unless you had boats, or the Chunnel Tunnel). :D
I think a Public Works fund with the workers would make it real!
National Boarders are a must, but give the player choice about the boarder. Maybe a right click and have a "claim sector or not"
There should be tile improvement like CTPII (bad game, very BAD)
but some good ideas!
Power Plants and Power Lines
National Forests/Park/Area
bring back airbases
Naval Bases
Radar Stations
Missile soles

All the production should be added together from all the cities.
All the food should be added together for all the tiles in the nation

just some thoughts!
what do you think?
Maybe if you are far enough in science, have a large military, and get enough wealth per turn, you could be declared a superpower. Other nations would no longer make ridiculous demands (except other superpowers) and you would be able to built bases in other civs territories if you had good relations.
Have a "City Planner" (or "Civ Planner") section where you can "place" future cities. That is, plan where the cities are to be located (with the city radius shown on the screen). You could assign different colors, and back on the map, it would appear as a transparent colored dot.
Make rubber resource never dissapear, there is such a thing as rubber plantations you know!

Make possible to buy some of the resources so you don't have trade for it again (eg. you could buy a small number of horses and breed them or rubber seeds to have your own rubber plantation or maybe even silkworms to produce your own silk).

You should be able to plant forests and chop them down again and again but the land should get less fertile each time from grassland to plains to desert.

Land reclamation should be included.

Hills should be able to be leveled to provide extra shields, this should not apply to mountains though, those are far too big.
Rubber doesn't disappear under standard rules.

I'd like for there to be some address of deforestation... harvesting forests should be almost mandatory, but would have probable negative effects.

I like the game streamlined, and I'd like it if workers were somehow eliminated. Micromanagement is to be avoided, and that's what a lot of ideas for "improvement" amount to.
The biggest disappointment for me in Civ 3 was the lack of more civs. This has been a major complaining point. It would be nice for there to also be a possiblity to add in new civs. Easier modding would also be nice, and improved load times between turns. A little more intuitive battle system would also be nice. Especially the idea of more technology and less amount. I get tired of my German Panzer being defeated by a spearman in a city. Use of the other civs roads would also be a nice addition.
Relations should be better between democratic countrys, communist countrys, etc.

Make it possible for the citizens to start a revolt by themselves, change governement by themselves, this should happen more when they are in civil disorder.

You should be able to install a puppet governent when you march into a capital. That is, the country still maintains itself, but you control many things about it, such as government type.

You should be able to walk on the same square as an ally, walk into your ally's city, etc. You should also be able to build military bases in allied territory.

:cool:Make it better to give territory back to a country if you are democratic.:cool:

Get diplomatic penalties if you are really powerful and fail to intervene in a foriegn war.

Think gulf war here. Lets say the powerful Germans attack and occupy peaceful India with their Panzers. Persia, England and Russia sign an alliance to contain German aggression. If you are playing as the Americans and have the best military in the world, the alliance would think that you are on the German's side. In addition, the AIs would give back the territory to the Indians after the war. :cool: They should even give territory back after winning a war against an ally. I'd hate to see what France and Germany would look like if World War II was like Civ3.... :(

You should be able to build canals. It drives me crazy having my battleship in the Red Seal go all the way around Africa just to bomb Italy when I should be able to build the Suez canal. :mad:

That's all for now, I'll think of more later. It really drives me crazy when I have to declare war on a former ally when they keep my cities that they liberated from the Aztecs or something....
got some good ideas here .... i really loved the capital works in CTP ... cut down on micromanagement sooooo much!! ...

and more types of tile improvments is a great idea ... guess "they" figgured that civ2 had all that was wanted (without airbases) ... again CTP was quite good here also

i would like to see the big projects like hover dam and hydro dams actually on the map ... and perhaps not even in the city radius but in locations that are suitable to that feature or improvement

this is my BIG idea for change .... civilization has ALWAYS stated that it isnt a war game but it has a extreamly dumbed down wargame system of war ... at the worst give it a good wargame system .... panzer general system would fit perfectly into this ... but ...
i had this idea for abstracting the war/combat system .... u build units is a similar manner to what exist but u place them in armys, u can have as many armies as u wish and an army is a concept not a unit .... then u place your armys where u wish .... usually they would be on your borders to stop enemy incursion, and u would pick the squares on the map that the army would operate in, this could be as big or small as u wish and would dictate the concentration of troops and to attack u would just place your army in enemy territory and then combat would be worked out by the computer and give u reports on the combat (known enemy composition and strength, known enemy casulties and friendly casulties) ... combat could continue for many turns and this would encourage the use of combined arms
each individual unit would stats basicly as is now Attack rating, Defence rating and a Movement rating, but they would compliment each other in the army
so u make an attacking army to invade .... u start your core army off with 4 infantry units, add in a armour unit for support add a few artillery units .. nice basic army .... but this army is going to have a low manoverablity rating so u add a few transport units to boost your infantrys maoverability when near roads .... or u could add a few helicopter transports to increase manoverablity in close terrain where there is no road access ....
all your core armys are made up by infantry ... ALWAYS and u add armour, artillery, airsupport and transport to the infantry to make them much more effective ... this would stop the micromanagement of armys and could incluse supply units also being air transports, road transports or pillaging the locals

but i think civ4 will be a alpha centuri clone (hopefully) rather than a civ1 clone again ... oh yea ... and perhaps they will include multiplay this time around??
I'm all for having more expansions set up for playing in Fantasy worlds or made up worlds. i.e: rather than having the Germans/Americans/Persians etc.. on a made up world, have made up Civs, such as the Lizardman empire, the Goblin dictatorship or the Aquilonian kingdom. These would come complete with pictures of the relavant leaders and the graphics for the units would be different for each Civ.

I know it's possible to alter a lot of stuff like this in the editor but it still doesn't allow for a rounded off game when you have created the Wood Elf Civ and have to use the graphics of Cleopatra as your ruler and your units still look the same.
Originally posted by Parmenion
I'm all for having more expansions set up for playing in Fantasy worlds or made up worlds. i.e: rather than having the Germans/Americans/Persians etc.. on a made up world, have made up Civs, such as the Lizardman empire, the Goblin dictatorship or the Aquilonian kingdom. These would come complete with pictures of the relavant leaders and the graphics for the units would be different for each Civ.

I know it's possible to alter a lot of stuff like this in the editor but it still doesn't allow for a rounded off game when you have created the Wood Elf Civ and have to use the graphics of Cleopatra as your ruler and your units still look the same.

Good idea. I think I might make a mod like that at some point now. As I suck at making pictures, let alone 3d-moving pictures things will probably end up looking the same, unfortunetly.
You guys think in the box too much. What I would like to see is a compelety different CIV game, Agrue with me if you want but Civ 3 is kinda like a big expanison pack with a few changes there are not that many new ideas since the orginal civ game

but this is what bothers me the most it would be nice if some effort could be made to fix the ridiculous time scale where it takes 1000 years for a war new ideas are needed to fix this problem

it takes a lot out of the game It would be nice if they could make it more realistic

Another thing if you study your history most civilizations don`t last more than about 1000 years. So it's foolish that one empire would last since the beginning for 5000 years gimme a break.

Some system is needed so that a civ can only last so long even with the best management. Then it either falls apart or a rebellion happens or the civ is conqured or something.

Your job then would be to take charge of the rebellion and the new 'civ'

these are just concepts they need more work I know I`m not sure how the problems I`ve stated can be fixed but maybe someone thats really creative could figure out

because come on CIV 4 is basically going to be Civ 3 with a few improvements graphics and such IT would be great if they tryed making a new game maybe some game company will try it one day.
Maybe it's just me (regular antiquity units defeating my elite indutrial and modern units - I had a galley dent my battle ship once! :eek: ), but make units have a stat bonus vs. a unit from a lower era. (i.e., i.e., middle vs antiquity would be +2 on all stats, indust vs antiquity would be +4, and so on). I don't think a band of regular warriors should be very successful against elite modern infantry. :)

- More on the workers (why would worker units have no immediate protection anyway? :) ). I never played CTP, so I don't know what the civic works does, but instead of workers, have an "Order Improvement" option where you select the tiles you want to improve (you might be allow to improve the same number of tiles as your city population level (1,2,3 etc)). There could be a cost involved, but at least it would build roads/mines/irragation, and put a laborer to work there. (a small "construction" graphic could indicate which tile is being worked on).

- Make civs willing to take your cities. :) (i.e., You're allied with the French, and the Russians capture a French city, say, Paris, and you recapture Paris. You should have the option to give Paris back and not have France reject your offer).
ok, i think civ4 should have:

-a REAL combat system: firepower (bigger than civ2), hitpoints (alot more per unit than civ3, also better units would have more), morale, TACTICAL COMBAT like in MoO2 (at least as an option)


-unit maintainence: it costs more to get food and supplies to an army camped outside an enemy city than it does to supply one in your own city. artillery shelling a city half to death is going to cost more to maintain (those shells have to come from somewhere) than artillery just sitting in your city. THIS WOULD MAKE WARS COSTLY INSTEAD OF FIRAXIS'S (BAD) SOLUTION OF MAKING SPEARMEN POWERFUL COUNTERS TO THE HUMAN'S TANKS

-trade/siege routes: if you p[ut your army on the roads leading to a city, they shouldnt get the resources. why should you have to destroy them, maybe you dont want everything destroyed when you take the city.

more tech/unit/improvement variety
The idea for altering the rate of gameplay is an excellent one. I really like the ancient and medieval times and would like to see the turns shortened to 5 years or so. I'm sure we could all come up with dozens of extra techs to add to the tree in those times so that we don't have stealth bombers in 800 AD.

It surely can't be a coincidence that in every game I play I really enjoy the first half when I'm still expanding and learning lots of new things about the world and my neighbours, but then lose interest around the late industrial era and generally decide whether the game is won or not before starting again.

The game is all about civilisations after all, and the ancient ones are the ones that immediately spring to mind, so I would like to see more time spent in ancient times and less in modern times please. (Or more in ancient and medieval and the same amount of time in modern - this would make each game take much longer but I would definitely carry on playing well into the modern era if I had taken so long to build my civ in ancient and medieval days).

PS - Do you think that anyone at Firaxis will actually read this, or will it just be us lot discussing pointless topics that will Sid will never even see? Not that it matters, I like hearing all the cool ideas you lot come up with anyway - if I ever happen to own a software company I will make them create a game modelled on ideas from this forum.......promise.
Originally posted by Parmenion
. . .

PS - Do you think that anyone at Firaxis will actually read this, or will it just be us lot discussing pointless topics that will Sid will never even see? Not that it matters, I like hearing all the cool ideas you lot come up with anyway - if I ever happen to own a software company I will make them create a game modelled on ideas from this forum.......promise.

Simple solution:

Send every complaint and idea to Firaxis directly at

The ideas I have for a Civ4 would take up many pages, so I send them piece by piece.

The disappointement many have in Civ3 is proven by the fact that I first heard discussion about a Civ4 just two months after Civ3 came out. :(
Zouave, I think if I ever do own a software company I will appoint you as Director for Business Improvements, I think you have the right mentality for the job.

I don't really want to bug Firaxis with all my ideas, but I would like to think that they take the time to read the occasional post.
It'd be great to see Civ 4 come out with one of my ideas in it..... "See, I suggested that to Sid and he listened" (swell chest with pride).
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