[Col] Colonization SAV File Web Editor


Oct 19, 2024
Not sure why I felt so inclined in the last week, but I decided to make a web editor for the SAV files. It's primarily map based for changing the terrain to line up with the locations of prime resources. Features:

  • Change base terrain to grassland/prairie/savannah/plains/etc, and their forested counterparts (Broadleaf/Conifer/Rain/etc) and ocean/seaway.
  • Add or remove terrain features: major & minor rivers/hills/mountains.
  • Build or remove roads
  • Plow or unplow fields
  • View and adjust prime resources (all 16 options) and lost city rumors
  • Restore depleted mines
  • Restore rumors
  • Automatically resuppress off shore fishing (visual improvement)
  • Display colony, including power and fortification level, and village placement (type only, not tribe).
  • Remove fortifications from colony to aid in abandonment.
  • Manual editing of Pacific Ocean
  • Manual editing of pathing regions
I also have some export to .MP code working, but it's not pushed to the repo at the time of this post. In the future I will probably also add some warnings for bad pathing regions and some form of repair for colony selection scores used by the AI. I might also add the ability to purchase tribal land. I might add some .MP import code. I'm probably going to leave it with the very "gridded" look instead of applying the smoothing masks like the game because I think it makes it easier to see while editing.

I'd love it very much if someone could use this to fully decipher which skills are taught by villages. I know it's partially or fully determined by surrounding terrain and advancement level.

You can find it here: https://nawagers.github.io/ColWebEditor/

Source here: https://github.com/nawagers/ColWebEditor

Previous python project with a bunch of byte mapping and descriptions in the readme and a google sheet: https://github.com/nawagers/Colonization-SAV-files

I'm happy to hear if anyone has fun with it or finds any bugs, also any feature suggestions or UX improvements. I'm not a javascript guy, so my abilities are limited.
I'm more likely to see feedback on reddit:
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