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Considering starting a PTBS 24 hr game based on Earth 1000 AD

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Arckon said:
Could there be a weird name for one of the civs that would possibly be Egypt?

Thats what I thought too - so I tried India ... in hindside not a good idea. I hope you can rearrange things? :blush:
I tried to check as far as possible.

The sequence of nations on the screen where you pick your civ has remained the same (at least in the view I get). The only difference to starting a new game with that mod is that Egypt is missing on top of the list. IMO that seems to indicate that it is not a mix-up with one of the other renamed nations. Also when you mouse over you get the original civ and none of them is Egypt.

Since I was able to login with India it also does not seem to be a connection issue or game imcompatibility or similar.

Is it possible that I disconnected in the wrong way from the game or made any other error when performing my moves?
plattfuss said:
I tried to check as far as possible.

The sequence of nations on the screen where you pick your civ has remained the same (at least in the view I get). The only difference to starting a new game with that mod is that Egypt is missing on top of the list. IMO that seems to indicate that it is not a mix-up with one of the other renamed nations. Also when you mouse over you get the original civ and none of them is Egypt.

Since I was able to login with India it also does not seem to be a connection issue or game imcompatibility or similar.

Is it possible that I disconnected in the wrong way from the game or made any other error when performing my moves?

That is what it sounds like.

Egypt is still in the game, but it cant be taken anymore.

I reset Egypt to AI, just take another nation NOT MONGOLIA OR INDIA as they are reserved for two other players.

Everyone else; shall we restart yet again or just live without an Egyptian player?
something odd happened last turn. I logged on as swiss1...the name you changed it to at my request...after my turn, it reverted back to bob again? kinda odd, I' say...:confused:
CB Droege said:
This is why you should always have 'take over AI' turned on.

One of the playres has accedentally 'retired' instead of just logging off, and now that civ will be an AI forever...

CB, you do know that ake over AI is on, right?
swiss1 said:
something odd happened last turn. I logged on as swiss1...the name you changed it to at my request...after my turn, it reverted back to bob again? kinda odd, I' say...:confused:

OK, I am resetting it again; lets see what happens this time.

Make sure you have Swiss1 as your player name when you log in, OK?

I looked at the Civstats log and it was Swiss1 till you logged in around 9:15 pm EST last night. It changed back to bob with your login.

In fact, as long as you have the civ password protected, I think all you have to do is log in with whatever name is set as your player name and you make that your rulers name automatically. In other words, you can reset it yourself.
When I logged in yesterday, it was listed as swiss1 on the password input screen but wouldn't accept my earlier password and would only continue if I didn't input a password at all. After completing my turn, I too noticed via civstats that my player name had reverted back to bob...and also noticed my valiant charge to the rear of the pack in points! :cry: Anyway, I'll log on again for the next turn as swiss1...might not accept the password again ( any ideas on this?)...and see if it reverts to bob again...if so, I'm ok with just keeping the noble bob player name. I'm also in favor of continuing this game rather than another restart....nowhere for me to go but up!!
Arckon said:
CB, you do know that ake over AI is on, right?

No, I cdidn't. If 'take over for AI' is on, then the only reason why a player name would ever be missing from the list is if that player is currently logged on (or, of course, if they've been eliminated from the game...)

So, if egypt is not in the list, it's becasue your game thinks he's still logged in...
Neither or is working.

The first IP used to get me in and for my last turn had to use the second one.

Now neither will get me in and the only Arck game I see at civstats has uploader not connected.

ps it says 24 players
CB Droege said:
No, I cdidn't. If 'take over for AI' is on, then the only reason why a player name would ever be missing from the list is if that player is currently logged on (or, of course, if they've been eliminated from the game...)

So, if egypt is not in the list, it's becasue your game thinks he's still logged in...

That is interesting, but I booted him yesterday, so why would Egypt still be missing in this case?

Wouldnt the AI automatically cycle and reset the display?
I just started with Japan and things seem to work fine. I was able to leave and rejoin with no problems.
So are we restarting again? I guess I'll find out when I get home... ;)
JMaltman said:
So are we restarting again? I guess I'll find out when I get home... ;)

No, I think the best option is for PAthetic to play Japan.

BTW, Who logged in as Greece? I am resetting it as AI till someone claims it.
Is it not possible to password protect the AI civs until somebody actually wants to claim one. Because it seems as if somebody is messing with them.
Hey guys,

I'll be on vacation from today through the 3rd, but I have a friend stepping in for me, he should be logging in this weekend or Monday - so my next few queued turns might slow down the game - sorry!
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