Constant number of civs at start


Mar 24, 2005
How about something in the interface that defaults me to a set number of Civs that I like to have in my game?

I play a large map but like to have 20-25 civs on the map. Have to click, scroll, click, scroll, click, scroll to get that set up.

Then if I get a lamo Civ as my own (I like random but there are certain civs I hate to play and...of course...I get those frequently) I have to start all over with the click, scroll, click, scroll....

Everything else in the Custom game settings defaults to what you played last time except this.

Well, you can always not use the game's RNG to pick a civ for you, and do it yourself. You can even write a quick little spreadsheet in Excel to just pick a random number, and assign those to the leaders, and then you'll end up with only the people you want.

Now, the problem is that you're less "committed" and can easily re-roll, but it's something.

It would be nice if there were 2 options: regenerate map, and regenerate all, which would re-randomize leaders and civs as well.
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