[Col] continueing game after indepedence???


Feb 7, 2010
so has anyone ever gotten this game to continue after indepedence?

what i mean is beaten the king and been able to wage full war with other nations?

i know using the cheat menu i can add units for other nations and attack those units. but i cannot meet with mayors. i cannot attack other colonies. also once the other AI is awoken by giving them these free units they get stuck trying to trade with europe but are unable to trade with europe same way i cannot no longer trade with europe. i can attack these units i give them and goto war. but i cannot then make peace with them.

one time long ago my game glitched and it let me attack other countries while indepedent but the game as usual eventually crashed and i couldnt replicate the bug.

also is there anyway to get revolutionary units before indepedence? or control kings units and regulars?

also i found this thread interesting perhaps someone has expanded on the idea and seen what happens when you turn the AI on and off during indepedence?


and one other thing. one time i had a game start in 1400. anyone ever done that before? it was a glitch but perhaps some hacking has been done on this game to replicate it?

i will say i'd be curious to try those higher difficulties
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