Crazy Spatz's Alpha Centauri Mod

When you first mentioned it, I was wondering if this file might be the problem, since it's the only new art file (added about a week ago) and it's the file responsible now for the wonder-based notifications. For whatever reason, it's not present in my module directory; I'd added it to the mod, but it apparently just didn't take. (Not showing up in the modinfo file and not getting moved over correctly.)

I should've just checked to see if this file was present and then told you this - sorry.

DL'd your newest build and started a game this morning. Not much to report so far other than the following:

1. Concerning the pics related to the mine: never seen that before where adding a Mine yielded +1 food! :confused:

2. Had to really bring the wood when I attacked a C-S this morning: the pic is after one round of attack by 4 Infantry, an APC, and 3 Arty. It is relatively unusual to have so many tiles available to attack a C-S city from, so I'm going to say that on average a C-S city can probably withstand two rounds of attack from a determined enemy, which when paired with the offensive capabilities of a Shiva means C-S stand a strong likelihood of surviving this kind of attack, which was my goal! The missing piece was the Palace Defense improvement you put in there. :goodjob:

3. Concerning the damaged Shiva: watched that unit for umpteen turns - it never healed. I know that Barb units never heal, but has anyone seen C-S units not healing?



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1. Concerning the pics related to the mine: never seen that before where adding a Mine yielded +1 food! :confused:

It didn't actually add food. It's that it chopped the forest; a Forest overrides the normal terrain of the tile and gives it 1 food and 1 production, as if it were a Plains tile. (The Iron bumped that to 2 production.) If you look in the CIV5Features.xml file, you'll notice that Forests have the "YieldNotAdditive" flag set; Oases, Rivers, Jungles, etc. modify the underlying terrain's benefits, but Forests and the various Natural Wonders explicitly replace the terrain with a constant bonus, so a Forest on Tundra produces the same as a Forest on Grassland.

An unforested Grassland tile gives 2 food, 0 production, but again, the Iron adds one and the mine would add a second production. So, since building the mine would chop the forest, you were going from 1/2/0 to 2/2/0. The tooltip only shows the difference between before and after, and so it writes "+1 food". You see this a lot when you get a Great Person and are trying to decide whether to build their custom Improvement; if the tile already has, say, a Farm, then the tooltip will say things like "-1 food, +4 research" to show that it's losing the effect of the previous improvement.

The really screwy part? If you'd had a lumbermill on the forest, then building the mine would SUBTRACT production. It'd say "+1 food, -1 production". This is actually part of why I was adding the later tech boosts to the various improvements; there was just too little motivation to place a lot of the resource-harvesting Improvements, since they would be completely outclassed by farms, trading posts, and lumbermills.
Okay, I have to say, playing this game on King now is HARD. I usually play Prince, since it's the baseline, but I figured I'd try something tougher. I've played through from the Ancient Era, now in the late Industrial, on a Small Continents map. There were really no wars until the early Renaissance, but it's been rough since then. Before the wars started, I managed to get 6 Wonders, my Songhai neighbor (same small continent) had 6, all in his capital, and the rest of the world had eight or nine combined. Unfortunately, this meant that conquering Gao immediately jumped me to the top of the score list and made the other civs all hate me.
But while I've now got a majority of the Wonders, I'm not the tech leader; Catherine just built the Apollo Program, and I'm still a couple techs away from getting to Rocketry. Thankfully, she's on the next island over, so once I get Bombers I'm going to wipe her out.
(NB: I'm using both of my mods, and the Tech Diffusion mod, nothing else.)

I've been battling happiness and gold issues all game long. And the AI, finally, isn't; they're actually building all of those city-improving buildings more often now, like Banks and Universities, so they're really competitive, but being that it's King they also have huge armies. (Thankfully, small continents make it hard for them to invade me.) That's actually a problem; I thought I had a decent military, but when the "pointy sticks" graph came up, not only was I basically at the bottom, Elizabeth had FIVE TIMES what I had, a truly massive army. (Which she then used to conquer Mongolia, as the only other major war to happen so far.) This causes the AI to always see you as "weak", and any little provocation will lead to war. So at one point, I had five civs at war with me (I'd just conquered my Songhai neighbor, and everyone else took it badly), and only managed to hold them off through some lucky geography. My city-state allies weren't so lucky; the ones with a lot of water around them could hold off armies almost indefinitely, but the few continental ones got wiped out quickly. It's definitely turned out to be advantageous to limit yourself to city-states on your own continent that you can help defend. (Although when I liberate those cities, I'll get a free ally back...)

The best part? So far, I haven't found anything to be actually broken. A few small balance tweaks, but no major changes needed.

One minor change I'm going to have to make is that Coal is just too important to leave to chance; in my game there were maybe three Coal deposits in the entire world, none of which were controlled by city-states (and neither I nor my Songhai neighbor had any). So I'm thinking that I'll put in a hard override on Coal, placing N additional small deposits where N is the number of civs. No guarantee that one will be near you, but it should be more available in general. Small deposits (3?) wouldn't be enough to output your entire empire in Factories, of course, but it'd help you develop your core cities.
In my game, that's been part of the problem; the only civ with a Coal supply was Russia, and she also has Aluminum. (I only managed to get a 7-deposit of Coal by settling a small island in the middle of nowhere.) So Catherine has plenty of factories going, and I'm not looking forward to the war I'm going to have to have with her in the Nuclear Era to keep her from launching first. I'm hoping the AI's ineptitude with aircraft will be the difference I need...

So, anyone else playing?
I am playing this mod exclusively and have been really enjoying it (but I think you already knew that :) ).


² I don't have as much time as Darsnan though. Got a sh*tload of assignments for the coming two weeks :(

Some comments on the mod v0.09, pics in attachment.

Emperor game, standard continents, Iroquois, Industrial start. Your two mods + tech diffusion.

*The freedom SP is a bit overpowered for your mod. It gives -50% unhappiness for specialist population. Since in the late eras, you'll use a LOT of specialists, this is a huge happiness discount. I unlocked it in the digital era and I went from +8 to +24! This enabled me to annex 4 cities! Maybe change it to -25% or -30%

*Plant forest doesn't work? When my worker plants a forest, the improvement reads 'plant forest', it gets a bugged trade post texture and you can't put a trade post/lumbermill on top of it. (see images)

*The AI sometimes doesn't luxuries and strategic resources, as you can see in one of my pics. Songhai built a city on an island next to oil, but never put an offshore platform on it :s

*The AI builds way too many anti-aircraft guns, it even uses it to attack cities. I only had 2 bomber at that time.

*The AI now makes a lot of money. ATM Japan is at >100gpt!

*The years don't match the tech tree. By 2055, I was still researching radar! I know this isn't a disaster but it isn't very aesthetically.

*The CS doesn't build any units except for one (1) worker. I've seen one CS with a jet fighter stationed though!

*Before China attacked me, we had an open borders agreement. When she declared war, it seems like the agreement is still in place, because whenever I attack a Chinese unit, they have a friendly territory +43% modifier. You can see the situation in my first pic. I had conquered Songhai, then China moved in a lot of units, then she declared war AND the units could stay in my territory!
When we made a peace deal, there were still Chinese units in my territory!


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*The freedom SP is a bit overpowered for your mod... Maybe change it to -25% or -30%

While I agree with the general sentiment, there are two big problems:
1> What happens before you get to those eras? -50% might be overpowered in those later eras, when specialists are great, but -25% would be incredibly weak in the Renaissance when the policy first unlocks.
And more importantly,
2> You can't change it. It's not in the files as a number, it's a hard-coded "<HalfSpecialistUnhappiness>" entry. If I could easily work around this and add happiness per specialist, then I'd have the Empath already functioning.

*Plant forest doesn't work? When my worker plants a forest, the improvement reads 'plant forest', it gets a bugged trade post texture and you can't put a trade post/lumbermill on top of it. (see images)

It's the Manufactory texture, actually. If you're seeing that, then the terraform.lua file isn't being loaded correctly; that improvement you're seeing is the temporary one. (Builder places improvement, OnImprovementCreated notes the new improvement, removes it immediately, and places a Forest in the hex.)

It's almost definitely one of the following two things:
1> Both mods adjust InGame.xml. Depending on which order the mods load, this is bad. If it's not loading my InGame.xml, then you won't get any of the new stuff: no new Wonder effects, no spaceship bonuses, and no terraforming.
I'm trying to move away from using this file, because obviously this is a major compatibility issue, but the game's been flaky when you load LUA files through the Properties tabs.
(In my game I can terraform just fine, but this makes me think that the Tech Diffusion isn't actually working for me. That means I'll probably have to integrate this into my mod after all.)
2> You could have a file version issue. The only change to that file in recent versions was the addition of the Deep Mine in 0.09, so it's possible that for whatever reason, you're mixing a pre-0.09 LUA file with a 0.09 XML file or vice versa. So go into the MODS directory, and open up three files: Lua/Terraform/Terraform.lua, XML/Terrain/CIV5Improvements.xml, and XML/Units/CIV5Builds.xml. Each of these should mention the Deep Mine. If one of them doesn't, then that's your problem.

But it's almost definitely the InGame.xml. Unfortunately, this means your savegame is basically ruined. Even if there was some way to fix the incompatibility without crashing the game, those tiles now have that Manufactory-looking improvement on them and won't trigger the event. You'd have to build a new forest on those hexes all over again.

*The AI sometimes doesn't luxuries and strategic resources, as you can see in one of my pics. Songhai built a city on an island next to oil, but never put an offshore platform on it :s

Unfortunately, the AI just doesn't seem to handle aquatic resources well at all. If I increase the naval_tile_improvement flavor to make them prioritize this more, then they'll end up building Work Boats that they don't need.

*The AI builds way too many anti-aircraft guns, it even uses it to attack cities. I only had 2 bomber at that time.

This is one of the reasons I added the Plasma Artillery. The AI can upgrade all of its mobile SAMs and artillery into something that's not quite so specialized. The problem is that the AI just doesn't comprehend "just enough", except for Workers. So if you make the AA gun less desirable, then it'll never make any in the first place, but making it desirable makes them do what you saw. You can turn off the ability of the unit to attack altogether, but that makes it an incredibly weak unit in general.

This is also why I added the Stealth Ship, Leviathan, and Needlejet. Each takes a very specialized unit (sub, carrier, fighter) and crosses it with a more straightforward unit (destroyer, battleship, bomber). That way, the AI can upgrade his specialized things into something more useful, and likewise can have more of those specialized abilities from upgrading the other half.

*The AI now makes a lot of money. ATM Japan is at >100gpt!

I've actually seen this happen both ways. In my latest game the Iroquois had 180 gpt in the Industrial, while the Russians only had ~50; the Russians were better off, because they'd built all of the major city buildings. (Russia was the only civ with Coal, so they got Factories up quickly.)

Frankly, I'm glad to see it; in the vanilla game it's too easy to get a massive gold advantage over the AIs and just buy everything you need (especially city-state relationships). The gold overhaul a couple versions ago was a big part of this, but the AI didn't handle it very well. That's why I adjusted all of the flavors in 0.10.

Also, they're probably in a Golden Age, which helps. But still, it's a big improvement IMO.

*The years don't match the tech tree. By 2055, I was still researching radar! I know this isn't a disaster but it isn't very aesthetically.

This is a consequence of the late-era start. The "get up to speed" boost just doesn't make up for the fact that you haven't had cities around. So the techs and growth that would normally take 20 turns in an Ancient start takes you 40+, at least until you get your empire in place.

It's the same in the core game. In vanilla, an Industrial start puts you in the year 1700 (turn 250). 150 turns later is 1980, and in an Ancient start those 150 turns would get you 30+ techs (putting you into the Future Era), but an Industrial start would get maybe half that. In my mod, the Industrial start puts you in the year 1670 (turn 340), but the effect is about the same.
And the time scaling is fine for a "normal" start; I started in the Ancient Era, on King, and I was using Tanks in 1776.

I can tweak this a bit, simply by changing the starting turn for the Industrial from 340 down to, say, 300, but that becomes unrealistic in the other direction; instead of starting in the year 1670-1700, you'd start in 1300 or something.
The main reason this effect isn't as noticeable in vanilla is that the era multipliers scale so strongly that your Industrial start will be getting new techs three or four times faster than normal, and growing/building faster by a huge amount as well. This was obviously untenable for the future eras, so I had to get rid of it.

One possibility is just to increase the temporary food and tech boosts even further, to make getting up to speed that much faster. But this will never go away entirely.

*The CS doesn't build any units except for one (1) worker. I've seen one CS with a jet fighter stationed though!

The problem is just that they can't afford to maintain too much; with no trade routes, their income will be pathetic, and most of it will be tied up in building maintenance. I'm tweaking the CS multipliers, and that should help with this. Adding a base gold boost to the Palace would help, too, which is something I've been thinking about for a while.

*Before China attacked me, we had an open borders agreement. When she declared war, it seems like the agreement is still in place,

I've heard about something like this in vanilla games for the past few months, a bugged Open Borders that never goes away. I don't know what triggers it, but it's not my mod that causes it. (Especially bad once you have railroads.)
2> You can't change it. It's not in the files as a number, it's a hard-coded "<HalfSpecialistUnhappiness>" entry. If I could easily work around this and add happiness per specialist, then I'd have the Empath already functioning.
What about a gradual decrease each era?
But it's almost definitely the InGame.xml.
I guess it is. Deep mine is in the three files you listed.
The AI can upgrade all of its mobile SAMs and artillery into something that's not quite so specialized.
Great idea :)
Question about your prioritizing logic: is it a value between 1 and 100? Because it seems you put a lot of values at 100. I suggest you put regular buildings at 100-99, wonders at 98-95 and some units at 90. When I completed my spaceship, I was the only one to have built the apollo program, Aztec finished apollo a few turns after the spaceship launch.

Some other stuff I noted:

*Dilithium is still very rare, a lot of the deposits aren't in reach of land :( Can you code anything like the colonies of Civ 3?

*The game crashed without warning :( Only the second time this happened to me.

*Planetary data link is a bit overpowered imo. It gave me around +80gpt! If the AI would get it, no problem. For a human player, too much

*Could you explain me how the AI handles upgrading units? I've never seen the AI upgrade a worker to combat engineer, or building a combat engineer. Maybe decrease worker flavour for the AI in a late game start, if possible?

*The paratrooper needs balancing vs the mech inf, and maybe the laser infantry is a bit too strong regarding cost-strenght (I know, degraded speed, but with railroad it's no big deal)
What about a gradual decrease each era?

Still just as problematic. It's easy to code up a Happiness boost each turn, and tie it to era or something, and I can add up the number of specialists at the end of each turn. But it won't be reflected in the UI, or at least it won't change dynamically when you slot or unslot a specialist. Again, this is the same problem I'm having with the Empath; it's not that I can't program in Happiness, but it won't be in a user-friendly way at all.

Question about your prioritizing logic: is it a value between 1 and 100? Because it seems you put a lot of values at 100.

No, it's not between 1 and 100, although that's really the practical range. In the core game, the spaceship parts were at 150, for instance, and you can put flavors as negative values. (And it's definitely not "my" logic.)

The way the game works is that it takes all of the possible options for something, adds the flavor rating for each, adds a random number to each, and then skews based on that. So if you've got three possible things to build, one with Flavor of 50, one with Flavor of 100, and one with 150, then the game might randomize those to 42, 107, and 141. But pretend that it didn't. The game would add those together and say that it has a 50/300 = 16.7% chance of picking the first option, a 33% chance of the second, and a 50% of the third.
This is also skewed by the leader priorities. So the math isn't simple. Buildings tend to go on a 100-point scale, with 100s meaning "must build soon", but it's not absolute. Technologies, on the other hand, go on a 10-point scale.

As for what values I use, almost nothing has a Flavor of 100. Buildings and Wonders all have a flavor of 50 in 0.09 (barring those three with bugged values); in 0.10 I increased the wonder flavors for the new content to 60/70/80 for Digital/Fusion/Nanotech world wonders, 10 less for national wonders. The only things with a 100 would be "essential" buildings: the Factory and the Genejack Factory, specifically.

When I completed my spaceship, I was the only one to have built the apollo program, Aztec finished apollo a few turns after the spaceship launch.

That means you just had a massive tech advantage on them. I've had the reverse experience; the AIs go for the Apollo disturbingly fast once they get the tech, despite the fact that I'd lowered the Flavor to 50. I might raise it back up a bit, but not to its original value; over 100, and the AI will build it at all costs, which can be crippling at the wrong times for something that doesn't directly lead to the game ending.

*Dilithium is still very rare, a lot of the deposits aren't in reach of land :( Can you code anything like the colonies of Civ 3?

Can you provide a screenshot? Water resources are supposed to only spawn on "shallow" tiles, which by definition have to be within 3 hexes of land. Being within reach of your cities, that's tougher. And there should be ~2 deposits per civilization on the map, so is it just that they're not in convenient locations for you?

As for colonies, probably not. One solution here might be to set the maximum border growth to 6 hexes instead of 5, but it'll still preferentially claim nearby tiles so that won't help much.

Part of the problem is still the late-era start. Your borders just won't have time to grow to cover a lot of water; your first few claimed tiles will all be land-based. If you'd started in the Ancient, though, the chance is much greater that you'd have plenty of water claimed.

I'm open to suggestions on how to change this. One possibility was to allow Dilithium to spawn in Lake tiles, even if that meant creating new lake tiles just for this purpose. The problem is, if a city isn't on the shore, it can't make a work boat to go get the resource. I'm trying to fix the all-terrain promotion so that Formers can move over both land and sea, but that's a long way off (and it's a T22 unit).

*The game crashed without warning :( Only the second time this happened to me.

The only times I get crashes any more are when trying to load a savegame, but this could tie back to the previous InGame.xml problem; if it's trying to run one of my new routines (such as if one of the Wonders with custom effects was built) and it didn't load the .lua, I'm not sure what would happen.

*Planetary data link is a bit overpowered imo. It gave me around +80gpt! If the AI would get it, no problem. For a human player, too much

I'm assuming you mean Planetary Transit System, since the datalinks is a national wonder that isn't money-related. I'll look at the value again, but realize that it's the same basic effect as a previous Wonder (Macchu Picchu?); granted, that one has a terrain limitation, but still.
One thing I've been thinking of is to toss that effect entirely; too many Digital Era wonders were money-related as it is. One possibility was a diplomatic benefit; for instance, I'm in the process of changing the Empath Guild from being "+1 UN vote" into "gain +1 influence with each city-state every turn, to a max of 60", and adding something similar to the UN for major civs in addition to its +1 vote. So I could do something similar for the Transit System.

*Could you explain me how the AI handles upgrading units? I've never seen the AI upgrade a worker to combat engineer, or building a combat engineer. Maybe decrease worker flavour for the AI in a late game start, if possible?

I've definitely seen the AI upgrade to workers into combat engineers. The problem is that it's not a cheap upgrade, and the Flavor difference between the two units isn't huge, so it's a low priority behind upgrading all those Riflemen into Infantry and so on. If I increase the Flavor of the later worker units, then it starts building too many Combat Engineers (and I'd have to do the same to the Labor Mech down the road). And there's no easy way to set Flavor values based on start era or current era. (It CAN be done, but not easily.)

*The paratrooper needs balancing vs the mech inf, and maybe the laser infantry is a bit too strong regarding cost-strenght (I know, degraded speed, but with railroad it's no big deal)

The Paratrooper might need a small strength decrease, since I'd decreased the Mech Infantry, but to me the speed difference is crippling. 2 movement versus 4 is a HUGE deal... when you attack. Thanks to the -40% city attack penalty the armor units get, a Mech Infantry is as effective as a Modern Armor when attacking an enemy city, and the ability to move 4 means you can move in from outside the city's range. A Paratrooper or Laser Infantry just can't do that.

In most games, I never bothered with a Paratrooper at all. Likewise, Laser Infantry are meant for two purposes: cheap defense, and massed attack waves. Neither of these is really something the player does often, but the AI does. I'd be willing to drop the Paratrooper power, but only if they're given something else to compensate, because right now there's too little reason to make one.
Can you provide a screenshot?
I'll post a good one later. For now, I have taken an old screenshot, you can see there's a lot of shallow water with only barely habitable land. A lot of dilithium sources are just unreachable. :( Now I pay more attention to it, it's probably just a bad roll. On the coast of my continent, there's only one deposit, far off the shore.
Planetary Transit System
Sorry, that's what I meant. Maybe you could add a few requirements, like a spaceship factory? Still, +33% is too much in late era. I guess the bonus would be even more overpowered with an early-era start!
I've definitely seen the AI upgrade to workers into combat engineers. The problem is that it's not a cheap upgrade
215gp is definately a lot! I even considered not upgrading for a while. Maybe decrease it to about 150?
I use them to get past chokepoints or to get on islands, 2 or 3 at the same time. They're not that expensive, I usually build some in my weaker production cities. An increased paradrop range could do the trick :)


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NOTE: For whatever reason, this morning's big patch screwed SOMETHING up. I can't load a savegame made pre-patch, which was really annoying as I'd been playing all the way through from the ancient era and was just finally taking control... this is why I hate Steam, the default should be to ask before applying a patch. Now I'm going to have to start over, and I go on vacation this weekend...

And in regards to that patch, several of the changes they made remove the need for several of the changes I'd made for myself. For instance, they changed cities to have 25 HP and regenerate 2/turn, exactly the same as my mod. So I'm going to have to go back and see which of my changes can be removed.
Unfortunately, they actually change some things for the worse, IMO; while they removed the specialist slots from the Library, they added more to the Observatory and Research Lab.

But once we figure out what exactly the new GameEvents system can do...

I'll post a good one later. For now, I have taken an old screenshot, you can see there's a lot of shallow water with only barely habitable land. A lot of dilithium sources are just unreachable. :( Now I pay more attention to it, it's probably just a bad roll. On the coast of my continent, there's only one deposit, far off the shore.

I've looked into this, now that my old savegame is doomed, and what I found was this: I'd been using "coast_list" for the possible hexes for dilithium, which is the same list used to place Oil in water. But there's also a "coast_next_to_land_list" that explicitly only allows for hexes directly adjacent to land. I tried changing it to that, which SHOULD force the dilithium to be near shore.

Unfortunately, the patch broke ModBuddy, so I can't build a new version of the mod. And apparently Firaxis also removed a couple of the Lua stubs that are essential for certain parts of these mods. So I'm not happy in general.

Still, +33% is too much in late era. I guess the bonus would be even more overpowered with an early-era start!

I'll probably drop both PTS and the Bulk Matter Transmitter to 25%, at first. I could give these some secondary effect to justify dropping it even further, but frankly, I WANT this effect to be a decent size. And remember, there are others: the Planetary Energy Grid adds a flat +10% to gold, for instance, which could be WAY larger. I sort of wanted a spectrum of bonuses; the Merchant Exchange is massive +gold for small empires (or one-city challenges), the PTS is better for really large empires, and the energy grid is sort of in between.

215gp is definately a lot! I even considered not upgrading for a while. Maybe decrease it to about 150?

I'll probably decrease the Combat Engineer's base cost a little, which should drastically reduce the upgrade cost, and I'll play with the flavors a bit. But I want to keep an eye out for the AI overproducing these things then.

An increased paradrop range could do the trick :)

I think I'll do that; a range of 5 just seemed extremely limiting, it wasn't quite enough to cross most bodies of water. Probably 7 now, but I'll have to test that.
One thing I was thinking of: currently, the Scout upgrades to the Scout Powersuit (WAY too big of a gap), while the Paratrooper upgrades to the Assault Powersuit (as do the Laser Infantry). So if I drop the Paratrooper power below that of the Scout Powersuit, I can just have it be an intermediate step in that chain instead. Which means I can give it +1 visibility, too, to justify a slightly lower combat power.
But once we figure out what exactly the new GameEvents system can do...

Not to sound dumb (I'm at work right now), but where is this located?

Unfortunately, the patch broke ModBuddy, so I can't build a new version of the mod.

Really!?! Well that really bites - I was planning on re-genning my mod this evening. Guess thats out now. And it probably means ModBuddy won't be fixed until the next patch, which won't be till after the new year, meaning the holidays are going to be a waste in regards to modding. Thats really bad! :cringe:

Not to sound dumb (I'm at work right now), but where is this located?

In the patch notes!

Honestly, I have no idea where this is or how it's implemented. It sounds like it's an expansion of the Events system, so that you can trigger off more things, but until there's some real documentation on this, it's going to be slow.

Really!?! Well that really bites - I was planning on re-genning my mod this evening.

It took a couple tries reloading ModBuddy, but it does work now. No idea why it was failing. So you should be okay, barring some getting-up-to-speed issues.

The bigger problem is that nothing else works. I tried a very quick Transcendence-era start, to see if the coast_next_to_land_list thing solved my Dilithium headaches, and I very quickly ran into two problems:
1> It wasn't placing my new resources at all, which means there's probably something else wrong with AssignStartingPlots. I didn't have FireTuner running at the time, so it might be simple to fix when I get home tonight.
2> None of the new icon atlases loaded. It kept saying it couldn't read the .dds files, even though they're all in the same places as before. Opening a city screen would give you hundreds of these errors (one per building icon it failed to load), so it's unplayable until I figure out what went wrong.

I expect things of this sort with a major patch, but it's disheartening to see how many things that previously worked now don't. The SaveUtils functions used for all the resource creation require Lua functions that were apparently removed in this patch, so I'm not sure if I CAN get it back to the state it was in before.

I leave for vacation on Sunday evening, and I'm intending to have a new, stable version out by then, since I won't have access to my modding tools until the new year (but I'll have occasional access to this board, so feel free to keep giving feedback). Functionally it probably won't be much more than repair work, although I think I've figured out how to get the Transcendence Victory to work how I want so I'll try to fit that in. But my top priority after the patch fixes is removing the need for InGame.xml, to help with compatibility with other mods.
It took a couple tries reloading ModBuddy, but it does work now. No idea why it was failing.

Apparently theres an SDK update as well - thats probably what flumoxed you on the first attempt at ModBuddy (my first attempt ended with the program becoming unresponsive).

Problems I am seeing with your mod:

1. In the "3 problems" pic there are literally 3 problems: 1) my old friend the black marsh of death is back, 2) the highlighted unit doesn't agree with the icon, and 3) there are no options for the unit.

2. The second pic is after I got out of the game to the main menu, then back in. Now there are no options and no icon for the selected unit.



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  • No Worker options.jpg
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Problems I am seeing with your mod:

At least you can get that far. It doesn't work at all for me; obviously, something significant has changed that's breaking the code in several places. (And I know for a fact that the resource-generation logic now won't work, so no more resources from the Energy Bank, Planetary Datalinks, etc.)

Tonight I'll try to debug as much as I can with FireTuner and print statements, but I'm really not expecting to get the mod working again within the next few days; I really hope I can get it at least mostly functional by this weekend, but that'll depend on how quickly people figure out fixes for all the things Firaxis broke.

It's very annoying; what I had yesterday wasn't pretty, but it WORKED, and the balance seemed pretty good. Now, it's nonfunctional and the balance is totally screwed up. (Seriously, have you seen the new yields for working Natural Wonders? One of them adds +10 Happiness now! On the bright side, that's a good indication that I can get the Monolith and possibly the Empath to do what I'd wanted all along.)
I'm really not expecting to get the mod working again within the next few days; I really hope I can get it at least mostly functional by this weekend, but that'll depend on how quickly people figure out fixes for all the things Firaxis broke.

Looking at this issue from a broader perspective, why I see the next patch doing roughly the same thing (maybe not as broad in regards to the amount of damage, but in general breaking things that worked before). Considering that it is the holidays and you plan on taking a couple (much deserved) weeks off from this mod, do you think it better to just wait till the next patch comes out and start fresh at that point?

On a sort of bright side, why this event (i.e. the patch breaking this mod) is going to give me an excuse to sit down and play with the AI's and C-S in situ and get a good idea in the direction that Firaxis is going with these items. From there I'll probably chunk out my mod and post it. Do you think it beneficial at all for me to post my mod in your thread, or do you think it would be too confusing for people? It is my intent to build my mod off of yours: it deals almost exclusively with the Barbs and C-S and making them more playable (or a variant of what is considered "playable") in the future using your mod. That and the thought that I am dealing more with aesthetics, whereas yours is dealing with game mechanics. When you get the chance please let me know so I can start planning accordingly.

Status update:

I've got it to where the DDS doesn't give errors any more, but it doesn't seem to be loading any of the modified Lua files. (This is easiest to see in the tech tree; all of the extra icons I'd added aren't there.) Still don't know why.

I've also updated a lot of the content to take into account the balance changes the patch made. Most of these were minor, but some were huge.

For instance, Fundamentalist used to reduce the culture needed to expand borders by 25%, and I'd actually boosted it to 50% right before the patch. Then they go and change one of the other policies (Landed Elite) to give -67% to the same variable, which had previously been unused. So I completely changed Fundamentalist: now, it gives each Wonder +5 culture per turn. I'm a bit worried about the balance (if you're in a runaway tech victory and are sweeping all of the Wonders...), but I like the general flavor.
It makes having all of those early-game religious-style Wonders actually be valuable again; in my last game I conquered Songhai, whose capital had 6 Wonders. At first I thought this was great, but then I looked closer: Oracle, Hanging Gardens, Taj Mahal... four of the six wonders had one-shot effects that were useless to someone who conquered. So all I was getting was a measly 1 culture and 1 GPP. But with this policy, your central cities (and any capitals you conquer) would be far more valuable, culturally.

One other balance change I'd like some feedback on: to further differentiate Psi units from normal ones, I thought up something. There's an Adjacent bonus (reduced to +10% in the patch), which can be modified in promotions (such as the Laser Infantry getting an additional +20% when adjacent to an ally unit). I was thinking of going NEGATIVE on this, sort of a "Loner" promotion: Psi units would get -25% if adjacent to any ally unit (but I'd boost their power by ~10% to compensate).
The reason for this is that it makes Barbarian psi units (which are nearly always alone) more dangerous, and fits their player roles as an unsupported raider/scout much better. And thematically I thought about the Nessus Worm: Godzilla wasn't accompanied by supporting tanks and such (although Mechagodzilla often was!).

Thoughts? My big problem is just that Psi units aren't desirable at the moment; they're not part of any standard upgrade chains, require a tech chain that tends to be delayed a bit by the spaceship launches, and (other than Nessie) aren't strong enough to really be desirable to work for. So I'm trying to find ways to make them better, and a power boost would definitely do that.

Considering that it is the holidays and you plan on taking a couple (much deserved) weeks off from this mod, do you think it better to just wait till the next patch comes out and start fresh at that point?

No, because I don't expect future patches to be NEARLY so extensive. And it's not just the number of changes made, it's the types. They added a bunch of new XML schema, which isn't something that's going to happen often, but more importantly they changed how certain parts work on a fundamental level. (Like the VFS thing for DDS files.) That won't happen in most patches, so the repair job for most patches would be small.

While I won't have access to ModBuddy or the game itself, I'll still have access to these boards during the holidays, so I can continue some of the discussions. Obviously, it'd help if there was a semi-working version for people to discuss; I do NOT want to leave a completely broken mod file at the top of the thread for two weeks, because what happens if some new person downloads it without knowing about these problems?
(This actually makes me glad I never uploaded the mod to the official server. Who knows how many people are downloading nonfunctional mods as we speak.)

Do you think it beneficial at all for me to post my mod in your thread, or do you think it would be too confusing for people?

I'd say make your own thread. The fact is, having a 9-page mod thread that's basically a conversation between three or four people is a BIG turn-off for the casual reader, so you wouldn't get much feedback. And any files you attach that don't get placed in the first post will be lost in the long term.
You don't have to frame it as just "here's my mod". It could start off a thread that discusses the possible ways to make city-states and barbarians more playable, and uses your mod (and its link to mine) as a baseline for discussion. In that thread make a link to this one (especially if you never test your own mod without mine present any more), and in this one make a link to your thread every time you update the files.

This assumes that your mod doesn't explicitly require mine. If it does, then that's a whole other issue.
Status Update again:

I've fixed MOST of the patch-related incompatibilities. The Lua now loads correctly (and in fact I can remove InGame.xml, so the primary compatibility issue goes away). There are three main issues that keep this mod from working:

1> The save/load commands were removed from ScriptData. This only affects the resources created by various buildings, but I was planning to do more with it.
Official word from 2K is that they removed it to make way for a newer and better system, but then didn't actually upload the newer and better one while still removing the old and inferior setup. (Stupid.) They've said they'll put the old system back in, but who knows when that'll happen. So, I'm not going to fix this myself; as soon as they do a hotfix/patch it'll fix itself, but until then, it won't work.
2> The game doesn't seem to be doing the custom notifications correctly any more. This leads to a game freeze. I'll try to figure this out tonight.
3> There's a strange cache issue. No matter what I do, certain XML files are being ignored in favor of versions I had three months ago. The only one I'm sure of is CIV5GameTextInfos2.xml, which sets the unit class labels; "Psi Unit", "Titan Unit", and "Energy Unit" work fine, but the two newer ones (Multirole and Orbital) aren't being loaded correctly. And editing the ones that work does nothing; I tried misspelling Energy and it didn't change what was displayed. So there must be some way the game is accessing the old version of this file, because I've confirmed that the version in my mod directory (and the entry in .modinfo) are correct. Unless I find out how to fix that, I'm going to delete the file altogether, moving its entries into one of the others (I tested that last night on a couple and it worked).

My goal is to upload one last pre-vacation version tomorrow night. It still won't WORK, per se, but it'll only be waiting on the load/save fix. And who knows? By the time I get back, some of the artwork might be done! (I'll be back on the 1st, but then leave again from the 9th-14th for a business trip, so there'll only be one or MAYBE two versions between this weekend and the middle of January.)

There were a lot of little things that I'd had to fix. For instance, the way action icons are handled now is slightly different (less hard-coded), so the tech tree buttons weren't correct, which in turn broke the entire tech tree display. (And I think that's the problem with the custom notifications; it's not loading the icons correctly any more. But I can fix that.)
i just finally finished a hellish surprise streak of 13 workdays + the occasional overtime lasting late into the night.

As i'm reading here to bring me up to date, i see the damaging result of the patch...
i'll update the mod when you'll leave for vacations, in order to try and play during mine.

good luck on fixing things !
Just wanted to say that I was enjoying the heck out of the mod until the patch went and broke it, here's hoping the fixes are done soon for my own selfish enjoyment.
here's hoping the fixes are done soon for my own selfish enjoyment.

Well, from the sound of it, they're not going to do a quick hotfix to restore the save/load functionality. So the building resource generation logic just won't work until then. Other than that, the only truly broken thing I have is the custom notification logic (based on Whys' mod); for whatever reason it's just not working. I'm still trying to debug that, but it may or may not be fixed by tomorrow. (My flight's in the afternoon.)

But the rest is playable, and I've added quite a bit of new stuff. For instance, the Transcendence victory is now a bit different: it starts a 20-turn timer, but immediately puts everyone into permanent war with you, starts draining your cities of one population per turn, and puts you into Anarchy.
Anarchy stops your science acquisition, which isn't really important since you'll have researched everything, but more importantly, it acts as a very convenient timer to use in place of a saved variable. Building the wonder gives you 120 turns of anarchy, and when it gets down to 100, you win. (I need it to be +100 so that I can determine when to GIVE the 20 turns of anarchy, without it being abuseable by a player who knows to create Anarchy some other way.) Since there's really not much else that adds Anarchy, it's not a balance problem for the AI.
The beauty of this is that I can easily add a GP ability that reduces Anarchy, and that's how you knock extra turns off the timer. The AI won't handle that correctly, though, but oh well. Even without that, it's 20 turns of trying to hold off all the other civs, without being able to produce anything and with your cities' populations steadily dwindling (which'd kill your trade income).
(Strangeness: the Game:SetWinner() function's arguments don't match what the wiki says, and it won't use the right graphic for the Transcendence win, but since I intend to replace that anyway, no big deal.)

So I'll upload a new version tonight or tomorrow morning, and it SHOULD be stable enough to test while I'm gone. It won't work the way I really want it to, but at least it shouldn't crash. I could upload something right now, but it's not QUITE stable yet and I want one last crack at fixing the notifications. (These MIGHT be responsible for some of the other problems I'm still seeing.)

On the upside, the patch added quite a few very useful new features to the existing XML. For instance:
> You can flag whether a unit will show up in the Civilopedia. VERY useful if you have two or three versions of a single unit, with different stats/requirements but the same name. (Like the "Wild" psi units I added.)
> For buildings, there's now "Happiness" and "Unmodded Happiness". The regular Happiness caps at +1/population now, and is used for the Colosseum and such, while Unmodded Happiness has no cap and is used for the various +happy wonders and such.
So I changed the Aqueduct, Sewer System, and Recycling Center's +1 happiness into Unmodded, because the whole point is that you build these to exceed the current limits of a city. But I also changed the Centauri Preserve's +2 to unmodded as well, just to make it interesting. It's a nice dynamic, as a result.
> They added the "LostWithUpgrade" promotion flag, so that the "must set up to attack" promotion can be removed, but I went further and added it to every negative promotion. This had been killing the Needlejet's balance; if you upgraded it from a Fighter it'd have the "Weak Ranged" weakness and be useless for ground attacks, if you upgraded from a Bomber it'd have Naval Penalty. I didn't put either of these on the Needlejet because it'd cripple you to have both if you upgraded from the wrong one, but that meant that newly-made Needlejets were way too good.
There were others; Cavalry had a couple penalties, and now that those upgrade to Tanks they'd carry over. Who ever heard of a tank with a penalty against mounted units?
> There's always been a FreePromotion tag for buildings, used for those wonders that give a promotion to every eligible unit. But they've now added a RemoveFreePromotion tag as well. At first I couldn't figure out why you'd want that, but then I realized a couple possibilities:
1> Sequential buildings. Building A gives a weak promotion (say, +5% to all combat). Building B, which requires A, wants to add another 5%. Previously, you'd have to create a second +5% promotion and give it as well, which'd mean that the unit would now have two icons. But this way, you have B remove A's promotion and give a single +10% promotion. And it's not just about aesthetics; maybe A gives +10% vs one unit type while B expands that to be a flat +10%.
2> Those negative promotions. Imagine a Wonder that removes the "must set up" promotion from all siege units, or that removes the naval penalty from your bombers, or the vision penalty from tanks.

There are quite a few things like these. So, it'll be interesting to see what can be added to the game now. But the real question is still the GameEvents system; with a new event like "OnBuildingCreated" we could do SO much more.
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