Custom Colored Texts don't work


Lazy Wannabe Artista
Aug 30, 2013
So I basically have this file...
...and it works just fine. File is loaded. And if I use it as PlayerColors it looks exactly as imagined.

However, when I'm trying to do this...
		 	<Text>[COLOR_RYIKATECH_1]Free starting Units[ENDCOLOR]:[NEWLINE] [ICON_BULLET] 1 Colonist[NEWLINE] [ICON_BULLET] 1 Soldier[NEWLINE][NEWLINE]Worker, Explorer and Soldier Units can be built.</Text>
...then the text that is embedded in the custom Color just displays as black.

So... what's up with that? Am I missing something painfully obvious or is there some limitation that I'm not aware of?
Strange behavior. I suspect the system isn't as straightforward as you might hope. Note both custom colors as well as the game's Text Icons use the same square bracket format, so there must be some library where the game can query whether what it reads in the text is a color type or an icon type.As it turns out, my guess is that the color isn't added to that library.

I remember there were some complications with adding new font icons to Beyond Earth. You may want to investigate how it was done in Civ5 or what progress was made with BE, and it might add some insight to it all.
Yeah, I read about the problem with FontIcons but reading these posts made it clear that that whole issue is probably 200 levels above what I've done so far and that it's not really bothering me enough to find out how to find out what is going on (yes, that doubled "find out" is intentional).

Later I actually found an alternative method on some Civ5-Wiki that I didn't even know about:

[COLOR:255:0:255:255]Custom Color[ENDCOLOR]

Was quite happy, but no, the game was just trolling me once again, because it tells me that...

[COLOR:100:255:255:255]...this Color...[ENDCOLOR]
[COLOR:100:255:0:255]...and this color...[ENDCOLOR]
[COLOR:100:0:0:255] well as this color...[ENDCOLOR]

...are exactly the same: A dark red. Which makes no sense to me (Well, the 'dark'-part does, the red doesn't), but the game probably knows best.

End of the story: I re-used existing colors.
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