Custom Music Folder


Nov 29, 2005
Riverdale, MD
Is there a way to get Civ to play back formats other than mp3? Like, say, AAC files (Apple proprietary compressed files)?
I feel a bit silly, but how do I use the custom music folder? I'm running Warlords, and I'm using mp3s, so at first I just threw a few mp3s in the classical folder in the custom folder in my documents, but that didn't work. Then I decided to rename it one of the original names, AncientSoundtrack3, and it correctly replaced that. That's nice and all, but is there a way to add my music without replacing the original game music?
I really do feel silly now, thanks! With this I can avoid all the xml file editing? I just read somewhere else that this method lags it, actually, but it seems like a big time saver!
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