Datalinks of the Second Ship [fanfiction]

Faction Set B

Similar to Alien Crossfire, the factions of the second set are meant to be splinter groups and offshoots from the main factions, often ideologically... particular, who broke off as the mission years went on. To be honest, since this whole project really just started with me coming up with various concepts and random names that sounded cool, I didn't even envision any in particular that could have split from the Second Ship!

One thing to consider too is that when looking at the Alien Crossfire human factions, a lot of them seem to be derived not from ideologies but rather gameplay mechanics or just aspects from the setting. Nautilus Pirates specialize in the aquatic play style. Data Angels focus on probe espionage. Free Drones are about drones, both in mechanics and lore. Planet Cult and Cyborg Consciousness are both just sort of more extreme versions of the Stepdaughters of Gaia and the University of Planet, I suppose- though in terms of concept they also extend the lore when it comes to man's relationship with Planet and, uh, Faustian applications of science that leads to transhumanism and alienation from our biological selves I guess. Some of my Set B factions do the same.

A few are also my responses to the whole NN custom faction ecosystem, my "wow what if all of these factions were on Planet can you even believe" concept.


Anti-Xenos Integral Society: Suffer not the xenos to live. But neither the cyborg, the psi-path, the machine disfiguring the human soul. This is the hardliner anti-Planet Cult faction who hates and fears that which is not human on Planet. Their faction leader I pretty much based on the otherwise-forgettable villain of the forgettable Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, voiced by James Woods, mostly because he had such a snappy taunt to the heroes right before he fires the Zeus orbital cannon near the end of the movie: "prepare to meet your Gaia." I based the bio on Hein's tragic backstory, and really wanted to give the faction a planetbuster as a starting unit until I was told that it was technically impossible.

Concept-wise I think it's fairly natural to imagine either a Believers but more puritanical, or a Santiago but crusader, type faction. If I had released AXIS today, it would get conflated with the Purity affinity from Civilization: Beyond Earth, or with Humanity First from Terra Invicta. They even have a similar dynamic with Planet Cult as HF does with the Servants. Looking at the archives, there's even a fic for a sadly lost faction named The Sinner with a very similar premise, right down to the base obliteration.

But they were also meant as commentary on the state of the custom faction mod scene. With so many disparate non-human sci-fi ideas, including weird Progenitor-human upload cyborg hybrids, other aliens, Replicants, and random sorceresses, I figured there might be a faction that would push back against all of that. Baseline supremacy.

Psions for Purity: Actually forget the Planet Cult, these would be the natural antagonists for the AXIS: a faction of Empaths, Thinkers (I guess they're technically MMI cyborgs so they might not count), Transcendi, "Psions" who have grown disgruntled at the rest of humanity, having been exposed to the depraved and degenerate thoughts that go through peoples' minds all of the time. So naturally, they seek to secede and form their own faction.

They would qualify as a SMAX-style gimmick faction that's based on an element of the setting and turned into its own faction. I like to imagine them as having a New Agey, crystals, meditative, hippie psychic culture, coupled with deep revulsion, contempt, and loathing for baselines who go around pondering in filth. I gave them Eudaimonic future society as their agenda, though Green might also fit as well, given how the setting really connects psi powers to Planetmind. To revise my draft, I think instead of Wealth as their aversion, Knowledge might work really well- ironically, these open-minded telepaths actually really hate having to know.

I had them split from the University, which is a weird choice in hindsight but that could be a solid way to establish their inability to choose Knowledge. Ironic then if Zakharov caused both Cyborgs and Empaths to split away from him.

Global Energy Exchange: A cabal of those who seek to preserve the energy-based economic system of Planet. Trying to beeline their way to the Economic Victory. I was probably most likely inspired by the Shadow Bank from Illuminati: the Conspiracy, a fan homebrew supplement for the World of Darkness tabletop RPG universe. (And it was heavily influenced by the eponymous Illuminati series from Steve Jackson Games- that society being based on the Gnomes of Zurich, which also neatly ties to Earth by David Brin. It's all connected.) If you're familiar with Mage: the Ascension, they're pretty much the Syndicate from the Technocracy.

As a kid, I had only vague ideas about how the economy works, but I did make the differentiation between the world of business that Morgan Industries dominates, and... investing? Hence I called it an exchange. Going back and retconning it to make a little sense, I'd imagine that rather than stocks, the exchange is more of a forex currency market kind of dealie- maybe each faction has its own unique local energy units, and these guys want to standardize them and serve as the central bankers to them all. Rather underwhelming as an endgame ideology, but consider it in loftier terms. Morgan wants to control all markets with his business activity. The GEE (or GEX) wants to own the very currency the markets run on themselves.

I think, to steer away from blatant conspiracism, the shadowy board (I originally didn't even given them a visible faction leader) has more in mind than self-enrichment. As per the quote, they want to make sure that the energy currency is stable, to create a world without financial turmoil, under their enlightened leadership. However, to distinguish them from the Human Hive, I sort of want to give them Thought Control as their agenda rather than Planned, which makes them look like villains. Wish there were more SE choices.

New Athenians: Play-style gimmick concept: what if there was a faction that just really focused on one base at a time? Everyone lives in a city, what if you had the best city? Nowadays I'd recognize that as wanting to make your faction really tall, which isn't really something that can be converted into a single ideology in the fluff. But that's what I envisioned with these guys anyway, trying to create a handful of glittering, gleaming cities on a hill, full of prosperity and culture and democracy (I'd probably make that optional) and fashion. Hence the leader being a foppish dandy who would give Nwabudike a run for his money in terms of taste.

Nanomachine Technologists: As seen on my initial draft, this was the very first faction I came up with. Most likely it was simply from their name, which I had to work backwards to come up with a faction. What I imagine them to be is a research-based faction devoted to realizing the dream of post-scarcity built with nanotech. So University but devoted to practical engineering applications, specifically for improving quality of life. And so they do science, but with more panache than Zakharov's dry lab rats. They do science!

At the time I also learned about technocracy, both as a general principle and as the weird 1930s fringe political movement, so I threw that in there too. (I got the technate concept from a bit of alternate history.) Even though it's pretty much certain that the University of Planet and any other Knowledge-agenda factions would also be meritocracies- technocracy as rule by experts- I have the Nanotechnicians, or Nanotechies for short, explicit espouse it as their ideology. Because hey Howard Scott's weirdoes were into using energy as a value metric a century ago. It's all (vaguely) connected.

Their focus on nanites might seem like a faction that gets ahead of itself in the tech tree, like the Cyborg Consciousness basically assuming MMI and the Cybernetic future society already exists, or I suppose the Psions and Empaths. But given the infinite power of nano-augmentation and nanomachines, son have been the much-hyped magical tech of the future for decades (maybe especially in '90s sci-fi), you might as well have a faction that focuses on them. It justifies the name, okay?

Library of Planet: As wry commentary on the proliferation of factions on and to a much lesser extent in the series itself, I imagined a faction that arose in response to it, led by a scholar of history and the political sciences who analyzed the trends and determined that Chiron society was heading for the same chaos that swept Earth. So what I got was a bookish version of Lal who is even more of a crybaby weenie, asking everyone to please stop fighting lest the Foundation-style technobarbarian Dark Ages arrive early.

Quite honestly, I think the actual origin of them is in the name: I took the familiar "of Planet" faction naming structure and added Librarians to it. SMAC's use of Librarians always fascinated me, they're a specialist citizen and a difficulty setting, yet in the game what they do is completely unexplained. You can easily assume they're some sort of IT systems admin type, since they come with Planetary Networks, but the use of an otherwise analog job title is sort of neat in a sci-fi setting. Come to think of it, Librarians are also a thing in Warhammer 40K. Sadly, for all of my fixation on naming things I missed out that it already exists in the game, as a University base name! Oops.

So I took the name and used it to retroactively justify their identity, and I think it works. "The University but for the soft sciences" is a faction concept that I've seen in the SMAC Fac Pack and in the work of @Axis Kast, it's a popular archetype. I suppose my Librarians differ from the Preservers and the Anti-Ozymandias Protocol or whomever in that they have an explicitly political project: to unify the factions to prevent the loss of knowledge due to warfare and social collapse. I think this reinforces the Foundation influence quite nicely, now that I think about it- the Encyclopedists ended up reuniting the Galaxy, after all. Despite this grand ambition, the Librarians are pacifist- but I gave them a strong probe buff, originally intended as a defensive perk (and in contrast to the University), but maybe that could lead them to do wily Terminus-type schemes to bring the warlords and barbarians into the fold. And I suppose if all else fails they could be like the Followers of the Apocalypse from Fallout. (As an aside, besides the Library and the Darwin Raiders' "Foundation but Mongol horde", part of the Psions' nature is imagined to be like those of the Second Foundation from the series. Telepathy that works in subtle ways, through the power of suggestion.)

Diver Exodus: Like the Phoenix Nation, this is a concept I've come up with much later after my 10th grade binder-scribblings. Recently I've settled on making the fourteenth and last faction of this set be based on the Sea State from Earth, which is a huge climate refugee armada of rusting buckets and decrepit floating platforms that crosses the seas, stopping at ports of call and picking up the forsaken of drowned lands. On Chiron, this would be a faction led by former oceanic refugees of Earth, but also those in the present day driven from the land by vendetta and hostlie wildlife, to find refuge among the waves. And most pointedly- unlike the Pirates who seek plunder, they reuse, repurpose, and reclaim that which has been abandoned by those of the land, scrappily salvaging from the detritus of sunken ships- maybe submerged bases without pressure domes!

I've always considered having a nautical faction, yes it's a shtick that's been done, but the sea is a big place for adventures. I had considered the Children of Oceanus, but enough neopagan cults.
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Nanashi Sakamoto

Service Record:

Born 2001, Kōchi, Japan, to samurai clan turned local gentry. Pursued career in family business despite childhood interest in nursing. Bachelor of Economics from University of Tokyo, PhD in Financial Economics from University of Chicago. Tasked by father to act as clan’s advocate within public regulatory structure while brothers groomed to head family corporation. Securities and exchange junior regulator at Financial Services Agency during the administration of the Minister of Finance nicknamed “Mr. iQuipu.” Under the Datalinks Nation window guidance, Japanese economy repositioned to adopt digiknot technologies in bid to become cyberfinance world capital. Approved openings of distrocash valuta exchanges, pushart virtual galleries, infovore pet breeders. Present at the Miami negotiations that crafted the Hologram Plaza Accord. Oversaw controversial reverse merger between Sakamotion Unlimited and Widdershins, her family’s virtubank becoming the very first in country to host a foreign distrocash platform.

Upon promotion to sector regulator in early 2020, began issuing cautionary statements against overpromotion of volatile valuta. Recommendations for greater scrutiny and precautious repeatedly ignored amidst the Floating World 2.0 (Ukiyo-Ni) era. Published white paper, “Unbounded Distrocash Dependency on Cyberworld Real Estate Assets Considered Harmful,” winner of 2026 Nakahara Prize.

Japanese virtual asset bubble began collapsing in 2022 with massive devaluation of the Net-Yen. Cascading valuta crashes. Yo-yo panic cycles of monetary tightening and monetary easing. Data shortages followed by data rationing. Gordian November saw the use of multiple iQuipu protocol 0-day exploits, taking the Cyberworld offline for an entire month, rendering untold damage to virtual properties.

Resigned commission during the largest economic contraction in a generation, leaving MetaTokyo for family estate in Shikoku. Drafted as adjunct economist at Sakamotion. Clashing priorities between siblings led to company downfall, liquidation of clan assets. Sakamoto family shrine, where she had served as a shrine maiden in her teenage years, was sold off. Left Japan, never to return.

Self-exile in Switzerland. Lecturer at University of Zürich, chief econometrician for in-game economy at TITANS Software. Invited to various international economic fora. Became involved with the Gnomes, a local circle of monetary sovereigntists calling for greater fiscal authority over international currencies. Fierce defender of currency unions, single-coin policies, arguing that the proliferation of “valuta both fiat and virtual weakens every pillar in the house of cash.”

Initiated into the Caesar Society, a pro-interventionist think tank, in the 2040s. As research fellow, embarked on series of economic experiments, applying the society’s principles of sound currency in developing markets. Halted the 2053 Afro Flux with a crisis team of Caesarean experts in Dar es Salaam. Engineered the Tuvan Economic Miracle. Worked on reconstruction of regions affected by the U.N.-F.C. War. Ideological outlook found compatible and appealing to Federation authorities. Appointed to the office of Treasurer by the Alpha2 Committee, with the duties of rebuilding a monetary system on Chiron after the initial frontier period. Tasked too with establishing economic reintegration with Unity colony by any means necessary.

Upon the mutual dissolution of the FCS Sovereignty, sided with the Sovereign Magistrates to continue mission to preserve humanity’s economic order. Established contact with Gaian ecological economists, University thermoeconomists, Morganite degrowthers, and other fringe dissidents. Attempts to garner cooperation from faction leaders rebuffed. Suspected infiltration by Caesar Society members led to demotion from the Magistrate secretariat. Disappeared after the Blackout Nesday power surge at the Merchant Exchange. Reemerged several years later, declaring herself as the spokesperson for the anonymous Executive Board of a faction dedicated to safeguarding the strength of the energy credit.

Psych Profile: Prudent Controller

Keen and analytical mind towards money matters tempered by self-righteous certainty in personal monetary policy. Believes markets inevitably irrational, asymmetric, and driven towards alternate periods of exuberance and fearfulness. Entrusts a guiding hand to correct the folly of the masses. Dislikes “excessive individualistic” attempts to profit from crisis. Sober-minded commitment to economic worldview has yielded prior success; such reinforcement of worldview may lead to ideological calcification, refusal to engage alternative theories, domination and suppression of opposing opinions. Possibly utilizes sarcasm to deflect from personal loss suffered from fall of family.

Though the actual leadership of the Global Energy Exchange is unknown, historians have suggested that the original Executive Board was founded by an offshoot of the Caesar Society, an anti-laissez faire, anti-deregulatory international think-tank. Founded with a goal to “prevent economic royalism and currency destabilization”, several of the society’s members were apparently passengers on the UNS Unity and the FCS Sovereignty.

Global Energy Exchange
“As the great economic recessions and depressions of the twenty-first century demonstrate, the lives of millions and even billions of people can be shattered by the greed of a few executives and investors. Our organization is determined to prevent such cataclysms from taking place in this New World, and we will protect our great currency- one way or another.”
- GEE anonymous Board member, Datalinks.

Symbol/Insignia: The outline of Masonic pyramid, except there are no lines for bricks or they are covered by a huge energy currency symbol- an uppercase cursive E with a line through it. The pyramid is between two towers that are cylindrical but have pointed tops. There is a squiggly line connecting the tops, and it almost touches the top of the pyramid. Underneath the pyramid is a banner that says Novus Mundus Expecto- The New World Awaits.

Representative: Fiduciary Nanashi Sakamoto
Background: Think-tank of economists from various nations.
Agenda: Preservation and eventual control of Planet’s energy-based economic system.
Technology: Industrial Base
+1 Support (The poor recruit soldiers, the rich hire mercenaries)
+2 Economy (Society of stockbrokers)
-1 Morale (Mercenaries aren’t the most loyal of troops)
-1 Planet (Economic efficiency over ecological issues)
Aggression: Erratic
Priorities: Build, Explore
Agenda: Thought Control
Aversion: Free Market

Design Notes

* Originally this faction was to be faceless, with the Board itself as the leader. While that might fly in, say, Hearts of Iron, it seems out of place in SMAC which tends to have individual leaders. So the compromise is that we have a visible spokesperson, but no telling what her actual role is in the faction or how much authority she has.

* I went with Japan as her background because it’s a country that’s curiously absent from both SMAC/X and Civilization: Beyond Earth. Turns out it’s because their economy just happened to go bust a second time, taking them out as a major player behind the Unity project.

* Her likeness is that of Fumi Nakai from Beef, played by Patti Yasutake of Star Trek fame. Besides the visual flair, I’d say her character would have some of the acerbic wit as her character from the show, not to mention a tinge of the family tragedy.

* The Bitcoin and blockchain references I came up with later down the line. While I’m leary of incorporating real-world tech that has since appeared after SMAC has become late ‘90s retrofuturism, I think I’ve rebranded everything distinctly. Just remember that the Inca, not Satoshi, was the first to record financial transactions with strings.

* Originally named "Globalists" for short, in light of modern political developments they would be called Exchangers, or perhaps Gnomes.


* Nanashi can mean “no name” in Japanese. Swap the first letters of her first and last names.

* Valuta are credible currency in GURPS Cyberworld, here not-so-good as crypto currency. And here the Cyberworld itself is not a cyberpunk setting, but a metaverse thingy.

* Hologram Plaza is a vaporwave album by Disconscious, a pioneering work of mallsoft.

* Julius Caesar was an implacable foe of Cato the Younger.
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Adem Altan Bozdere
Senior captain
Battle Imam
Young Türkiye

Service Record:

Born 2021, Samsun, Türkiye; descended from Circassians expelled from the Russian Empire during reign of Abdülmecid I. Father, sixth generation faqīh Islamic jurist. Raised to follow family tradition; instead joined the Yeşim Kurt (Jade Wolf) secular nationalist youth movement after secondary school. Commanded street militia during the Ideation Disruptions of 2040, feuding with Islamist Labour gangs and sunnahists. Participated in the March to Istanbul that birthed the Patriotic Reformation. Enlisted in Republican Armed Forces shortly after, assigned to Special Counterinsurgency Command. Fought counter-reformation elements throughout Anatolia, dispatching enemies of the junta with efficient and appropriate ruthlessness. Awarded Order of the Constitution for suppressing local Blackguard anarchist franchise. First saw foreign action in series of special policing operations in the Caucasus during the Sick Man of Eurasia period after first Russian economic crash. Ascended to senior sergeant major following Georgian campaign.

Deployed to Mesopotamia as unit commander in Turkish U.N. Security Force contingent for Operation Stormwall. Reformation junta’s masterplan to force an end to the Crusader Wars shattered by confused multi-sided conflict that heavily contested foreign occupation. His leadership was one of few bright spots of the campaign. Repurposed anti-rebel tactics to smoke out Templar, Taiping, and Sicarii militants alike. Ran afoul of U.N. leadership for ignoring Shibboleth Procedures. Rumored to have given the order to mass bombard the defensive perimeter of ʼArīḥā. Granted honorific “Adem Altan Pasha” after defeating joint Russo-Ethiopian counter-intervention task force.

Present at Megiddo when Gog and Magog fell. Journey to Haifa permanently curtailed. In the aftermath, claimed to have seen three golden arrows in the resulting clouds even while afflicted with blast blindness. Resigned commission while in Red Crescent field camp. Dodging Republican military police and U.N. forces while half-blind, made way to Rehaniya with remnants of his unit. Came across a tattered force of survivors, including Turkish soldiers, attacking the local townspeople and a relief mission led by Honorary Psych Chaplain Miriam Godwinson. Repelled bandits with barely half a dozen men. That same day, father’s office in Samsun was burned to the ground in ultranationalist riots.

Claimed to have vision healed by psych chaplain, witnessed multiple instances of deliverance from radiation poisoning via laying of hands. Served as Godwinson’s personal bodyguard, beating back several sunnahist raids and foiling a Canaanite assassination plot. Court-martialed in absentia as deserter. Shielded from postwar prosecution by service rendered to U.N. Re-integration Forces. Professed to have undergone profound spiritual awakening. Spent next years in North American exile as interfaith evangelist for ecumenism.

Selected to U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission with endorsement from both the Christian States and the Turkish government. Appointed to Psych Chaplain’s security detail. Sided with her landing pod during Planetfall. Elevated to Pasha of the Patriarchate of New Masada, commanding the Lord’s Believers southern military forces. Led her Angels of Justice to victory in the Nessus Canyon Combines Vendetta and at the Standoff of the Planetneck. Married local doctor, a former Unity biologist.

Defeated in battle by the Demon-Boil Tash after perimeter defense of New Masada unexpectedly failed. Charged through multiple swarming waves to protect evacuating colony pod, in vain. Entire family lost with most of civilian population. Rebuffed pleas to return to the capital for bereavement counseling. Disappeared into the desert for four decurns. Reemerged at research garrison Ezekiel’s Wheel draped in planetpearls purportedly taken from husks of mindworms slain while in mourning. Enjoined the citizenry of the frontier base to join him in a great holy war against the alien.

Psych Profile: Adamant Purifier

Strength of personal convictions to the point of zealotry. Subject’s capacity for blind loyalty to chain of command and hierarchy indicates officer potential. Pronounced protective tendencies and willingness to fight for confederates and cause. Strategic prowess rated B-class, tactical skill at A minus-class, and logistical ability at B plus-class on the Haire Military Grade Scale. Devotion to cause induces purgative tendencies, revulsion of ideological contaminants and desire to remove such. High ability to spot those with hidden dissenting views.

Current memetic analysis unable to determine subject’s theological framework. Rhetorical composition appears to equally include inspiration from the Adyghe Xabze, Sunni Islam, and Miriam Godwinson’s High Conclave interpretation of Evangelical Christianity. Elements of pre-conversion anti-sectarian political hardliner speech also present. History of ironclad adherence to different ideologies worth caution: measures must be taken to prevent emotionally traumatic response from inducing another dramatic shift in subject’s worldview. Effects unpredictable.

Anti-Xenos Integral Society
“After the arrival at Chiron, humanity has become degraded by alien forces. Today, the vile ‘Voice of Planet’ calls out lies that mislead our citizens to their deaths, psychics hide within us, reading our thoughts, sentient Xenos lay waste to our land for their own agendas, and our own machines have learned to rebel. The time to fight back and resist temptation is now!”
- AXIS Manifesto, Datalinks

“I suggest you take your last few moments and prepare to meet your Gaia.” - Lord Adem Altan Bozdere to Well of Souls base command, final transmission


Symbol/Insignia: A medieval shield that has a picture of mindworms on it, except crossed out.
Leader: Lord Adem Altan Bozdere
Background: Military commander of Believers, Young Türkiye
Agenda: Destruction of all alien factions and philosophies.
Technology: High Energy Chemistry
+2 Support (Military-oriented society)
+2 Police (Citizens used to discipline and order)
-2 Planet (Rejecting Planet equated with resisting Xenos)
Fanatic (‘Nuff said)
Techcost 130% (Unwilling to make "Faustian Bargains")

Aggression: Aggressive
Agenda: Fundamentalist (Politics)
Priorities: Conquer
Aversion: Green (Economics)

Design Notes

* The leader of the AXIS was always modeled after General Douglas Hein from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. Concept was to create a xenophobic baseline supremacist faction opposed to all of the non-human and posthuman influence that appeared in Alien Crossfire.

* Additionally, I was very much inspired by the sort of custom factions that fans posted on There was a surprisingly amount of alien races, even a Progenitor Civil War custom set with six different interchangeable Manifold alien faction, and plenty of cybernetic and A.I. factions. Since at the time I imagined all of those custom factions existing on Planet alongside the canonical ones, it gave me the amusing thought of what if someone got tired of dealing with all of them.

* Originally, the Xenophobes were supposed to receive a Planetbuster as a starting unit. I later backed up on that, but only because it's not possible to give a non-basic unit for free as a faction perk. The lore behind that is that they had hijacked it from a Spartan armory prior to splitting off, which is sort of insane if you think about it.

* Originally, the leader was General Patrick Donovan Gray, a Former Spartan Fed general from Billings, Montana (claimed by United States of America, under control of Militia Free State). I decided to change the leader away from North American to introduce more geographical diversity among the Second Ship sets.

* To get a non-western background to match Hein from the Final Fantasy movie, I went through iterations where he was Lebanese (Ahab Mansour), then a Bosporus German descended from workers on the Berlin-Baghdad railway.

* Originally, the faction name was the Initiative Society, which I changed to Integral because 1) it sounds less awkward, 2) nod towards integralism, and 3) the potential for "the Integral Society," or its acronym, as how they're referenced.

* I actually wrote a short fanfic about this faction in its original form! Responding too defensively to comments here.

* Second ship second version here. Original version here.


* Altan means "red dawn" in Turkic. Bozdere means "gray river" or "gray valley", the latter being my intention.

*The Russo-Ethiopian inexplicable military alliance is from Left Behind, as explained by slacktivist, Fred Clark.

* Miriam’s “Angels of Justice” is technically how she refers to her forces in the Believers’ diplo text, though it might just be a figure of speech.

* A decurn is a ten-day long Centauri “week.” Source:Preliminary Report on the Alpha Centauri System, probably written by Derek “Del” Cotter

* Originally intended to start with a free planetbuster.

* Michael Haire was the Art Director of SMAC.
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Trung Thi Hoang

Service Record:

Born 2032, Hai Phong, Vietnam. Father a seaplane pilot, mother a futsal player. Taught to fly at an early age, receiving amateur pilot license shortly after eighteenth birthday. Studied Developmental Neuroscience at University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City. Five months into Masters program in Neuropsychology, regional hostilities began when the Golden Remnant Uprising was forced east of the Red River and initiated Operation Zhu Youlang, attempting to set up an empire-in-exile in Southeast Asia. Father’s plane was downed during the naval 2nd Battle of Cấm River, added to the list of GRU civilian casualties.

Enlisted in the Vietnam People's Air Force following the fall of Hanoi. Completed F-88 Lion flight training, assigned to 989th Fighter regiment, Le Thi Thu Nguyet “Iron Bird” Squadron amidst Southern Pacification Campaign. Took part in the Battle of Da Nang, scoring her first kill against Golden Remnant aircraft and contributing to the defense of Tiên Sa Seaport by launching the final volley that sank the GCV Yuan Shikai. Continued in counterattacks against bandit forces, including pivotal Battle of Spratly Island. Received mixed record for refusing orders to shoot down a Golden Prince-Marshal, instead providing cover to a civilian convoy. Reassigned to desk job as psychological operations officer.

Served as mental health liaison with the United States Seventh Fleet after activation of IOTO following Great China’s entry into conflict. Learned deep scanning, personality restoration techniques, combat meditation from USN military advisors. Conducted landmark psych survey pinpointing cause of Annam Syndrome to IOTO use of sonic subliminal stimuli weaponry. Returned to frontline service after breakdown of the traditional American-Vietnamese alliance after Crimson Chinese retreat and exit, further reports that IOTO had been paying mercenaries to supply Golden Remnant, playing both sides of conflict. Took part in initial wave that captured Cam Ranh Bay Naval Base. Scored a career high of three kills against USAF bogeys and provided crucial cover to 967th Khe Sanh “Steel Viper” Squadron that sank the U.S.S. William Westmoreland.

Shot down over enemy territory during Central Highlands campaign. Captured by Remnant-affiliated New Black Flag Army. Held for forty days in infamous Camp Cloud Cobra prison. Feigned defeat under torture, offering convincing false intel that misdirected enemy assets. Despite malnourishment and sleep deprivation, formed plan with fellow prisoners including Vietnamese military servicemen, kidnapped locals, Cambodian refugees, and enslaved tribespeople. Prison revolt was successful; later decorated with Military Exploit Order for role as orchestrator.

Remained in region for the duration of Vietnam War II (domestically known as 2nd American War). Group of fellow prisoners formed core of irregular unit Army of the Phoenix, conducting guerrilla attacks and acts of sabotage against IOTO, Remnant, and New Black Flag forces alike. Oversaw liberation of mercenary-occupied native villages. Became involved with one Y Thih Enuol, an ethnic Rhade tribal fighter and former Cloud Cobra inmate. Gave military leadership to Y Thih while retaining internal overwatch of unit, including prosecution of looters and other offenders. With deep relations to local tribes, Phoenix expelled IOTO presence and extinguished the New Black Flags in area entirely.

Fought in Christmas Offensive precipitating American withdrawal from the war. Deferred bereavement leave when Y Thih was KIA; sought and received reassignment to embedded combat psych officer in the post-Brussels Treaty push against the Remnant. Oversaw deprogramming of Fallen sect members captured during final northern campaign; paper “Demonic Rhythms: Initiation and Indoctrination Practices of the Fallen” well-received, receiving commendation from Great Chinese psych researchers. Promoted to captain upon conclusion of the Great Bandit War.

Did not return to Hai Phong with remaining family. Worked on reconstruction efforts in Central Highlands among Montagnard villages. Became activist on behalf of tribes, using war hero prestige to advocate for government recognition of wartime service and conferment of veteran benefits. Led womens’ rights campaign modeled after empowered tribeswomen of the Rhede, Cham, Mnong. Repudiated EuroAm ninth-wave feminist consensus in public statements.

Subsequent political activities drew more controversy. Demanded prosecution of leaders responsible for Vietnamese military’s program of retaliatory torture of Golden Remnant POWs. Lobbied for blacklisting of individuals identified by U.N. as probable war criminals. Accused of extrajudicial vigilantism against human traffickers with sleeper cells of Phoenix veterans. Called for neutrality in the Federative War. Appointed by Alpha2 Committee for wartime flight record and psych work. Designated shuttle pilot, Sovereignty auxiliary helmsman, tertiary non-emergency psych staff.

Psych Profile: Cognitive Guardian

Extroversion and public outspokenness belie deep analytical abilities and keen observational skills. Subject presents a vibrant, imperious spirit cultivated with wartime service. Calm exterior and courage under fire ensure that subject performs admirably under high-stress crisis situations. Subject is not first to speak, but abundantly responds with detailed and deeply-considered responses when presented with provocation. Diagnosed with hyperkinesthetic acuity at early age, enabling extraordinarily high levels of spatial and motion awareness that is an asset for aviatory duties.

Driven by a deeply personal code of ethics, subject seeks to defend all those around her. Tragedy instilled fierce hatred for unwarranted aggression, deep empathy for the oppressed. Postwar estrangement from surviving family indicates potential sublimation of personal loss into societal aspirations, avoidance of unresolved pain.

Memetic analysis indicates that subject is chiefly motivated by sense of justice towards the defenseless, and a desire to prevent what could cause more suffering. Activism for public exposure of Vietnam War II war criminals included calls for more comprehensive personality tests, psychological monitoring of military personnel for potential antisocial tendencies; critics have labelled such methods the "People's Panopticon."

At-times fiery commitment to social causes, concern for the marginalized, potential distraction from overall mission. Capacity to command presents threat to mission cohesion. Recommend subject assigned to secondary role(s) and sanctioned from ideological discussion whenever possible.

The Phoenix Nation

“We fly from old Earth covered in ash, dreaming of a better home. But those responsible for the great pyre are still among us. There can be no peace, no new world, until the lion lays before the lamb. Violence is a malady of the mind; all maladies can be cured.” - Monitor-Protector Trung Thi Hoang, Seeds of Earth

Symbol/Insignia: A rising phoenix
Leader: Monitor-Protector Trung Thi Hoang
Background: Vietnam War II war hero and psych researcher, Sovereignty pilot
Agenda: Emancipation of the vulnerable through psychological methods

Technology: Social Psych
+1 Research (Better behavior through neurology)
+1 Planet (Views nature as non-aggressor worthy of defense)
-1 Growth (Reluctant to repeat mistakes of the past until society is perfected)
-1 Police (Mass profiling leads to aggrieved underclass)
Needlejet protoypes free with discovery of Doctrine: Air Power (Appreciates aerial superiority)
Free ability Hypnotic Trance for units with discovery of Secrets of the Human Brain
Revolting bases have 20% chance of joining faction (Breaker of chains)

Design notes on the Phoenix:
  • I originally had intended to create a “neo-feminist” faction based on David Brin’s explorations of the concept in Earth. I’ve since branched off that idea (discussed below), but the Phoenix does take some cues from some of his concepts.
  • The idea is a faction that is focused on the protection of the defenseless, followed by the creation of a psychologically-focused research regime (like University, Consciousness) focused on the elimination of the conditions that led to the forever wars of Earth, then the elimination of those behaviors entirely. In some ways they could end up as a grassroots version of the Hive if gone wrong, but that’s not who they are at first glance.
  • The faction leaders are intended to be fellow survivors who experienced firsthand the manmade traumas of Earth, and swore to uphold to build a new one. Just as some factions are coded masculine, there is a (traditionally) feminine nature to the Phoenix, as the promoted traits that would be compassion, cooperation, and community. The idea is not embodying traditional gender roles but the values associated with them.
  • They were originally named the Phoenix Matriarchy, but I decided that was too narrow, and sounded too cheesy, like a minor Star Trek race because the setting demands each one to be named by a unique label or by government type. And they ended not being a pure matriarchy anyway.
  • From David Brin’s fiction I took the concept of future societies employing cutting-edge psychological profiling to identify those with negative characteristic traits. In Sundiver it’s how interstellar government divides people into Citizens and Probationers.
  • Neo-feminism in Earth is scanty and tends to be almost discussed only negatively. The book describes future girls as schooled in psychology and "sexual choice criteria." So for young men like the Bloomington teens, the women seem overly critical and judgmental to them. Some Gaian religion practitioners are also often described as neo-feminist. In the appendix, Brin says that he views that the future wave of feminism (after basic needs and safety, equality under law and in the workplace, etc.) would be "the decay of marriage and family as a dependable way of life", and admits that it's covered only briefly in the novel. In retrospect, none of this has aged well, which is why I got rid of most of it.
  • In The Postman, he has a group of Amazonian (radical) neo-feminists who fight the Holnist toxic masculinists. Their portrayal, while too extreme (having a female character declare that women themselves failed for not culling bad men before the apocalypse), did give some notes about how a society of survivors might try to create a new order that actively roots out dangerous elements who could potentially cause a new catastrophe. Also, it's at least less first-world problems than how it's described in Earth.
  • Generally speaking, Brin's views on feminism needing to address mate choice are problematic and dated and he's probably not the best author to be cribbing from. His speculations on feminism turning to polygamy to optimize mate choice are both questionable and somewhat too specific and limiting in focus for a sci-fi setting on the verge of transhumanism and the ability to do away with gender altogether.
  • Not to mention, shifting marriage practices is too prosaic and specific a solution for a game about grand ideas. Interestingly enough, in Michael Ely’s Centauri Dawn it’s briefly mentioned that marriage went out of style on Earth, and that spouses were called “chosen”, probably as a sop to Lal’s one quote about his late wife.
  • I've moved away from the Phoenix being a matriarchy (or gender-focused at all), but I had previously imagined them having a dedicated place for women in power similar to clan mothers in tribal societies. Much like the Iroquois, they would be a society that could have male warriors and male leaders, but there is a deliberative body of the most prominent women. There is nothing stopping men or any other gender from rising to the top, but women retain a guaranteed role in forging society. Of course, thanks to the Longevity Vaccine, that works out in practice about as well as the Peacekeepers allowing democratic elections to vote out Brother Lal.
  • One idea that I might try to retrofit into their characterization is that the Phoenix are also big into biological and technological enhancements as a means to improve the opportunities of traditionally disadvantaged members of society. For instance, women's empowerment in the 20th century were aided by greater control over the reproductive cycle, mechanization of labor, and easily-accessible weapons that served as force equalizers. But again, I'm not sure if I should have that gender angle, is that too old-fashioned?
  • The Phoenix are also inspired by Parable of the Sower/Talents, a series, like SMAC, that features that makes place on a Earth falling apart for a multitude of reasons, and creates the emergent religion Earthseed, which revolves around humanity's imperative to pursue space colonization! And I recently discovered Octavia Butler even had a quote about phoenixes!

Design notes on Hoang:
  • Hoang means female phoenix in East Asian mythology. The phoenix represents feminine energy, and is the symbol of empresses in contrast to the masculine dragon of emperors.
  • Her visual appearance would resemble that of Paige Tico, right down to flight suit, but with more battle scars both physical and emotional.
  • Hoang's desire to manage society (and cultivation of prosocial values, natch) through psychological development is a nod to Bioshock 2's Sofia Lamb.
  • I actually think that the faction leader being Vietnamese was almost entirely based on the notion in the '00s that the U.S. might return to Vietnam by leasing a naval base, as both countries are currently aligned against China. (I had the Phoenix Matriarchy name in like 2013.) This concept ended up working out incredibly well because Vietnam has a surprisingly long history with female war heroes, from Lady Triệu and the Trung Sisters in ancient times to women soldiers in the Vietnam War, including Le Thi Thu Nguyet. Not to mention many Indochinese indigenous rural peoples like the Rhade are matriarchal or at least matrilineal/matrilocal/matrifocal.
  • The Black Flag Army was a roving band of Chinese renegades active in Indochina after the 19th century Taiping Rebellion.
  • The Fallen are mentioned in Centauri Dawn as rogue guerrilla fighters who launched coordinated attacks across Chinese cities in the first "Flash War". I like to think the name is a corruption of Falun Gong, and are successors to them as religious militants against the Chinese government, here allied to the followers of the deposed Golden Emperor.
  • Vietnam War II is a reference to Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.
  • While they're not explicitly a flyboy faction, the Phoenix does sort of try to be an aerial-oriented one.
  • Hoang being a captain who ends up fighting the U.S. Air Force is a subversion of Carol Danvers.
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The neat thing about SMAC's faction leaders is that mostly have titles that are evocative and non-obvious. There are no presidents, kings, commanders. Miriam isn't a Reverend Mother but a humble Sister, and Lal isn't a self-proclaimed Secretary-General but rather a simple Commissioner (for Earth's Refugees?). Deirdre being a Lady hints at romantic Celtic druidic revival. Someone on TVTropes or some other site pointed out that Santiago is a Colonel perhaps that is the highest military rank where you can still lead troops in the field. That would be a cool revealing character detail but I wonder if it's just because colonel better evokes Latin American caudillos rather than the generic-sounding General. Zakharov being an Academician speaks to his Russian roots. Yang being a Chairman invokes comparisons to Mao. The most banal, straightforward title of the bunch is Morgan being CEO, but hey, he deserves it: his name and brand is everywhere and completely outshines his title.

This extends mostly to SMAX as well, ignoring the alien factions (who are boring enough to both have Manifold in the title, for starters). Cha Dawn takes on pretensions of being a Prophet, which works for a self-proclaimed Voice of Planet. Both Domai being a Foreman rather than whatever a union boss is called, and Svensgaard being a Captain instead of a full Admiral (or Pirate-King!) are a nice touch, showing their hands-on, personal approach to rule. Then we have the fictional titles. Roze is a Datajack or a Datatech- probably not the latter, because one of SMAC's background sci-fi world-building is that mission specialists have the -tech suffix; doctors called medtech and so forth. Datajack is a cyberpunk (or Shadowrun?) phrase, even if it's technically a cyber-implant, so I can dig it. I'm rather partial to Roze presiding over a court of DataKnaves in the "Joe" fanfic novel. Aki Zeta-5 has the longest title with Prime Function- honestly it could just be Prime- but it fits the cyborg theme neatly (in the accompanying expansion novella, individual Consciousness citizens are briefly referred to as "shells.")

I've always tried to imitate SMAC's styles and conventions in Second Ship - all Alpha Centauri fan works are attempts to create a sequel we'll never get, I feel. So in the spirit of that here are my current titles and some changes in bold:

Faction Set A

Surveyor Michael Garrison (Planetary Settlers) - changing it from Governor, which is already used in-game to refer to the local base leaders if you put them under A.I. auto-build control. Evokes the frontier spirit of the faction. Would be Pathfinder if that lousy Mass Effect sequel / spin-off hadn't gotten to it first. I considered Trailblazer but it sounds too self-congratulatory, and Prospector but that sounds too extraction-focused.

Commandant Aleksandr Borokhov (Sovereign Magistrates) - took me a long time to pick a title for the militaristic U.N. rival (originally I had him as Secretary-General).

Eldress Avril Walker (Elders of Chiron) - technically since it's a faction of seniors they're all elders and eldresses, but it's a cool word that accurately describes her.

Bishop Pierre Mputu Kasala (Parish of Planet) - the job title. In the backstory he's working for a cardinal in the Catholic hierarchy, but in terms of statecraft he runs the faction.

Heliophant Cuzco Sol (Sons of Centauri-Ra) - the distant past he was a hierophant, but then I added the sun into that word to make a cool neologism.

Chieftain Robin Huxley (Darwin Raiders) - got to give them a savage feel, plus it's a Civ game difficulty!

Wing Leader Trung Thi Hoang (Phoenix Nation) - originally she's a Monitor-Protector because I tried to evoke the sound of "Mother-Superior" as a nod to the faction's original neo-feminist design. It's way too wordy and confusing (it's a blend of a mental health monitor and "Lord Protector"). I considered calling her Emancipator but that's too self-congratulatory for a SMAC leader title. This points to her veteran origins and militarism for the oppressed.

Faction Set B

Patrician Seneca ar-Ra'i (New Athenians) - he's trying to build the ideal city, he's a whimsical guy, I gave him the title of the leaders of Ankh-Morpork from Discworld.

Steward Gennaro da Gama (Library of Planet) - Oracle seems a little too supernatural and mythical, though it taps into how he's into psychohistory and predicting the course of human events. I considered Grandmaster but that sounds better for a knightly order and Conciliator, which I'd rather save for the descriptive moniker that appears at the faction selection menu. So I'll use his original moniker. Like the Stewards of Gondor, he's a wiseman who aspires to bring back civilization's past glories in the face of internal division and imminent destruction, but is also kind of weak-willed about it.

Lord Adem Altan Bozdere (Anti-Xenos Integral Society) - evokes both his authoritarianism and religiosity. Plus he was granted Pasha (twice!) which is sort of a lord.

Fiduciary Nanashi Sakamoto (Global Energy Exchange) - originally the leader was just supposed to be a shadowy board, then I decided it needs someone to be the face of it, and so she has the fiduciary duty to act as its spokeswoman representative.

Directrix Sylvia Gauss (Nanomachine Technologists) - she was originally a director-in-chief, which is a good title for the head of a technocracy or technate as any. Just made it pithier and gender-specific.

First Speaker Mahamaya Miraj (Psions for Purity) - faction is very inspired by the Second Foundation from Asimov's series. I'll get to her profile eventually.

Commodore Liahona Vailea (Diver Exodus) - another aquatic faction. I also really like the word commodore.
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Revised bio for Michael Garrison of the Planetary Settlers:

Michael Garrison
Colonization Specialist, Settler Representative
United States

Service Record:

Born 2040, Bloomington, Indiana. Discontented childhood living in city with one of the largest percentages of senior citizens and highest safety ratings in the country. Sought relief in the Young Settlers, dueling with rival tribal youth subcultures while dreaming of a future in the newly-warmed territories. Joined U.N. Resettlement Program in Patagonia immediately after graduation at J. D. Quayle High. Demonstrated hardiness and survival ingenuity in harsh environment. Commended for successfully mediatitation between rival Cypriot refugee groups. Showed knack for preserving the natural state around settled areas, adapting regulation practices to rapidly evolving climate conditions. Attained rank of ecologic adjuster.

Expanded colonies under purview fivefold with no loss of threatened species despite repeated flooding during La Bestia cycle. Appointed director of the Antarctic Settlement Program by U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. Resettled Crusader Wars refugees in subzero conditions with low casualties. Following armistice, appointed Colonization Specialist by the U.N.-F.C. Trucial Alpha2 Committee.

Psych Profile: Pioneer Harmonist

Ability to create and cultivate large communities within the wilderness proves strong leadership and resolve. Sense of wonder and appreciation of nature enhanced by restlessness, a desire for new frontiers to conquer. Strong survival skills engender sense of calmness in the face of dangerous environments. High school records show affinity for the Settlers gang-clique, a post-Boy Scouts organization stressing individual efforts and exploration rather than regimentation and discipline.

While claiming not to be "a sissy WorOrthChuGa" and rejection of the Gaian religion, subject shows a deep understanding of natural equilibrium. Clearly demonstrates keen ability to coexist with surroundings without causing detrimental change. Affable, homespun personality combined with ability to harmonize varied environments may draw those from wayward origins to his cause.

Planetary Settlers
"Planet is not meant to be colonized by industrial methods that destroy the soil, pollute the air, and add nothing to the spirit of manifest destiny- carving out a new home with our own hands. Planet is meant to be settled." - Surveyor Michael Garrison, Settler's Guide

"Settlers Ho!" -Rallying cry.

Symbol/Insignia: A miner's pick and a frying pan crossing each other diagonally, and a state emblem-esque background with rolling hills, a river, and two suns in the sky.
Leader: Surveyor Michael Garrison
Background: Colonization leader of Antarctica Settlement Program, United States of America
Agenda: Settling of Chiron with ecologically-friendly measures.

Technology: Centauri Ecology
+1 Planet (Willing to treat Planet well)
+1 Morale (Stalwart defenders of their outposts)
-1 Probe (Frontier cities easy to infiltrate)
-1 Economy (Strict environmentalism leads to certain sacrifices)

Design notes:

The very first of these datalinks biographical profiles that I ever wrote. He's based on the trio of Bloomington boys and Nelson Grayson from [I]Earth[/I].
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