Different Ending videos reflecting your gamestyle. Ai aid???

Lazy sweeper

May 7, 2009
The idea came out in a thread about the utility of fascism vs basic nationalism as a modern type of government.
Where some user said it would be useful to depict what can such a government type have that can go very wrong,
and not be just another line of nationalism, with maybe unique units, etc.. and have some kind of educational purpose
mechanism, like nerfing it greatly etc...

I would add to that Unique Ending Videos, sort of like the Civ VI great moments but now there's AI video!!!!!
It could also be a really cool mod project... feed an Ai bee with all possible achievements of the great book of civ VI,
and create various videos montages. Given current state of the Art Ai, this could also be done almost real time...

I completed a musical Ai video of 3 minute in under 10 minutes on my M2 mac with Stable diffusion...

The Switch can wait!!! Or use an online Ai...

Of course, negative events should be added to the book too, in order to make an entertaining result...
with maybe even some kind of educational message attached...

Crusaderssss!!!!! Attack!!!!!!!! I can already see it.... Oh it would be great.... Can we kill the Venetian Doge in some kind of
Regicide mode???
It would make for some esthatic moments....

More details: this below is a thread in Civ VI with pool attached: Is it even possible to pull off???
(As a modder)

Basically a script to download the Timeline book pages of unique events, upload them on an Ai engine such as Stable Diffusion,
add some more text context, and then make a unique video out of these ingredients. What would come out then should make its way
back to the End winning screen of a player, that in the Meantime, has been watching a recap of an extended minimap, with all the unique moments of all other civs in the game, battle popups, wonders pictures, snd every other thinkable goodies that would make the End game minimap something now more dynamic, explosive, entertaining, and then, after all of that play and rewind of your expansionism, win and defeats, BOOM.
An Ai made video with all of your timeline unique moments starts to play.... it has finished assembling and downloading....
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