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Divine Intervention III: RagnarReign of Terror

Elona smiled, Ragnar had finally done it, he had finally liberated her garden and saved the life of her daughter. Elona's happiness was uncontainable. With infinite joy, Elona spead about Ragnar's lands providing the reward she had promised. She added plants and animals, as she saw fit, until at least on of every plant and animal could be found somewhere within Ragnar's kingodom; removed all desert from the land, creating new plains and new grasslands, as she saw fit. Then, Elona created for Ragnar a new land bridge between New Elona and Nidaros. The need for the channel having passed, Elona decided to gift Ragnar with the rejoining of the landmasses on which his empire fell.

Spoiler :

When Elona had done all of this, she turned her grey falcon form back towards her garden. Elainas awaited her there at the palace steps. Elona's smile grew at the sight of her daughter. Elainas smiled back, but there was a tiredness in her face.

"Mother," she said, "take a walk with me in the garden."

Elona followed her daughter with concern. "Is something wring, my darling?"

Elainas turned a contemplative stare to the ground and walked in silence for a few minutes before answering, "Mother, much has happened since the night the garden fell. I am no longer the same carefree maiden I once was."

"Elainas... I'm sor..."

"No, mother, it was not your fault and that is not what I want to say." Elainas heaved a great sigh. "Mother, I wish to see the world outside this garden. Before the attack, I thought nothing of the outside world and I cared not how it worked, but now... Mother, I wish to see what it is like."

"Elainas, the world is a strange and dangerous place. I wish that you would not ask this of me, not when I have only just gotten you back."


"Elainas, if this is what you want then I shall send you to Ragnar. He will protect you while you are in the mortal world. Return to me before too long or my heart shall break."

Elona spoke to Ragnar once more in his dreams. "Ragnar," she said, "I wish to thank you for all that you have done for me. You will find that your land is more furtile and your southern cities are now connected by a land bridge to the northern continent."

Ragnar grunted approval and Elona continued. "You have done much for me and I am thankful, but there is one more thing I would like to request. My daughter wishes to visit the mortal world and I have decided to grant her this wish. However, I fear for her safety in your world. I wish you to escort her and her body guard to your lands. I would like that in your country she would visit your capital and New Elona, and whatever else of your countryside you wish to show her, and then I wish you to escort her and her gaurd back to my garden. She must not be harmed or lands will turn to dust around. Do this for me and more you shall be rewarded."

With that, Elona was gone from Ragnar's dreams.

Spoiler :

Forest please read....
Spoiler :
A great prophet has been added to Elona's Garden, this is Elona's daughter. TheForestAuro must send both Elainas Sihanae and Jahvaneer the Brave to Viking lands. Both units must stop in the capital city (a screen shot should be provided as proof) and they must stop in New Elona. Once they arrive in New Elona, Elainas should be used to build the Kahsi Vishwanath (the holy building of Hinduism) as a tribute to Elona. This part of the quest must be completed within the FIRST 50 TURNS! On the next save, a new great prophet will be placed in New Elona. This will also be Elainas Sihanae. She and Jahvaneer must be returned to the Garden of Elona where they should be gifted to the Americans. This part of the quest should be completed in the NEXT SET OF 50 TURNS. If the quest is completed sucessfully, Ragnar will recieve a reward. If he does not complete this quest in the specified amount of time, he will be minorly punished and if Elainas dies, a terrible punishment will be enacted.


  • DivIntElona5.CivBeyondSwordSave
    487.8 KB · Views: 55
Have there been too many changes already? I'd like to got it if not.

Ragnar awoke from an eerie dream to find a man shifting through his personal belongings. Enraged that a burglar would dare target the mighty Ragnar, he swung his axe through this strange man's neck. But the man, seemingly unharmed, chuckled a little and told Ragnar simply "I am not a crook. Indeed, I am Richard M Nixon, the little-known god of Peace, Victory, Irony, and Whales."

Ragnar, exasperated by these silly minor gods, turned to resume his sleep.

"Wait, Ragnar," said Nixon, "you know what that Hannibal fella is up to? Sure you're winning, but aren't you worried he's got some ace in a hole? I sent my best man down to Carthage to look into things, take good care of him, eh? Or at least deny you ever knew him. More importantly, you should come hang out at my place, just follow the mutant whales. I've given you a token gift in Nidaros, expect plenty more where that came from should you visit my villa. Well that's all for now, I'll be seeing you." Nixon threw up the victory sign with both arms, stepped aboard his ethereal whale-copter, and flew off into the night.

Spoiler :

I put an arrow of whales in that square of fallout in the ocean. It leads here:



  • TheForestAuro AD-1415.CivBeyondSwordSave
    489.7 KB · Views: 68
Got it. Need to check my island, after all.

The child looks around the world, a little ticked off actually. Fallout everywhere, war everywhere, and everyone ticked off at the "chosen one" of Elona. Well, this won't do. thinks he as he possess one of Ragnar's researchers.

The researcher, James Maxwell by name, staggered out of his lab, and over to Ragnar. The King's guards didn't stop him, something stopped them. When Maxwell/Liberi noticed he was in the King's presence, he spoke.

"What the heck is up with all this? You know you've pissed off all your rivals? I'm pretty sure you may take the world for your own before the Beast awakens, but if they gang up against you, I'll begin to doubt. Also, you haven't completed both my and Churchhill's quests. I'm not minding too much, but you guys don't have telescopes nor Astronomy to build sea-faring ships? Where have you been researching!? I've popped the ice barrier a touch, but you'll have to do the rest for his quest. Also, because I've done this idiot gesture, this guy's gonna be pretty big now. I'll show you something nice, IF you gift this researcher to another civilization. You can't give it to a vassal, either. They are extensions of your will, after all."

With that, Maxwell passes out, and Liberi becomes ethereal once more...

Spoiler :
The Isle is given a city. The city is given two Januaries, Walls, a Castle, and a Theater. Remember, this must BURN to complete my quest. Fallout was also removed from the island. >>

A small piece of ice was removed from the map. Churchillton is now open, but Ragnar still has to blast the natives himself.

James Maxwell, Great Scientist, is born in Norgovd. This has to be given to another, non-vassal civilization, and not be used by Ragnar. Do it, and I'll reveal the Isle. It's still up to you to take it, though.

EDIT: It's not letting me upload, saying I've already uploaded it. Help, here?
Alright. I don't think we need the earlier "divinealt"s, so I'll try that first.

Got it working. Here, use this one, vra!


  • DivineALT2.CivBeyondSwordSave
    313.4 KB · Views: 58
Include your update in the next set. It's been 12 hours since you "got it" and you haven't posted an update, so I'm going to go ahead and continue playing.
Sure, had decided to wait till Liberi got his save up, and he did...at 3 AM my time O.O

Ah well...
vra: That was 3am my time too O.O

Forest: Huh...? Give me a second...I'll go check, though that may explain things.

EDIT: Yep, that was why I couldn't upload. Hang on a second...here you go, the correct save. Sorry about that


  • TheForestAuro AD-1415.CivBeyondSwordSave
    490.5 KB · Views: 54
Okay then, will take it now, and be back in about twenty minutes or less. Or mabye a bit more.
From time immemorial, the Portuguese had always been the favourite peoples of the God of Ice. Followers of Eraie to the last, he had tried to protect them against the barbaric Ragnar, whose cruelty had known no bounds...

...Over the last few hundred years however, Eraie had rarely felt more insulted...he had been ignored and mocked, while other Gods, lesser in both power and stature had recieved Ragnar`s favour...

Well then...it was time to return to his own, to purge the heathen faiths from his chosen lands - The Low Countries and Portugal - and show them the way to permanent liberation...

Lord Cyrul and Lord Prrys would prove intrumental to this task....soon the defences were strengthened...the troops armed...the swords polished...and, with Ragnar gone, the revolution began.

Ragnar had scarely got home from his island trip when he was informed of the rebellion - and the fact that the Dutch, while siding formally, had closed their borders...however, in his absence, it seems that the regent wisely established a garrison of troops to be trained across the border from Aden...hopefully they would prove strong in battle.


Far away from the Viking Capital, the garrsion left on the island was confronting a bigger issue...`it seems the ice has decided a path for us...`
Yup, had to play test it for balance.

OCC: Just a heads up by the way, Saladin is definately gearing up to kill you.

That small complication aside, should you be able to kill the revolting lords and Occupy and raze their Hall, while still fulfilling escort duty, I will reward you handsomely in recognition of your skill and bravery.


  • TheForestAuro AD Save.CivBeyondSwordSave
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