Ever-noob plays Thinker mod w/ Lal, AAR


Jul 22, 2020
Want to git gud, or better at least. Thinker mod is amazing but wipes the floor with me.

Help me SMAC-fanatics, you're my only hope.

Spoiler Lal 2101 :

Thinker difficulty (only ever played Librarian with Thinker mod), on a random standard planet.




SIP seems a no brainer, at the head of a river with nutrients. Thinking SW looks good for exploring - another river and more green. I’ve read that with the game’s original map generator, it is roughly possible to predict the layout of resource squares - does the Thinker mod generator have similar patterns?

Planning RX to bureaucracy cap (is that 6 with Lal’s -1 efficiency on Thinker difficulty? Running Planned will drop it) though with free talent could def build more. Research CE for Formers and get them rolling. Would welcome thoughts on the next few techs, and any general advice.



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I would settle in place and settle second colony pod on the mouth of the river two tile SE.

Bureau cap is 6, negative efficiency does not reduce it.

Yes, get formers first. After that it depends. In some neighbourhoods you may need laser/particle rovers. In better circumstances Free Market via Industrial Economics is good.
Thanks @civac :)

Spoiler Lal 2113 :

  • started colony pod immediately in HQ
  • built scout in 2nd base, then switched to colony pod
  • scout got planetpearls, ready to explore river
  • CE researched, now Mobility for rovers
  • Pod finished in HQ, switching to formers. Thinking 3rd base where scout is standing.
On a meta note, for this AAR realistically I'll play a handful of turns a week in one or two sessions, and take it all the way to the end. I'll start attaching my saves for anyone who wants to explore from there; first post edited to include Turn 1 save. This is Thinker v4.8





Looks good. Since you are Lal settling a bad further apart (3 tiles distance maybe) seems good. That's the general idea. In this specific case there is a double food spot you can reach quickly via the river.
there is a double food spot you can reach quickly
wouldn't have considered that. Learning already :)

Spoiler Lal 2117 :

Former time!

My terraforming game def needs work. My go-to "forests everywhere" strategy is a bit lazy, and I see Edoogaming often building farms + solar, at least one per base maybe?

3rd base needs minerals tho - and i should minimize wasted worker turns, with minimal back-and-forth.

Leaning towards road (unnecessary on river?) + forest on river NE of Dignity base, then road + farm + solar on nutrients E. At HQ, when former builds maybe N first with road + farm + solar, then forests around?

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong :)

Also, when next round of pods build, shouldn't they be escorted? Should I build rover or scouts to escort, or rover to recon next base sites / search for factions?





The spot you wanted to settle on was fine too. But due to the river you can reach the stronger one very quickly too so it's worth it. Of course, sharing the food resources with other bases is the play but the double food base can use both resources briefly early on for a bit of an boost and is more flexible in sharing one or the other.

I would build a former in each base at this point. Turning your nutrient resources into 3/2/1 tiles is currently more efficient than making more colony pods using bad tiles. Forest the nutrient resources north of HQ and near UN Dignity Plaza. Then consider farming the river tile between HQ and UN Sanctuary Square. This is what I'm roughly aiming for at the beginning. Each base gets a 2+ nutrient square to grow to size 2 and an extra forest (can often be shared) to make a colony pod once it is size 2. Forested nutrient tiles are optimal. However sometimes a 2/1/0 or 2/1/1 farm is the best you can do as for Sanctuary Plaza. Next, one road south of HQ and one road SW of that (S-SW of HQ) to connect to the river are good builds.

Solar collectors can be OK builds if you have the spare former labour or are really hurting for energy (say Yang start without a river). You can consider adding a collector to the farm on the projected farm tile between HQ and Sanctuary Plaza. However, extra forests for once you bases are size 2 are definitely better unless you can immediately buy the colony pods (doubtful). Roads to new base sites is very likely better too.
Spoiler Lal 2125 :

Built 3 Formers, and another scout in HQ. Followed civac's advice and forested the nutrients, built roads. All bases working on colony pods now. Researched Industrial Base, now researching Industrial Economics. Found another nutrient NE of HQ :)

Screenshot (1).png



Almost nothing to comment. This looks amazing. Now, of course, you are following my advice. :coffee: Do consider spending you money on the colony pods or possibly on the formers in the new bases.
This looks amazing. Now, of course, you are following my advice. :coffee:
Yes indeed :) hyped to see where this one goes

Spoiler Lal 2133 :

More and more resources, RNG is loving me for now. With six bases, I've pivoted to building Formers, prototyping a rover, and perhaps a misguided Weather Paradigm. Very open to comments on these choices, as well as critiques to my terraforming game.






What is the mine for? Is there a mineral resource on that tile? If it's a flat desert with a mineral resource, I'd still go forest.
Mineral resource, yup. For which terrain types would you consider a mine? Or is it more situational for a given base?
Rocky tiles get a mine obviously. They are great. I use farm/mines/road on mineral bonus tiles which have good yields already. For example, on rainy, rolling tiles the total output is 2/5/0 and on rainy, flat tile it's 2/4/0. On moist, rolling tiles it is 1/5/0 which is still superior to a forest but already sketchy, considering the former labor required. However, unless I'm mistaken, flat, moist and flat, arid tiles only reach 1/4/0 total output which is less than a forest (1/4/1) and also takes much longer to terraform. Even on the other types I listed if you need the minerals quickly planting a forest is often viable anyway.
Spoiler Lal 2135 :

Squeezing in a couple of token turns in a busy weekend. Lost a former to a surprise worm - 5 remaining, 4 currently in production. Does that seem excessive? Feeling uncertain about my builds and goals, what are your thought processes and priorities? Want more bases, one could def work that nutrient 2SE of Mount Planet peak - wondering if I can go ahead with a colony pod or 2, or should wait for rec commons et al.

Screenshot (8).png





Spoiler Lal 2140 :

  • more explore, more nutrients. Can't resist more colony pods
  • Industrial Economics researched, switched to Planetary Networks
  • Though maybe better Lasers - here's the Hive. We haven't made contact yet, would welcome tips on diplomacy with the different factions. Hive looks rather weak on the power graph





This is the strategy I use on Transcend:

Each Faction favors a certain Society model. So Gaians favor Green, Spartans Power. If you have chosen their favorite, then they might like you. Mid game, I make a colony pod with one of the sea vehicle chassis, send it somewhere far off my coast and make a base I can then give to another faction. This gets you a lot of goodwill from them. I also do this for a useful faction that is getting wiped out. If you get trade with that Faction, the income will eventually pay for the colony pod/base you gave away. Good luck!
Spoiler Lal 2148 :

  • hive demanded and looked weak so i said f* off, DOW
  • isolated and defeated his two scout patrols, no losses
  • no lasers, built a few synthmetal rovers for defence
  • squeezed out two more colony pods, 8 bases total
  • researched info networks, now planetary networks
  • defence looks good, started building recycling tanks - but lost another former to worms. I'll probably switch at least one tank to former instead






Spoiler Lal 2153 :

  • growing and forming
  • met pirates SE in monsoon jungle, no tech trades but peace deal





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