Favourite unique unit/building?

Rathaus feels nice, though I rarely play with Charlemagne. Also Ziggurat is handy. And dike rocks.

Like the Chinese crossbows. And Ottoman Janissaries. And Vulture. And Portuguese caravel. And fast worker.

So many options to choose from! :p
Buildings: Cothon, Rathaus, Odeon (under Pericles), Feitoria
Units: Cataphract, Numidian Cavalry, Redcoat (under Churchill), Oromo Warrior, Carrack
Please setup a poll for us to vote.

I change my mind all the time, but after some thought: here are my surprising answers:

Favourite unique building: Ikhanda
Favourite unique unit: East Indiaman.
previous favo:

UU: pretorians
UB: forum

current favo:

UU: redcoats
UB: ... well... still the forum i guess. its bonus is one of a kind. no other building gives a bonus to gpp generated.
I played as the Dutch exclusively for a long time for the Dikes.

I'm experimenting with the Mongols right now, I'm thinking their UU and UB could work for a really badass early army.
UU: Cossacks, Quechua, Immortals, Cataphract

UB:Sacrifical Altar, Terrace, Apothecary

Un favorite: UU: Phalanx, Musketeer
UB: Dun, Research institute
UU's: Praetorians, Immortals, Numidians, Oromos
UB's: Dike, Feitoria
Favorite UU: Without a doubt, the Redcoats. They are awesome.

Favorite UB: DYKES, wow, those are just the best. aside from them, i would have to say the Dun makes fun choice for city defense and mountain promotions on.


Most hated UB: Stock Exchange - Worthless. ok, i know how good "it is" but i also know how good it isn't. i like buildings that have synch with the units.

Most Hated UU: Impii - Can i say twinkie?

Most hated UB: Stock Exchange - Worthless. ok, i know how good "it is" but i also know how good it isn't. i like buildings that have synch with the units

Used well the Stock Exchange can be vary powerful IMHO. When playing with Lizzy or Vicky I've never had to worry about going to war because of the cost as I'm always loaded with cash, so from my perspective it does give a very real military advantage that out ways any particular promotion.

Favourite UUs - Praetorians, Cataphract

Favourite UB - Forum
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