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Finished The World Map


Oct 28, 2001
Well it took me a week to do but I finished the 256X256 world map. You can copy it from the link below.


I tried to make it as accurate as possible and limit the amount of good land so there is not too many cities. I also limited the amount of strategic resources so that the civs will have to trade or fight over them. I haven't yet play tested it and will probably make future changes. I'm also open to changes anyone has but for the most part think it is a good map. One thing that probably need changing is that there might not be enough stradegic or luxury resources but I think limiting some of these resources to certain areas forces the civs to expand into South America, Africa and the South Pacific as they are rich in rubber, oil, spices and other resourecs that you don't find in other places.

There is one problem with the map that to make the Pacific Ocean really big, Alaska and Asia aren't very close to each other. Since this area is not that historically important I left this instead of stretching Asia or shrinking the Pacific.

I also tried to add alot of goody huts and barbarian village to fill up the land so most of the world is covered with humans.

Please give me some feedback about the map.

Nathan Burg
The editor doesn't let you do that yet but I did set the correct positions for general start positions. We will just have to wait for the editor patch.
well how could they leave that out?
thats one of the best parts seeig how much better u could do if u were the leader of a coutnry
looking over the map for a possible scenario update once the patch comes out. Was impressed that most major topilogical features and spatial geography were very accurate.

Playing on a larger map is always more fun but, the size of the map causes problems when trying to manage corruption in your civilaztion, which makes the game almost unplayable. need to somehow modify the scenario so corruption can be managed somehow
Someone had said that if you change police stations to help with corruption that would be good, they would be like an additional courthouse which makes more sence then helping with the war fatigue.
You could adjust the corruption settings in the editor if it is too much of a problem. I want know and won't get to play your map until the weekend but I look forward to it the Map that comes with the Game Sucks. Europe is TOO small. Anyway thanks for the effort will comment later.
Hi all,

please help me!!! I have downloaded the world map two times
unsuccessfully, I get the file, which is quite small, about 9,5 kb,
but when I open it with the editor there is nothing but water,

does anybody out there know what is wrong???

thanks a lot
just one prob with the map... i looked briefly at it in the editor, and, you are right, there arent too many resources. you said the reason was to beef up trade, but...

how r you going to trade without an EXTRA resource. Most i found were not bunched together. sure, they were in real life areas, but there wasant enough to trade with anyone.

another thing; i saw that in some starting locations, there are almost no resources, and in others, there are many e.g.-france(almost none) and china-(tons)

i think this is a thing to look into for world map 1.1
Thare seems to be a problem with the map or purhaps the editor. When i try to play a game on your map everything works fine except the science advisor wont let me change my research project so i have to use what ever is pre-selected for me making the game unplayable. I try fiddling with the editor a lil bit to see if i changed the map settings it would fix it. I was unsuccessful, maybe somebody could tell me what is going on here i would appreciate it.
Originally posted by uglydisease
Thare seems to be a problem with the map or purhaps the editor. When i try to play a game on your map everything works fine except the science advisor wont let me change my research project so i have to use what ever is pre-selected for me making the game unplayable. I try fiddling with the editor a lil bit to see if i changed the map settings it would fix it. I was unsuccessful, maybe somebody could tell me what is going on here i would appreciate it.

I had this same problem while playing a game that used a huge random map and was just slightly altered with the editor: I set the "huge" setting for maps at 256x256, changed a few of the different civ's colors around, changed the name and title for the Greeks, and added a few city names for them as well. I have a thread on this in the main "creation and customization" forum. The only solution I found is to use the pull-down menu on the original screen that pops up with the science advisor after completing a tech. If you choose the "big picture" button it won't allow you to change techs from the advisor's suggestion. Also, all the lines connecting the techs in the tree are not lined up with the boxes. I tried clicking around and the buttons haven't just been moved off the boxes, they simply don't exist.
New Release of the World Map:
This is version 1.2


Well I did a big overhaul on the world map. The basic terrain is the same as the first version but I gave some areas more realistic detail and added a lot more rivers all around the world. On top of that I removed all the resources so that I could research where to place them all. I have finally finished that part after 5 days, so now all the resouces are in their historically accurate places and there is 16 for each resource so that there is at least one per civ. I still have the problem of Asia not reaching all the way over to Alaska but that area isn't very historically significant and doesn't need to be all that accurate. I also have a lot of the barbarian huts but removed any that start within 6 or 7 squares of the start positions so that each civ should have enough time to build a warrior before the barbarians can get to the civs. I have play tested the game starting in France and it seems to be working well but I have only got up to about 100AD and still haven't got to the Middle Ages yet so I will have to see how the world changes in the industrial and modern ages. Europe has a large advantage over the rest of the world during the industrial age as it have 50% of the coal and a lot of iron but Europe has to take advantage of the industrial age to build its empires becuase all of the world's rubber supply is in South America, Africa and the South Pacific and 2/3 of the oil is in the Arab-Iranian Basin so you have to build colonies and cities in places you would not normally think of going in a Civ2 game. The modern age will probably be the most challenging as everyone is going to fight over these areas but it should create some nice world wars.
Hey, I've downloaded your map and I must admit it's really great.

My only issue comes from the type of projection you've chosen to describe the earth, you've used Robinson projection. The issue is that in Civilization III the map isn't round as real earth but is actually a cylindar, that's why your map, as great as it is (cause it realy is), has a weirdo pacific ocean.

So I thought maybe a cylindrical projection of the map would be a better idea. Then, I've picked Miller's projection to draw my map...
I've spend lot's of time to draw it and my desappointment was enormous when I've discovered my England was really too tiny, even if my map was the biggest possible (256x256), England (and Europe generally) is definitely to small.

I really think my cylindrical idea is a good one to lead us to the perfect map, cause The Bering Strait is a strait, and the pacific ocean looks like the pacific ocean but I don't know what to do with Europe... and I'm really angry about it.

If someone knows if it's possible to swith an image (.gif, .jpg, .bmp, etc....) directly into a civII map, I would really be interested to know the tip. I've heard it was possible to do so for Railroad Tycoon II and Simcity 3000, so who knows !

PS: I dunno how to upload a map to this site, I'm interested to know how to too.
Thanx again.:crazyeyes :crazyeyes :crazyeyes

If you want to know how looks a map you've just downloaded without having to play to the game during , just launch a new game with the map, build directly your capital city and then quit by clicking the "retire" option. You'll see automatically a pretty overview of the map.

I guess most people have thought about it, but if it's not the case, well, now you know ! :flamedevi
Thats for the help Apollo I hadn't thought of using the pull down menu, and since this seemed to be a problem with other mod tests i was doing this should come in handy. On the question of graphics to civ3 map convertion thare is a program avalbible at


Unfortunetly it gave me a memory access error when i tryed to run it but purhaps it will work on you machine.

Some comments :

Beautiful map! it is the best world map yet. I like this projects becos it makes the landmass actually sized, which i feel is more important than seamass (boats are of little use until very late so it doesn't affect the game alot). I was amazed that the AI expands its borders into much like how they would look today!

:love: :love: :love:

very realitstic ;)
here's are some small tweaks that i feel will make the game more real.

The country of Brunei in SouthEast Asia have a sizable (but mostly offshore) oil field (Brunei give free healthcare and education becos it makes too much money from exporting oil :D ),
if you could, put a oil field in the jungle of Brunei, it would be cool :)

try making japan 4 landmass instead of 2 :) there would be a bit of water seperating parts of japan at the bottom.
i guess the map projections didn't show it well enough for 256x256. so just a thought really...

About the projection of the world map: I understand that there are better maps to make the pacific ocean more accurate but the map I have is more accurate for the terrain of the rest of the world and has the northern and southern hemisphere in proper proportions. It makes the Pacific large, which I like, but creates the problem of having Asia and North America to far apart near the artic circle. However, I felt that this wasn't worth solving at the cost of other part of the map as this area isn't very historically significant.

About the placement of oil fields: I researched where the 40 super oil fields are in the world and places them accordingly. I didn't place 40 oil fields but only 16, as with the other resouces, but the proportions are accuracte. 2/3 of the worlds oil is from the Arab-Iranian basin and the rest are in the Americas, South Pacific, and Russia. I know there are oil rich areas in other places, especially offshore, but oilfields in water doens't work with the rules as you can't build a road to it and also these are not the super oil fields of the world.
16 oil minerals just arent enough for 16 civilizations, because minerals will disappear in time and oil disappears even faster then some other minerals 40 oil minerals should be at least. perhaps even more. and same to other minerals. Only luxury minerals wont expire.
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