[FIXED] Nuke crashing game + Numbers hovering in the ocean + other minor things


Hates acronyms
Nov 25, 2007
First, I’m running Civ 5 on Windows XP 32-bits, ATI Radeon HD, 5700, 4 gigs ram, dx 9c, core 2 quad 2.4.

Bug 1:

Nuking in the following situation gets me an automatic crash (see spoilered image). I can use both types of nukes on cities and around the map, but it seems that when I nuke those 10 units off the map, the game can’t cope and it crashes. I don’t know if it’s due to one of these particular units, or if it’s the sheer number. I also tried doing the same nuking in strategic mode, to see if the graphics were causing the problem, and it also crashed. It actually crashed much faster in strategic mode. I clicked to send the nuke and BAM right away, black screen and windows error sends me back to desktop. Here is what the even viewer said:

Spoiler :
Faulting application civilizationv.exe, version, faulting module cvgamecoredllfinal release.dll, version, fault address 0x00022f1d.

0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 63 69 76 ure civ
0018: 69 6c 69 7a 61 74 69 6f ilizatio
0020: 6e 76 2e 65 78 65 20 31 nv.exe 1
0028: 2e 30 2e 30 2e 31 37 20 .0.0.17
0030: 69 6e 20 63 76 67 61 6d in cvgam
0038: 65 63 6f 72 65 64 6c 6c ecoredll
0040: 66 69 6e 61 6c 20 72 65 final re
0048: 6c 65 61 73 65 2e 64 6c lease.dl
0050: 6c 20 33 2e 30 2e 33 2e l 3.0.3.
0058: 30 20 61 74 20 6f 66 66 0 at off
0060: 73 65 74 20 30 30 30 32 set 0002
0068: 32 66 31 64 0d 0a 2f1d..

The save is attached to this thread. The submarine is in place with its nuke on board, just try shooting at the same unit if you want...


Bug number 2:

The next bug is more of an annoyance. You know how, when you have planes or missiles in cities, they show as a number over the city banner? Well, the missiles and planes work under the same principle when you put them on boats or submarines. In the following screenshot, I was carrying guided missiles in a nuclear submarine. Whenever I clicked on the number above the submarine’s icon to interact with the guided missiles that were on board, the number became permanent on the map. In the screenshot below, I actually have used the missiles on poor Hiawatha, yet I can still interact with the previous locations of where the missile-carrying submarine was and look at this tab… Note that I could not use the “dead” missiles, but yeah, these numbers were hanging around on the ocean for each time I tried to interact with the missiles, until I reloaded my game. See image:

Spoiler :


Other quibbles:

3) The Sydney Opera House can only be built on a coastal city, yet I don't think the Civilopedia or the manual says so.

4) I think the advanced ballistics quote that is read is not the same as the one that is written.

5) When in your economic viewer, you see a list of your cities. You can sort them in various orders simply by clicking on the "gold" icon for gold, or the "hammer" icon for production. That way it's easy to find your most productive cities in terms of gold, hammers, citizens and whatnot... HOWEVER, when I try to sort them in order of Beakers, it doesn't seem to work. It sorts them in order of... I don't know what, but certainly not beakers.

6) So, Hiawatha invaded Gandhi and took Delhi. Eventually I declared war on Hiawatha and took Delhi for myself. It asked me if I wanted to liberate it and return it to the now obliterated (eliminated, off the map) Gandhi. I said no, I kept it as a puppet city for a while. Eventually, I wanted to return it to Gandhi, but I couldn’t, it was still a puppet state. I could annex it or leave it as a puppet. Maybe that’s the way it is intended but it seems a little weird. I can understand that once you’ve annexed the city, liberating it is a little iffy, although even then I’d be glad if the option was there. But not being able to do it when it’s simply a puppet… Hmm…


  • England_Warlord_02.Civ5Save
    788.2 KB · Views: 332
I had a similar problem. I was a peaceful race with a magnificent economy and superior technology. Then the neighboring Aztecs plopped a city down right over some uranium I was going for, which I decided was an act of war. Despite having never wronged me in the past and the fact that I hadn't once gone to war the entire game, I decided that I was fed up with those other civilizations. Time for a nuclear holocaust! After at least ten successful nukings and about a third of the map radioactive wasteland, (no errors yet) I shot another nuke from a nuclear submarine. As it launched, I realized: Oh crap. I just fired a nuke at a tile that left me within the blast radius! There goes my sub. But interestingly, the sub didn't explode, nor did anything else, once the mushroom cloud cleared. In fact, my game had frozen. I guess my scientists built me a reality bomb by mistake.

I also experienced the second listed bug. Actually, I think the first bug is a direct result of the second bug. I hypothesize that when the nuke exploded and tried to kill all of the units in its radius, one of the units that were IN that radius was the nuke itself - specifically, the ghost nuke glitchy bit described in the second part of the post. The nuke tries to clear a reference to itself which doesn't exist any more and breaks the game. Does that seem to make sense? The same thing is occurring in your save. The sub is the unit that is breaking the game; you left it in the blast radius.
Your hypothesis was so good that I tested it myself and you are totally right. Here is what I did:

1) I sailed back from the shore and shot the nuclear missile in the exact same location. All of the 10 units died with no problem, no crash!

2) I shot a nuke at another location and it didn't crash, then I moved close to the same location (empty tundra type) and shot while in the radius of the nuke. The game crashed.

So BUG or CRASH number 1 obviously happens because either the submarine or the fake ghost nuke (bug number 2) is in range...
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