Funny - haha - things/features/short cut/hacks etc.

I just finnish One City Challenge with Rome win by time. Greatest city ever. I'm gonna post something about it later.
Did you leave Mediolanum under your own control?
I also found out now that the cities that went to you as a result of the congress, just as quietly remain under control and are not ruined
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I find that a fun way to play it's to continue after 2020. Having a civilization bastion with your vassals and dealing with new threats. Trying to still get some economic growth, dealing with climate change, nuclear crazyness and the annoying independant states that are becoming more and more dangerous. The first time i did that i get to 2300 i think. There is something poetic to see you'r once very busy world becoming silent. The shiny colours of living civilization disappearing and be replacing by the souless grey of independant city. The struggle to keep your and vassals stability right. Seeing them conquering too much city and finally collapse.
With this purpose in mind i once played England/America where the goal was to be the most ecologic possible. Keeping the more forrest you can, avoiding some unhealthy building, conquering other forrest to protect them, avoiding nuclear apocalypse. It was a difficult challenge i remember Russia getting really crazy destroying everything, launching nukes, etc. I had to send a doomstack of conventionnal army to crush them till collapse because they were to much of a threat. I kept playing this game for a long time. Destroying improvement to let forrest grow while dealing with instability. I don't remember what years i did stop but it was quite far, most of the world was a desert, only my empire stayed a bit green. I had to fight with very furious independant, as stubborn as zombie, destroying all they can so i had to keep a strong army... It was a long time ago but i rememeber it well. However you need to be very patient and use your imagination cause objectivly it grow boring pretty quickly. Still, i loved this game. I will try another attempt of this with new features. I read here that next version could have a climate change module: i really wish that, it could open a new dimension of fun for the late game.
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