Funny Screenshots

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Cropper said:
Wow, the designers of Civ 4 added strange alien formations to the game. Looks like an Alien obsidian temple built between the mountains to protect it.

It's a piece of the monolith from 2001. Don't you know, that's how civilization started!
"Mr Toads Wild Ride"... (note the road south of the watermill)


  • whoah look at that road.JPG
    whoah look at that road.JPG
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panzooka said:
gotta wait untill u get amphobious assult to get that marble :(
This is Civ4: ANY unit can do an amphibious assault. All you need is a ship to get him there. Amphibious assaults (without Marines or the amphib promotion) get a 50% strength penalty in the attack.
Caesars older than he looks. He just nodded off, while Declaring War!


  • caesar naps.JPG
    caesar naps.JPG
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the floating greeny box
i wonder what underside looks like


  • Civ4ScreenShot0017.JPG
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Oh Highlands, why has thou forsaken me?


  • trapped.JPG
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Seems like all the Horse have been mutated. All these shots were taken in 'fog of war' regions.
Once I get a unit in sight of one of these abominations, I'll see if the graphic changes.

Hmmm, I wonder how effective a two headed horse would be in combat??

could someone make an avatar of the two headed horse? along with the cow avatar we could make a whole civ4 flukes avatr section!
aahz_capone said:
could someone make an avatar of the two headed horse? along with the cow avatar we could make a whole civ4 flukes avatr section!

this do ya?


  • horsey.JPG
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Cropper said:
Wow, the designers of Civ 4 added strange alien formations to the game. The first shot is an overhead view, and the second is a close-up. Looks like an Alien obsidian temple built between the mountains to protect it.

I had one of those also! I thought that perhaps it was the Black Tower in Mordor because it was surrounded by mountains. :borg:
Less funny screenshot,but I've never seen something like
this before.The Barbarians build a wonder.

Welcome to CFC :beer:
Tatran said:
Less funny screenshot,but I've never seen something like
this before.The Barbarians build a wonder.

Are you sure the Aztecs didn't build the wonder, only to have the Barbarians capture it afterwards? (That's how those lazy barbarians roll) :p
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