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GOTM23 loading error


Nov 25, 2001
I have successfully loaded & played GOTM21 & 22 open with PTW v1.21. I currently have v1.27. I noticed the saved file was listed as v1.29 but that civ3.com lists no PC patch v1.29.

When I try to load the game I get the following error:

CIVILIZATION3X caused an invalid page fault in
module CIVILIZATION3X.EXE at 0167:005c60ba.
EAX=00000020 CS=0167 EIP=005c60ba EFLGS=00010246
EBX=ffffffe8 SS=016f ESP=00f6c688 EBP=00000020
ECX=0225dd8c DS=016f ESI=024f4a90 FS=419f
EDX=02195c58 ES=016f EDI=00000001 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 38 52 8b 51 24 8b 49 20 03 d3 52 8b 54 24 20
Stack dump:
00000000 00000001 00000000 0225dd8c 005c6033 0094a4d4 00000368 ffffffe8 02195c58 00000000 00000368 ffffffe8 0000065c 0094a4d4 00000001 00000001

any ideas?

If the save was listed as v 1.29, I think you might have downloaded the save for vanilla civ instead of PTW.
I'm not sure that's the reason, but it could be worth a try.

You have the v129 save file which seems to be clearly labeled v129 and you are trying to load it into the PTW game executable.

You have me chasing around to see how I could possibly have been the cause of the confusion here but I cannot find anywhere that the files are mislabled.

If you are playing PTW you need the PTW save file.

If you are playing the Civ3v1.29 version of the game then you need the v129 version of the save file.

As the instructions state, the game files and setup fiels are not cross compatible and attempting to load the wrong save into the executable program that it is not labeled to match will be like hammering a square peg into a round hole.
yeah, the PTW link is labeled as a read me file. I figured it was just notes for new GOTM players (description of edited naval movement, new resources like goats, etc). I d/l the PC version, not thinking about the fact that there is Vanilla AND PTW.

sorry :doh:
ok I'm still not seeing the *.sav file. I must be ******ed...

nevermind, found the link in the readme file...cut & paste & yeah...

why the link wasn't just posted on the main page since no upgrades were necessary is beyond me, but ok - see you in spoiler 1.

The reason the direct link to the save was not posted on the main page was exactly the reason that you demonstrated by how you downloaded game files that had no business being loaded into your game version.

There is a mental disconnect for many people, that bypasses all logic and reading and just jumps straight to the download and cram it in the slot phase of any internet activity.

By having you download the readme.txt file just like we always download something, this trains you and all the participants to do a little reading and cognitive processing to mentally make an informed choice about which game you choose to play.

If we put all the games links right on the announcement page then there is a segment of the player population that just tries to bypass any reasonable setup process and jump right into the game without any care or thought.

I am fascinated by your logic that you would deliberately avoid dowloading the readme file for the game version that you knew would match you software but would then post a cry for help and crisis thread here in the forums still without making any attempt to download and read the readme file for your game version. The basis for this thought process escapes me so I have to apologize if my reaction to it seems hard. That is just a reflection of the total shock that comes over me when I work through these same sets of problems each month.

Forgive me for reacting as if I could not believe you were really having or creating this problem inspite of all the defense mechanisms that we force all the other players to put up with just so this sort of thing will not distract from the larger and more enjoyable game process as a whole.
Life sucks.

I have nothing to do but play another game of Civ over the random generator.

I look forward to playing the GOTM because I know you change the game from the norm - requiring me (and everyone else) to adjust, or suffer...

that and the fact that I have never, ever, ever found anything in a readme file that was actually useful...until now.

You are trying to teach a monkey the right way, after it was taught the wrong way every time before...

kinda like the school systems...you're indirectly taught to fit in & be like everyone else, when you should be taught that even the sky isn't the limit...not everyone needs 12 years of school to graduate.
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