GS does a 180 on continents


Jan 2, 2014
I've been complaining for almost three years about the astoundingly poor implementation of the continents mechanism in Civ 6 — see here, here, and here for examples — but it's time now to give credit where it's due and congratulate the GS devs for their extraordinary work.

The new mechanism in Gathering Storm is superb, providing realistic, compelling continents that have a strong and believable impact on game play. No more worries about arbitrary or silly continent boundaries. Too bad it took them this long, but anyhow, job well done!
Can you give some examples of what you disliked before compared to the updates in a post in this thread (possibly just expanding on your original post with an edit)? Needing to go through your three links tell the story, but requires quite a bit more effort.

But, I agree with your statement and opinion.
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