How about AA units

Jul 21, 2003
Adelaide, South Australia
If they plan to give Marines a bonus to amphibious assault in C3C, then how about ground units that get a bonus to their defence against air units? Better yet, how about ground units that have the ability to intercept air units? After all, there are plenty of Surface to Air missile units which can bring down fighters and bombers-and they could help defend stacks of units!! In addition, with lethal bombardment against sea units for bombers, then surely there should be sea units which can attack air units!!

Also, we need this ability for land and sea units. I'd like to see a no resource required anti-air land unit.
Actually, on the subject of new unit abilities, I'd love to see units who get a bigger defense bonus from being fortified in cities, and units who get a bigger attack when they attack units within a city. For instance, tanks are not as much good at fighting in a city environment, whereas infantry would be more appropriate!!

I like your idea of infantry gaining an advantage in city combat. An idea just occurred to me, though...tanks are often accompanied by foot soldiers, right? So maybe a tank or MA unit could receive a combat bonus when it is combined with a foot soldier of some sort. Sort of like loading units in an army, a single unit could be loaded into a tank unit at the cost of the tank's mobility and multiple attack ability.

I just thought that was an interesting idea, but maybe it would give the Tank/Infantry combo a bit too much of an advantage. Anyways, just a suggestion.
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