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How to disable melee boats?

They aren't 'ignored'. Having a unit inside the city only increases the cities defense, not fight for it. -- it's been like that for multiple games now from Firaxis.
...You're right. Partial mental lapse. I suppose the damaged city's defense is null from all the conquering and reconquering, and the defender's contribution is only a couple of melee boat suicide attacks away from being extinguished.

So yeah, it's a matter of having a naval presence proportional to the threat. If the city was settled across a lake from an enemy colony, you have to be prepared to defend it.

I think this has to be the first thread on the Civ5 and CivBE forums complaining about the AI putting up a fight. :p
...You're right. Partial mental lapse. I suppose the damaged city's defense is null from all the conquering and reconquering, and the defender's contribution is only a couple of melee boat suicide attacks away from being extinguished.

So yeah, it's a matter of having a naval presence proportional to the threat. If the city was settled across a lake from an enemy colony, you have to be prepared to defend it.

I think this has to be the first thread on the Civ5 and CivBE forums complaining about the AI putting up a fight. :p

that is one 'nice' change from CivV though -0- the defensive buildings aren't 'required' to be damaged when the city is taken. But they can be.

edit: and yeah, this is quite amusing. :D
Generally I'm of the opinion that if you build coastal cities, you should expect to need a navy to defend them.

The AI seeming to choose between having a half-decent army or a half-decent navy also cuts both ways, unfortunately.
There is also tier 3 melee units which can travel 4 hexes both by sea and by land. They even have upgrade (in supremacy) that allows unit to ignore zone of control. With strength of 40-60 they can insta-capture most naval cities. If boats are OP - then those units are even more OP.
Generally I'm of the opinion that if you build coastal cities, you should expect to need a navy to defend them.

The AI seeming to choose between having a half-decent army or a half-decent navy also cuts both ways, unfortunately.
If I'm understanding the OP, he seems to be in a unique situation. He didn't build the city, he conquered it but cannot hold it. The city is on a lake, or ice locked sea, or similar. He cannot get boats in to defend it because there is no access, and he does not have a coastal city into this sea. The AI is spamming boats from another city, in the water, which again he cannot get to with his own boats. He is now banging his head against a wall to bring down a building instead of thinking straight. If he waited till he had hovertanks, he wouldn't be having this problem. Instead his solution is "remove melee boats because I cannot win this battle with the AI."
If I'm understanding the OP, he seems to be in a unique situation. He didn't build the city, he conquered it but cannot hold it. The city is on a lake, or ice locked sea, or similar. He cannot get boats in to defend it because there is no access, and he does not have a coastal city into this sea. The AI is spamming boats from another city, in the water, which again he cannot get to with his own boats. He is now banging his head against a wall to bring down a building instead of thinking straight. If he waited till he had hovertanks, he wouldn't be having this problem. Instead his solution is "remove melee boats because I cannot win this battle with the AI."

If that's the case, then it's even simpler -- raze the city while fending off the boat spam.
Or like I mentioned earlier, just bring the ranged land units to shoot at the melee boats, the melee boats can't hit back lol.
Hmmm, if an ai retakes a city 2 times in a row with boats i cannot fight with my own boats due to a weird setup, ill just hunt the boats before taking that city for the third time. I mean land range units are good enough to get rid of those. Or even jets.

Or hell, ill just raze the cit. Even if taken back, it will be so crappy that it wont cause any issue.

But hey.... Never lost a city in BE ever, even on appolo. And boats plus AI ? Lol.
Honestly the melee boats are probably the biggest difference between BERT and vanilla BE. I lost a few games not properly making the adjustment but I think it actually makes the game more challenging in a good way. You must build a navy. In vanilla BE you can just snipe embarked melee units and just sit with a coastal city on zero health.

Just wanted to add that I do think there needs to be some sort of lower tech counter to melee boats. If you're out-teched, there should be a way to stop stronger melee boats besides just more weaker boats.

Also I do think aquatic cities should start a little stronger.
Well, topicstarter complains like "It's hard to take city stuck in mountain range with only one passage to the city. Mountains are OP!!!111"

First of all your problem is city location on some kind of inner sea. What can I say?
1. Do you really need that city? If you need only territory, then just raze it. Or just leave it alone. =)
2. Take the AI city which is producing these boats. Move around the inner sea by land. Or if you have enough army just cross the water gap. Yes, you'll lose like 1 unit per turn, but if AI can chunk out boats like 1 per turn, you are able to chunk out land units with similar rate + shooting those boats with your ranged units.
3. Air units.
4. Depending on game stage, hovercrafts.

For defence of your aquatic city against higher tech boats you have to ZoC with your boats + use submarines
How good are city defense buildings for the naval cities in the game? Can they defend against a few ships?
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