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How to install a mod


Oct 30, 2005
Beyond the Veil
Lord Olleus submitted a new resource:

How to install a mod - How to install a mod

I've answered this question a few times already, I'll put it here for reference. Everything here applies for generic mods, special mods might have different ways of getting installed. In such a case, refer to the instructions given by the mod creator. If there are no such instructions, this is probably the right way to install it:

1) Download the mod from wherever you found it. This will typically be as .zip or .rar file. (As always, be careful about downloading files from the internet.)...

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Hello all,
None of the mods I'm installing are working, even though they appear in the "additional content" and I can check (or uncheck) them.
This is true with "More Lenses", "Unit Report Screen", "Better Trade Screen" mods.
Once installed, nothing happens when I click on the related button (lens icon, "View Reports" button, "Create Trade Route" button etc ...).
I can hear the "click" though.
I tried all these mods alone, to make sure there were no interference.
I'm not the only one with this issue, I've seen one guy with the very same issue with the "Unit Report Screen" mod.
My Windows 10 and Civilization 6 are genuine of course, I tried to change several parameters (DirectX12, resolution, etc ...) but same result.
Help ! :)
Are you starting a new game? Mods do not work existing save file. There is a mod section when you click on a save, it should tell you which mods are activated.
I know it's been about 3 months but I'm having some trouble installing mods. I have them in the mod folder but when I launch the game and go to additional content, they don't show up. It should be important to note that I'm using a Mac.
Hello, I have the same problem as LegoWizard but I am on pc. Any mod that I unzip in mods folder will not show up in additional content. I have no clue what to do.
I am trying to learn how to make mods with Sid Mier's Civilization VI Development tools. When I opened it I saw what I think is a way to import a mod into that app and be able to work on it. I was wondering if you may know how to do so? This is my first stop after struggling with steam and the broken links that they post. So I would appreciate any guidance in the right direction. I also heard of ModBuddy, the IDE for developing mods; FireTuner, a tool for tweaking things in-game; and an uploader to post things to Workshop. Plus there's the art tools. Which I need to learn about.
Might want to add this in for Mac users...
My Mods are located at:


And that "Library" is a hidden folder, so you have to have your hidden folders visible.


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It is possible to find a tutorial in french for that? I do not understand with the translator he puts weird words.
hello all,
My mods are NOT in a /mods folder, they are listed under D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\########\****.modinfo file and all of the directories and files it installs from steam. Now the ...\289070\ directory is steam's number for CIV 6. the ....\289070\######\ directory is steam's number for the mod. I have no idea what the relationship is between the number of the mod and the ID of the mod is or even if there is any relationship at all. All of the directions for installing a mod above still workes for CIV 5 as far as I know. so I have NOT been able to install any CIV 6 mod that was not done through STEAM!!! I wonder if this is steam's way of stopping the publishing of mods anywhere other than on steam?

This may also explain why people who install modes from here (following the instructions) are having so many problems?
I like to download them from steam, then after I verify they work with my other mods, I move them to where we put our own mods (then unsubscribe on steam). Then I don't have to worry about them changing. As a Mac user, I have to be careful with the (most of the) times the PC and Mac versions are out of sync. New patch comes out... all my mods break as they get "updated" for the patch I don't have.
Je ne sais pas comment jouer une carte créer
Bonjour, J'ai crée une carte archipel pour 34 civilisations J'ai tous les DCL se qui fait autant de civs. Pour créer cette carte je me suis servi d'un mod sur le workshop. Se mod etant Larger Map size! J'ai pris la configuration de carte colossal en modifiant une carte générée via le modbuild editeur. Mais une fois que j'ai créé cette carte et tous ce que j'ai enregistré. J'ai commencé le jeu et j'ai continué à créer une partie solo, mais je n'ai pas trouvé mon mod. Si quelqu'un pouvait me dire s'il y avait des choses à faire, comme éditer un fichier info, ou enregistré le mods et autres pour le jouer. Vous me direz surrement y'a des tuto en anglais, serte! Je vous repondra oui y'a que sa! Mais l'anglais tout le monde encore au 21 eme siecle ne le connaissent pas. C'est comme la religion tu as toujours des atés quelques part. Les traducteur son pas super car il deforme les phrases, et sa na plus de sens. Je suis persuader que dans la communauté des createurs de mods y'a quelques francais qui se cache. Si vous pouvez m'aider svp
Google Translate.. anyone knows a french mod creator that can help this guy?

"I do not know how to play a map create Hello, I have created an archipelago map for 34 civilizations I have all the DCL that makes so many civs. To create this card I used a mod on the workshop. Being mod Larger Map size! I took the colossal map configuration by modifying a map generated via the editor modbuild. But once I created this card and all that I saved. I started the game and I continued to create a solo part, but I did not find my mod. If anyone could tell me if there were things to do, like editing an info file, or saved the mods and others to play it. You will tell me surely there's a tutorial in English, ser! I will answer you yes there's only his! But the English still in the 21st century do not know him. It's like religion you always have attes somewhere. The translators are not great because it distorts sentences, and it does not make sense anymore. I'm convinced that in the community of mods creators there are some french people who are hiding. If you can help me please"
Can you tell me which directory is looked at first? say in ....\289070\########\Jeffs_great.modinfdo that has a <LoadOrder999999999</LoadeOrder> Statement and further assuming no other mod in either director has a higher LoadOrder is my mod going to be Last to run against all of the tables in the game DB? THIS LoadOrder thing in interesting! What would my LoadOrder have to be to ensure my changes were applied after Expansion1 finished? I am not sure that I can trust the depends or references clause to do this.
1. I don’t know which directory is looked through as first. I basically avoid having two mods with the same ID in two different dirs. That’s just asking for troubles.
2. LoadOrder is a property of a Component (i.e. part of mod) in .modinfo, not entire mod.
3. You can check what LoadOrder is R&F using in its .modinfo. It’s just a mod. Any LoadOrder higher than that will assure that this component will load after R&F.
4. Files with the same name - don’t know what files are you asking about.
You are expanding my troubleshooting Knowledgebase very fast...
Question, I opened ModBuddy today for the first time, How do I get it to produce a .modinfo for my test mod?
As always thanks a million.
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