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is diplomacy broken


Oct 17, 2003
brooklyn, n.y.
in the expansion ? i belive its worse .. in vanilla i can more or less reason or offer peace if war breaks out after a few turns .. with rising tide i can change any offer if my score is high the game automaticly demands from my opponent all its cities and of course it refuses it wont even try any other option:sad:
This topic has already been discussed to death on this forum. The devs got rid of the negotiation table and replaced it with a new war score mechanic that automatically sets the peace terms to either nothing or give up 1-2 cities. The player cannot change the peace terms. The system also does not allow peace before a certain number of turns. Yes, most players here think the new system is terrible and broken. The devs have said they are working hard to change it.

Now, you are all caught up. :)
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