Limit UPDATE to only one civ


Oct 24, 2014
Hello everyone.

I have been trying to give certain terrain types more appeal, but I have failed, since the only effect that was provided by the game developers is one that changes the appeal of features. I though that maybe updating the terrains' appeal would work, but that would change it for every civ in the game. Is there a way to limit it to one civilization only without having a specific modifier for it? Is there a way to turn it into a modifier without an already existent effect?
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How would you to about that? How do you link an effect to a trait?

I'm aware of the effect, but how am I going to tell it that I want there to be +1 appeal to tiles adjacent to plains if there is no requirement for that terrain adjacency?
I'm not quite sure we are on the same page. Otherwise I just don't really know what to do with your pdf.

I am aware of how modifiers etc work in game, that is not my problem. In my understanding, traits are tied to modifiers. My problem is, that there is no effect that would result in a modifier I could use for my desired end-result. So my question is if there is a way to directly update the terrain type, but then limit this update to one civilization. I don't see a possibility of linking an UPDATE in terraintypes to a trait.
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