*** New - Upgrade to Ringworld3 ***
Ruff_Hi posted an interesting script named Ring World. I played with it a bit and this is the result:
Ringworld2 1.14
Ring World was initially done by Ruff_hi, I just ran away with it and morphed it into Ringworld2 until there wasn't much left from the original.
I used Sto's civics placement script found in Earth3 by jkp1187. Some code was changed so any errors are probably mine.
To play 'Fall from Heaven' and it's modmods you may want to use the FlavourMod by Jean Elcard, which I included in a slightly changed form.
this map is also fully compatible with Planetfall by Maniac
>>>> just put this file into the PrivateMaps folder of that mod and select it <<<<
***NEW*** - for writers of map scripts
Ringworld2 also includes mapTools at the end of the script, which prints maps and statistics of the generated plots, terrain, features and rivers and the differences between them to the python log at:
"...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log".
Stats are given for plots, terrain, features, boni, improvements, active civs, active options and also mana (mainly for testing the 'Crystallized Mana' Module).
There is an easy procedure to incorporate the mapTools into other map scripts:
- import Ringworld2 as mapTools
- set mv = mapTools.MapValues() to initialize the class with the needed variables
- call mapTools.getModInfo() in beforeGeneration() to set globals
- insert calls to mapTools.printMaps() and/or mapTools.printMapStats() where you want to investigate
Examples: Inland_Sea_mapTools.py and Planetfall_mapTools.py are included in the 7z archive.
The user has two options: World Shape and Region strength:
World Shape
Region Strength ( There are 4 overlapping regions in the map: hills * 2, arid, and wet. The user can designate how strongly regional the map is. )
This script constructs a long skinny map that is only 16 tiles high.
- Note that the map wraps left to right so Civ4 puts ice caps on the top and bottom.
- Mostly the top and bottom 4 tiles (with Islands 3 tiles) of the map are water.
- The other tiles form a circle of land surface with some oceanic breaks according to the a user selection.
- The width of the map depends upon the size selected by the user.
A Ringworld of course is supposed to be a fairly big world. Area enough for a whole lot of civs.
- It's an artificial world built using random, not fractal, patterns.
- This also means that weather and terrain patterns are sometimes not very logical.
On a large map you can easily place 20 random civs (islands,cold,high sea) with reasonable starting positions.
There are few Mountains. (except for Planetfall)
Mountains on Ringworld are 'reverse craters' from incoming space debris hitting the other side.
On 'Continents' a few of those hits caused the breaking up of the landmass into several big chunks.
On 'Islands' even more hits have broken most of those continents and deformed the the whole structure.
Use either the FlavourMod import from line 1, or the 'Flavour Start' option from 'Fall Further' or 'Orbis'
Cold climate will probably make it impossible to sail around the world.
Usually you have only two neighbors; instruct your diplomats to act accordingly!
In Planetfall you really don't want to use 'Scattered Pods' with maps bigger than 'Standard'.
Tiny Map
Standard Map, Cold
Standard Map, Islands
Ruff_Hi posted an interesting script named Ring World. I played with it a bit and this is the result:
Ringworld2 1.14
Ring World was initially done by Ruff_hi, I just ran away with it and morphed it into Ringworld2 until there wasn't much left from the original.
I used Sto's civics placement script found in Earth3 by jkp1187. Some code was changed so any errors are probably mine.
To play 'Fall from Heaven' and it's modmods you may want to use the FlavourMod by Jean Elcard, which I included in a slightly changed form.
this map is also fully compatible with Planetfall by Maniac
>>>> just put this file into the PrivateMaps folder of that mod and select it <<<<
***NEW*** - for writers of map scripts
Ringworld2 also includes mapTools at the end of the script, which prints maps and statistics of the generated plots, terrain, features and rivers and the differences between them to the python log at:
"...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log".
Stats are given for plots, terrain, features, boni, improvements, active civs, active options and also mana (mainly for testing the 'Crystallized Mana' Module).
There is an easy procedure to incorporate the mapTools into other map scripts:
- import Ringworld2 as mapTools
- set mv = mapTools.MapValues() to initialize the class with the needed variables
- call mapTools.getModInfo() in beforeGeneration() to set globals
- insert calls to mapTools.printMaps() and/or mapTools.printMapStats() where you want to investigate
Examples: Inland_Sea_mapTools.py and Planetfall_mapTools.py are included in the 7z archive.
The user has two options: World Shape and Region strength:
World Shape
Solid Ring - One strip of continuous land, possibly divided by small channels ( ~ 55% Water )
Continents - Several continents and a few islands with some ocean in between ( ~ 60% Water )
Islands - Several islands and perhaps a small continent or two ( ~ 70% Water )
Continents - Several continents and a few islands with some ocean in between ( ~ 60% Water )
Islands - Several islands and perhaps a small continent or two ( ~ 70% Water )
Region Strength ( There are 4 overlapping regions in the map: hills * 2, arid, and wet. The user can designate how strongly regional the map is. )
This script constructs a long skinny map that is only 16 tiles high.
- Note that the map wraps left to right so Civ4 puts ice caps on the top and bottom.
- Mostly the top and bottom 4 tiles (with Islands 3 tiles) of the map are water.
- The other tiles form a circle of land surface with some oceanic breaks according to the a user selection.
- The width of the map depends upon the size selected by the user.
A Ringworld of course is supposed to be a fairly big world. Area enough for a whole lot of civs.
- It's an artificial world built using random, not fractal, patterns.
- This also means that weather and terrain patterns are sometimes not very logical.
On a large map you can easily place 20 random civs (islands,cold,high sea) with reasonable starting positions.
There are few Mountains. (except for Planetfall)
Mountains on Ringworld are 'reverse craters' from incoming space debris hitting the other side.
On 'Continents' a few of those hits caused the breaking up of the landmass into several big chunks.
On 'Islands' even more hits have broken most of those continents and deformed the the whole structure.
Use either the FlavourMod import from line 1, or the 'Flavour Start' option from 'Fall Further' or 'Orbis'
Cold climate will probably make it impossible to sail around the world.
Usually you have only two neighbors; instruct your diplomats to act accordingly!
In Planetfall you really don't want to use 'Scattered Pods' with maps bigger than 'Standard'.
Tiny Map
Spoiler :
Standard Map, Cold
Spoiler :
Standard Map, Islands
Spoiler :