MOD REQUEST convert perfect world?

There is an absolute need for it!

Also bring back small continents plus!
This is a must, please. The vanilla continents is really killing me. I thought after all these years Firaxis would have caught up to Cephalo and his few peers. I was dead wrong!
I'm working on a few basic map scripts to start with, but I have a job and a family so I can't do the whole perfect world thing yet. I've seen Cephalo lurking around the Civ 6 forums so hopefully he'll surprise us with something.

So far I have:
  • Map grid sizes match the sizes from Civ 5 (standard, large and huge are bigger)
  • Major Civ starting positions are more spread out and distance is scaled by map size rather than fixed
  • Minor Civ starting positions are pushed away from Major Civs but still allowed to "cluster" with each other. I based this somewhat on the "plus" maps from Civ 5 however they need more land so I can't force them off the larger landmasses.
  • Re-enabled some features of the fractal map generation to increase the "detail" of landmass shapes.

Unlike Civ 4 & 5 I can't seem to define the world size by map script which requires an update to the gameinfo for map sizes and therefore a proper "mod" rather than just a simple map script. Since that was the case I went ahead and made my changes to the utility scripts for starting positions so they work on any map which is actually kind of nice.

The problem I ran into is that I can't seem to get my custom maps to show up in the game. My edited versions work fine, for example I've "fixed" Continents.lua so you can actually circumnavigate the world more often than not and that works in game just fine. However my SmallContinents.lua doesn't want to show up in game even though I can rename it to one of the existing map types and it works fine. I've found the code to define them in the gameinfo but it doesn't seem to have an effect or I'm missing something simple.

I'll upload it today with the world size, starting position and Continents map script changes at the very least but I may need some more time to get Small Continents into the game and "fix" the island plates, pangaea and shuffle maps so they work properly with the new map sizes (right now it's way too much land on the default scripts unless you add in several additional civs).
No worries :)

I always end up editing the game worlds in any game I play. I figure if the game world is good the game is more enjoyable so it's a good place for me to start. And sometimes, fixing the world also fixes other problems.
The problem I ran into is that I can't seem to get my custom maps to show up in the game. My edited versions work fine, for example I've "fixed" Continents.lua so you can actually circumnavigate the world more often than not and that works in game just fine. However my SmallContinents.lua doesn't want to show up in game even though I can rename it to one of the existing map types and it works fine. I've found the code to define them in the gameinfo but it doesn't seem to have an effect or I'm missing something simple.

I do beleive you will have to create a mod for this, doesnt matter that it is just a map script, it requries you to import it into the VFS.
I do beleive you will have to create a mod for this, doesnt matter that it is just a map script, it requries you to import it into the VFS.
I have it in the modinfo:
        <Custom id="LargerWorldsSetting">
        <UpdateDatabase id="LargerWorldsComponent">
        <ImportFiles id="LargerWorldsImport">
As well as xml:
        <Row File="SmallContinents.lua" Name="Small Continents" Description="Small Continents" SortIndex="5"/>
But still no luck...

And here is the download :)
Take a look at YNAMP. Gedemon uses a config.xml to load his maps in settings:-
       <Custom id="YNAMP_SETTING">
       <LocalizedText id="YNAMP_SETTING">

Then in the Config.xml:-
       <Row File="GiantEarth.lua" Name="LOC_YNAGEM_NAME" Description="LOC_YNAGEM_DESC" SortIndex="1"/>
       <Row File="GreatestEarthMap.lua" Name="LOC_GREATESTEARTH_NAME" Description="LOC_GREATESTEARTH_DESC" SortIndex="5"/>
       <Row File="PlayEuropeAgain.lua" Name="LOC_PLAYEUROPEAGAIN_NAME" Description="LOC_PLAYEUROPEAGAIN_DESC" SortIndex="2"/>

There is other stuff in there too, some of which is a bit above my brain capactity to understand(map wise). If you take a peek you could probably decipher it, or even send him a PM :)


On a sidenote, I saw you edit AssignStartingPlots.lua, YNAMP also does this, possible to make them compatible to each other? (Prays)
I used his and LD's Mirror to try to get it working, I'll have to dig around more to see what is going on. I'm sure I'm missing something simple in there, I have a custom file for just the new map script entry and it's referenced in the mod info, the only thing he did that I didn't was use text strings to support localization. Knowing my luck that's what's breaking it :)

His AssignStartingPlots.lua is going to conflict... His changes are extensive to support the loading of starting plot lists on his earth maps, my changes are pretty minor. I though about just dropping my minor changes into the map scripts I updated but technically, with the exception of YnAMP, they can be used on any map script so I figured this would be more useful. What would be great is if he would make a custom AssignStartingPlots file of his own and reference that from his maps since his changes won't be useful for anything but maps with fixed starting positions which should be far less common and really unlikely outside of his specific maps.
What would be great is if he would make a custom AssignStartingPlots file of his own and reference that from his maps since his changes won't be useful for anything but maps with fixed starting positions which should be far less common and really unlikely outside of his specific maps.

Culturally linked start positions work on random maps, so that part of his ASP is still relevant to such scripts.
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