I added all your values to my game, though I tinkered with UUs a little to preserve their original advantage over the vanilla unit. This is pretty fun. Playing on noble, you really know to be threatened or not when you know who has what techs/resources. When I had the first swordsmen for nearly 20 turns I was rocking.
But the computer was not properly aware of my magnificence. Catherine declared war on me at that point, and my swordsmen tore her axe and archers to shreds. I think someone mentioned in the general creation/customization forum that <iPower></iPower> is that units weighted value/threat level to the AI. If that is true, I think these values ought to be re-balanced in accordance with the actual combat values they now have so that the AI is more aware of your strength. Cathy remained pissed at me and declared war about 40 turns after the end of this one, she had a few sword which I took down, but then more worthless axe and archer. Her problem was that she was buddhist and the rest of the continent was hindu/jewish, but she still oughta know who has the great swordsmen.
But the computer was not properly aware of my magnificence. Catherine declared war on me at that point, and my swordsmen tore her axe and archers to shreds. I think someone mentioned in the general creation/customization forum that <iPower></iPower> is that units weighted value/threat level to the AI. If that is true, I think these values ought to be re-balanced in accordance with the actual combat values they now have so that the AI is more aware of your strength. Cathy remained pissed at me and declared war about 40 turns after the end of this one, she had a few sword which I took down, but then more worthless axe and archer. Her problem was that she was buddhist and the rest of the continent was hindu/jewish, but she still oughta know who has the great swordsmen.