My Project, The Hyborian Age


Dec 21, 2001

I've been re-reading all my Conan books and making notes while working on this.

Does anyone know if i will have copyright problems using names of persons, places or things, regarding this project of mine? Is there someone i can correspond with if there is a problem?

Anyway, on to what i've done so far.

These are the nations chosen:

Nemedia, Vendhya, Aquilonia, Shem, Stygia, Hyperborea,
Hyrkania, Nordheim, Turan, Ophir, Khitai, Koth, Cimmeria,
Kush, Pictland, Zingara.

They are in the same order as in the editor, so you can see the swap i made with exsisting portraits.

Working on changing the leader and city names. i only have Stygia and Nordheim done so far. Here are examples:

Stygia, Thoth-Amon,
Khemi, Harakht, Khajar, Luxur, Pteion, Nebthu, Sukhmet, Styx
Siptah, Kheshatta, Taia, Thuran, Pi-Ramesses
Siptah, Thoth-Amon, Nehekba, Ramwas, Menemhet, Hakketh
Shuat, Khaza

Nordheim, Sigurd,
Vanaheim, Asgard, Æsir, Bjornarey, Thingöllr, Eriksey, Gollsbær
Kirkjuvágr, Leirvik, Ljóðhus, Molvík, Péttalandsfjörðr, Suðerland
Bragi, Egil, Gorm Heimdul, Horsa, Niord, Njal, Rann,
Sigurd, Wulfhere

This is not complete list, just want everyone to get a good look.

I'm no artist, so when i get to the military units, the names and abilites will change but not the unit icon.
for example the warrior will become an Axeman 2-1-1 with Clear Forest ability and upgrade to a Berzerker 2-2-1 with Clear Forest Ability after mathematics. This is not written in stone though.

As far as magic is concerned, my gut feeling is to ignore it for now and see how everything else comes along.

I will put in more than a few hours putting the map together, the map in the books can be quite hard on the eyes. Have not started yet but will try and get to it after the new year.

One thing i'm striving for is more reliance on Resouces to build units. Example, you will need Ivory for Elephant units. No-brainer there.
This will mean some nations will do without units they may have found critical for success, (but then no Civilization is created equal), until they gain access or advance tech to gain other units.

Well that's enough for now.
Any and All commets welcome.

RicKhan ;)
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