Need a mod now....


Aug 23, 2012
Virginia U.S.A
OMG i hate absolutely hate to play past ww2 level of technolodgy and i would usualy go itno the XML files and multiply end game techs by 100 so as to make it imposibly long to research essentialy locking th eworld into eternal ww2 battle for the end game. Then I discovered a mod for civ 5 that locked it out for me so I woudlnt' have to change the game files every time I wanted to play multiplayer or single player. Normaly I would be content to just wait for the modders to build the end in ww2 mod for civ 6 and edit my xml filies again but sadly because of Eurkeas and goody huts being discoverd late game and even great scientists being produced random civ's are progressing by one or two random techs past ww2 into the modern era giving them an unfair advantage against the rest of the civilizations.

I desperately need a way to "Lock" out techs from being avalible to be researched and developed If some one could build this or show me a way to do it I would be forever great full and send you 100 g per turn and some American apple pie :D
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