New Victory Condition: "Last Colony Standing" - allowing also to fight WOI [ACCEPTED]

Do you want "Last Colony Standing" as new Victory Condition?

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Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Hi guys,

it was requested several times in the past, but now we may actually try to implement it for WTP 4.1:

Players want to continue playing after having won WOI and decide themselves when to end the game.
Thus for the next release WTP 4.1 I would offer the Victory Condition "Last Colony Standing".


Conditions to win:
  1. Having won War of Independence against your King
  2. No other Colonial Player still has a City in the New World *
Your Permanent Alliance need to be excluded from that check.


Exclusiveness of Victory Conditions:

This victory condition is kind of a "Independence ++" Victory.
Selecting "Last Colony Standing" and "Independence" must thus be exclusive.
So selecting one of them deactives the other as Victory Condition in "Custom Game".


What happens after War of Independence:

For gameplay we will need logic "after War of Independence", however this is simple.
(Unless of course the other condition of "no other colony is also achieved.)

1) Peace between King and Colonies is declared again
2) Europe and Africa are accessible again to trade
3) Taxes stay as before WOI, boycotts are however lifted
4) No further tax increases, no further money requests
5) No further other DLL-Diplo-Events with King
6) Your King cannot be contacted anymore by Diplomacy


What will AI do after it won the War of Independence:
(Of course only if this Victory condition is selected)

It will become more agressive and try to eliminate other players.
It will consider 2 factors for that:

A) distance (ideally first the ones in same area)
B) strength o fother players (preferring weaker ones)


So how does this impact gameplay:

Well, you have endless game basically unless you decide to eliminate all other players.
Still you are able to experience the gameplay of War of Independence if you like.

It may even be interesting to start the War of Independence early, so your taxes do not increase anymore.
However by doing so, you will basically eliminate all "Diplomacy interactions" with the King.


Considering AI:

It will of course also have the same Victory conditions.
It is unlikely however that AI will ever achieve this type of Victory.


All in all the effort to implement should be moderate. :)
Also I see no reason that should speak against it.

(I will also start a poll)
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I would like it. It is always a question of "will I start WOI now (knowing that then the game will end soon)" or "do I continue" and "lose" the race for WOI against another NPC player only for the game experience.

Would it then be possible to get more diplomacy options for other kings - and maybe also for the own king as well (i.e. relationship normalizes a few years after WOI)? Fully understood that this would make the feature more complex...but it would be definitely worth it.
in my opinion, this is a useless option if no events occur. and many of them were "generated" by the King. at the very least, it will be boring.
Would that victory condition exclude colonies with a permanent alliance?
in my opinion, this is a useless option if no events occur.
Basically it just allows to fight War of Independence and still continue to play the game.
Also an AI winning the War of Independence will not end the game anymore.

It will thus simply allow an "endless game" which some players really want.
Also a player does not need to worry about AI winning the WOI anymore.

Nothing more, nothing less. :)
For people that do not care about "endless game" this feature is hardly interesting.
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I would be interested in such a game if there were events in it (which occur while you are on the way to WOI). and an empty game will be a simple destruction of the miserable remnants of other Europeans ...
Personally I only play for WOI and have no interest to continue after that. But it doesn't harm to have this and I suppose it's fairly easy to implement this victory condition. So why not? :)
Sounds interesting. Will this setting allow player to experience his own war of independence even if AI was first to do it?
And since trade with Europe will be reenabled, does it mean that player no longer needs to take monarchy after going for independence in order to trade with Europe postindependence?
Sounds interesting. Will this setting allow player to experience his own war of independence even if AI was first to do it?
Yes, because Independece alone will not suffice as Victory Conditoon.
That is the goal behind the concept - having Wars of Indpedence happening (and ending) without ending the game.
That's an interesting twist indeed.
Would it be possible to make the AI extra aggressive after winning the WOI? After all, the AI needs to do that to fulfill the victory conditions.
Would it be possible to make the AI extra aggressive after winning the WOI?
Yes that is possible and makes sense.
Will update the concept accordingly. :thumbsup:
but can you make them more aggressive now, when they declare war? otherwise they hardly even attack cities, but only run around them :lol:
I like the idea of it being more open ended so I would definitely choose this as the victory condition. I probably will rarely play this long, but I always like to set out with grand ambitions. :)
Basically it just allows to fight War of Independence and still continue to play the game.
Also an AI winning the War of Independence will not end the game anymore.

It will thus simply allow an "endless game" which some players really want.
Also a player does not need to worry about AI winning the WOI anymore.

Nothing more, nothing less. :)
For people that do not care about "endless game" this feature is hardly interesting.
"Also an AI winning the War of Independence will not end the game anymore."
IMO, this itself could be its own setting.

While I'm at it, individual settings for AI (both natives and europeans) to adjust aggression levels. I know difficulty changes this but what if I'm on Explorer and I want more aggressive natives and passive Europeans? Or passive natives and aggressive Europeans? Again difficulty changes this and other things but it would nice to have a truly customizable difficulty level.
Will the enddate for game (2100 AD if I am not mistaken) be also blocked by this option?
Preferably I would like to be both able to tak indepence path in game and play very long term game without game turn counter saying me I am out of time (I am also CtC player, there's no such thing for me as late game).
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