Newbie seeking new or fill-in SG


Dec 19, 2001
The Corridors of Power
I've just picked up a nine-buck jewel case of Civ2 (Classic) and become completely hooked in the past two weeks. Due to work/relationship, I can only play about an hour or two at a time (with the occasional weekend binge), but I would love to start/join a succession game with a few other smart and interesting players. I'm a complete history buff, so I would enjoy a historically-based scenario or map. Let me know if there is still any interest, or if there are any openings.


Originally posted by wathombe
I've just picked up a nine-buck jewel case of Civ2 (Classic) and become completely hooked in the past two weeks. Due to work/relationship, I can only play about an hour or two at a time (with the occasional weekend binge), but I would love to start/join a succession game with a few other smart and interesting players. I'm a complete history buff, so I would enjoy a historically-based scenario or map. Let me know if there is still any interest, or if there are any openings.



You're not going to get anywhere with Civ Classic. Suggest you upgrade your Civ to FW (to play scenarios) or even MGE (multi-player) by going HERE

remember to play kobayashi's scenarios after that.
I have the Civ2 Classic, too! :)

Guess it's time to upgrade, huh?

(Though, I think I was able to run a Civ 2.72 game on my 2.42 game).
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