Planescape: Torment

Lord Draegon

Jul 29, 2003
I was looking around in my local Half-Price Books when I saw this. I had heard of it so I picked it up. I must say it exceeds all expectations. Think along the lines of Baldurs Gate except stranger. The main charecter wakes up on a stone slab covered in scarrs that should have killed him 3 times over and numerous tatooes and no memories. You are greeted by a witty floating skull. He becomes your first companion. This Game is more conversation based. You can talk your way out of almost any fight. You meet some VEEERRRYYY interesting people. Has anyone else played this wonderful game?
Heard alot of good things about it, "Best RPG of All Time" kind of things, but I've never actually played it.
A truely fantastic game. Anyone who likes RPGs will love this game although those preferring action over story might find it a bit slow in spots. I've played it a few times taking very different routes each time.
Yeah I was very lucky to have found it. Strange things can happen to you, including having to rip your eye out to replace it withanother one and allowing people to dig through your body.
Yeah the charecters are very great, so far I only have morte and Dak'kon but its great. Morte says some interesting things and is actually very useful. Its great how his sword type varies depending on his morale Dak'kon. They spent alot of time on them and their just great
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