Playstation 3 (PS3) Gamertag List

I-am-a-panda. GMT (Ireland/England)
psnid = muttenhed

I normally play under this name though - the_lerkur

Can you please delete me from that list? too many people are asking me to be freinds, and... Its getting kinda spammy.

I play GTA 4 more online, anyway...

Used to play Ladder games on CivIII PTW, and also the GOTM's for CIVIII and CIVIV.

Just got the game for PS3 last weekend, and been playing it my spare time.

Soon time to go out hunting other then the AI, so please feel free to add me.

PSN: MarloStalinfield

USA, EST. I'm on at random times, generally most active early in the morning or later in the evening.
PS3 tag: dio3d

Time zone: US Pacific Time

I'm always up for a game, if my wife hasn't hidden it...
Hey, my gamertag is danielzklein

Dunno if you guys are still playing, but I'd love a game or two ;) (will make dedicated thread asking for a game as well but thought it couldn't hurt to add my gamertag here)
I haven't played for a couple months but I'd like to get in a few online games if possible at the moment...


My brother and I share this psn ID because he is too lazy to register his own so if you find yourself owning sdscary some night, it's my brother playing... ;)

Edit: I started a new username: artbell420 Add me too!
my ID: coolsn
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