[RR] Railroads Bugs or Glitches? Post here.


After i've played a while, and starting to build tracks outside the "starter area", like in the Southwest scenario when you start in Yuma, for example, and lay tracks to New York, the game crashes and a window comes up and it says that a problem made the game run incorrectly, and Windows would notify if it finds a solution. I just got Windows Vista so i thought it might have to with that, but i tried running the program as if it would be with Win XP or Win 2000, and it still doesnt work. I also tried reinstall the game, but it didnt help and i got patch 1.1. Anyone else who got a similar problem or
know how to fix it?
i emailed 2kgames and they say they have to test the game in vista and they are not sure when they get an answer for a good working railroads in vista..
the only solution i could make up for less crashing the game is to set all the details in the options to low that makes the game more playable ! good luck and hopefully soon an patch for an vista compatible game!!

nvidia gf 7600gt, amd x2 4200 2gb ram, windows vista 32bits
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vista and railroads?!

Discussion Thread
Response (Elaine Wake) 15/02/2007 02.11 AM
Unfortunately Windows Vista has not been officially tested to play the game

hmz good answer huh :(
First, Welcome to both of you!:clap: :dance: :dance: :band: [party] :rockon: :bounce:

I have never seen this occur before in any of my games, but it may be caused by a seed to overlay placement inequality that would cause the game to slow down and then submit error information to the CPU.

EDIT: Whoops wrong thread... delete this post..... I thought this was Civ 3....heh sorry mods:blush:
Im in the same boat as Gordi. I reciently bought a computer with Vista 32 bit version. I can play for about 30 minutes with no lag and things running nice and smooth on medium/high settings. Then the game tabs out and says Your program has stopped responding please hit ok to exit this program, or something to that effect or a message simular to what Gordi posted above. This is the typical problem report for the crash:

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: RailRoads.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 458836db
Fault Module Name: RailRoads.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 458836db
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 002af322
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 27b0
Additional Information 2: 29ac15ef863a89385fa7036e8bd5c3ed
Additional Information 3: 797f
Additional Information 4: 6c0a6e6748acfe25e473cbded4033635
After not playing this game for two months out of frustration, I tried again in the hope of getting somewhere, but alas it's the same old story.

The game starts goes into slowmo during every scenario after you either build a new train or a new class of train appears - the link here is the large 3D display of the train.

Next up. The US Midwest scenario always crashes at January 1960 with a loud screech requiring a hard reset.

The QA people behind this game should be fired.
I just got the game, and patched up to 1.1, and cannot make it through the tutorial. I get a crash to desktop everytime I click the "competition report" (this also happens if I click this button outside the tutorial). Is this a known issue?
I also have vista and about every 15 minutes it crashes. I emailed 2k games and i am trying to resolve the problem. if anyone found an answer to this problem please send me a message. This really is a good game but it just keeps crashing. Soon i am going to upgrade my computer to 2g ram hopefully that will help
I tried running this game (patched to 1.1) on two different machines. One is running XP (32 bit) with a Pentium D dual core, 512MB, and NVidia 8600GT graphics. The other is running Vista (64 bit) with an AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core, 4GB, and NVidia 8800 Ultra. Other games run fine on both machines.

Railroads seems to crash under roughly the same conditions on both machines (though it does bog down and run much slower on the XP machine). On both machines, it crashes with a memory access exception (0xC0000005) at seemingly random points in the game (though perhaps it seems to happen more often just after laying track or placing a building ... and more often on more complicated maps (with lots of stuff built up)).

It looks like the ver 1.1 patch is over a year old. Have they abandoned this game or are they still working on a new patch?

This would be a very fun game if it would just run without crashing. As is, I am disgusted that I spent money on a game that I can't use (class-action lawsuit, anyone?) How can they get away with releasing software that doesn't even run? Is there any combination of hardware and operating system that it does actually run on?
Also, a friend had the same experiences on his machine (we both bought the game with hopes of playing each other online). His machine is running Vista 32-bit, core duo, 4GB, 8800 ultra. He also tried the game on an older XP machine (I forgot the exact hardware config though) and had the same problem with crashes. AFAIK, this game simply doesn't work regardless of the hardware or OS.
This would be a very fun game if it would just run without crashing. As is, I am disgusted that I spent money on a game that I can't use (class-action lawsuit, anyone?) How can they get away with releasing software that doesn't even run? Is there any combination of hardware and operating system that it does actually run on?

Interesting. I have been making mods for this game for over a year now. I have made progress in getting super huge maps with tons of new content into the game and it runs fast and smooth. I run xp 32 with an Nvidia M/B with 4gigs of 800 ram, 3gig dual core, Nvidia 8800GT...runs great.

These maps have global lists inside them, this way I can tell the game what to load and run and not to load some of the games models and such that my maps don't use. These maps require allot of system ram to run, and so does the default game.

My maps are called CIC maps for clean install compatible maps. Place the single map folder inside the C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Railroads!\UserMaps folder. The custom assets folder needs to be empty and no other files can be left inside the usermaps folder...only the single map folder gets placed in the game. Florida Gold is one of my first maps, and there is an update coming that will even add more to the scenario. Made as a large single player scenario map.

If there were a Mod Maps thread at this forum, I could start posting my new work here. You should be able to run the game fine. You can try my Florida Gold map but it is a 20x20 sized map and will take allot of ram to run it when full. It will run on 2gigs of ram on XP but I have 4...I would guess with Vista needing 500megs you may need to stuff your mother board with 4gigs as well. Even though in Windows 32bit mode it will only see 3gigs. I do have smaller maps as well...Mud Skippers and Holidays In Ohio ToyTrains are size 15 and 16. I am almost complete with two more new maps and they will be ready for beta testing soon.

Give them a try and let me know. The link to the map files are below...



  • map_Florida_Gold_400x_thumbnail.png
    163.8 KB · Views: 226
#well seems like this is the end of my affiliation with Sid's products, I am too proud to let this one rest. Can't believe it, next to me are all Civ titles plus add-ons ever, I bought them all, plus the tycoons, and original colonization. I was going to buy "new" Colonization this week, but was worried I was going to be ripped off, so I decided to see if I could buy railroads via steam, but then decided to download it first to check it out, and wow that must be the most buggiest game ever, and I thought I would buy myself a classic here, as it is 2 years old. (1 patch??) But not a working version yet. Wow so glad I saved spending 25 bucks on it. Can't believe they sell this piece of crap. Thats the end of the line for me, no more money from me. well done!!!! bloody thieves :mad::mad::mad:
I'd like to compile this list. May I?
:confused:Hi guys, Happy holidays. I picked up this game really cheap and it's great but now im experiencing difficulties. After about 15 minutes in a scenario, If I begin to lay a lengthy stretch of track the game crashes and returrns to the desktop- saying that SMR has stopped responding. Patch v1.1 has not alleviated the problem. Somebody please help!!
Is this the default maps that came with the game? Or modded maps? Have you installed the SMRI update...if so don't. Use only the one update at the RailRoads! main site. Check your "running" programs, you might be using too much system resources and need more ram etc. or shut-down some running apps.

The modded maps have been totally rebuilt, as the old way of listing everything on the planet in the "global" xml files, was bogging down the game and brining it to a creep. I make my maps in a self-contained file style. The single file folder gets dropped into the user maps folder and then just fires up the mod scenario.

I also need to update the link I have above as much has changed...the game runs much smoother now.
Hello, I am new to this forum. I bought this game about a year ago, but because my old computer was too slow, I never really played it. Now, I have a brand new, lightning-fast computer. I love playing this game, but the same problem that everyone has been noting for the past two years has me really frustrated. About 15-20 minutes into playing a new game, it will suddenly crash, then as the game progresses, crashes occur with increasing frequency. I downloaded the 1.1 patch, but it seems to have done nothing to help. Has anyone found an acceptable solution to this problem? And because the last patch was released long ago, have the developers basically given up?
Vlaam, like Tommyp2409, you need at least two gig of ram...4 is better. This game needs lots of system resources. The Florida Gold mod map, uses around 1.3 to 1.5 gig of system ram to run when it gets full near the middle all the way to the end. If you have Vista, it uses 500meg or one half of a gig of ram. So with Vista and Florida Gold it uses All of your ram. None left for anti-virus of other programs to run.
The game uses more resources as the game goes on. Place 4gig of system ram on your system. If you have XP and are 32 bit, it will use about three and a half gig of it.

Are you guys trying to play the games default game maps or mod maps? That is a big differance. Mod maps need to be "self-contained" map files as if you keep adding new itemsa to the global files, you will bring the game to a hault because of too much content. The Florida Gold map I posted above some time ago, has been rebuilt as a self-contained map. I need to replace the post above so the correct files are available. Right now, my CIC self-contained maps can be found at HookedGamers.com. They never crash.

Expand the virtual memory on your system, and add more ram if you don't have four gig.
I've gone through the Tutorial and book. It states you can lay a straight track from one city to the next, look at demand and deliver goods from one city to the next. I must be missing something because the train will go to the first stop and just wait, no profit, and continuously loses maintenance cost. How do I get the train to unload and make a profit?

Example: LA has Passengers and Mail, I add 2 Passenger cars and 1 Mail and route it to San Diego. The train goes and stops and never does anything...
Sometimes towns have to grow before they want mail and passengers...you need to check what they want first. Did you place a station at the next town. You should also check Sid's site for the update as well.
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