Rename city

u need to expand til u get newYork
or just play a game til u have 4 setlers then save and then plant and relode til u get New York
then play on :)
I trying to get the 'Pizza Party!' achievement, Is it possible to get it by renaming e.g. Boston to New York or do I have to expand with more cities until i get New York?

Pizza Party was a nasty achievement, no question. I got it on the 3rd attempt - Prince, Huge Map, turn 330. Was kind of nice to finally get it before the expansion tomorrow.

Here are my recommendations:

-Play on a huge map. It increases the chances that the great people you will need will be in-game.
-Fan out your scouts/boats early and often in the remote chance that you will have a shot at the extremely rare "100th Anniversary" achievement.
-Focus primarily on industrial zones, theatre squares, and harbors/commercial hubs. I built one campus (Washington) and no Holy Sites. Note: One can argue that a holy site or two may be beneficial due to the fact that great people can be bought with faith. I didn't do it, but consider it if convenient. Obviously don't found a religion or use faith on any units.
-Do NOT spend money on frivolous things. In fact, don't spend any at all after around turn 150 unless absolutely necessary (until you have the great ppl). That means no military upgrades or additional tiles. I still had swordsman and archers well into the Industrial Era. You will need the funds to buy great people. Get used to the fact that you will have to do this. Leonardo MUST be recruited, whereas the others can be taken by other civs. You can simply give away the farm in a trade and obtain the great works. In my case I recruited all 3.
-You will have to be smart about setting up the great people such that all 3 appear in game. Know when to pass and when to buy - this will depend on your current great ppl points vs other civs. If you reach the Industrial Era and all 3 have not yet appeared, you lose.
-Avoid conflict with other civs if possible. Warring only makes the game take longer and provides no benefit. I did not fight a war the entire game and kept a lot of friendships/alliances.

Additional details:

-I founded New York as my EIGHTEENTH city. Kind of unbelievable. I had cities found before NY that I have never seen in game before - San Antonio, Phoenix LOL. Keep in mind that each civ has around 40 different city possibilities. It could have been much worse I guess.
-So, I had the assets fairly early and the reason the game took so long is due to NY not popping until city #18.
-I was starting to worry that I would win a Cultural Victory before I got the achievement LOL. I wound up OK but don't build resorts or parks. You may have a ton of great works if your game takes as long as mine did.
-IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need both an industrial zone and a theatre square in NY. So, if you are unlucky like me and wind up looking for remote spots to found cities later in the game - do NOT send a settler to a 2 tile island in the middle of the ocean.
-Another reason to watch your bank is that you might have to buy quite a few settlers. A settler cost nearly $2K by the time I recruited my last one.

I realize that there is a shortcut to this achievement by playing with all Teddys and capturing NY. That seemed like kind of a cheat to me and it was an enjoyable achievement to get playing with a normal cast of civs.

Good Luck-

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