Russian Language Mod


Aug 5, 2003
Moscow-Houston, Russia-USA
The great modding team at had finished a really epic project of creating a Russian mod for version 1.61. The work started awhile ago from translating all Civ4 files to make a complete Russian translation of every dialog box, prompt, or course menu, civilopedia, and etc. etc.

Current version is 1.61.5 Build 06.07.01 and it requires patch 1.61 to run. Now available also for Warlords!. See link at the end of this post.

The mod can be downloaded from here (2.4 Mb) . Save to your hard drive, unpack two readme files (English and Russian) and the executable and then launch the civ4rus_161_5.exe installer. Select preferred install language and directory and the files will be installed. The mod modifies the assets of the game so in order to play the GOTM, for example, the mod has to be uninstalled. The setup will create complete backup of the authentic assets which will be restored upon unintallation of the mod.

Russian is hooked up as language number 5. To make it work, just go to options and scroll the Language bar selecting Russian form the list :


And then it is turned on:


As I said before, everything is translated and the quality of translation is very high which is an unfortunately rare thing for games in most cases. Both short and long civilopedia article are translated and the most difficult part is agreement between cases and numbers for Russian words especially unit names during combat results. Also of note are:

1) a novel mechanism of changes of Russian noun gender forms of the verbs; for example, "кавалерия направилась к ...", "всадник направился к ..." automatically changed from the English ”go to” ("направилась/направился"). The appropriate variant is selecting a Python script from the localized Russian xml file depending on the gender of the Russian noun.

2) a novel mechanism for noun case-specific forms; for example, the following phrases are generated: "французская кавалерия", "атакованы французской кавалерией", "атаковали французскую кавалерию" from the English ”French cavalry”. The script selects Russian variant depending on its case from xml: ”Кавалерию:Кавалерии:Кавалерией:Кавалерии”.

These types of agreement of the noun-specific forms are critical for correct translations of the phrases because the engine forms the phrase by coupling relevant constants describing the game objects (many-to-many principle). However, English language does not have case- and gender-specific forms. That is usually a major difficulty in translating these kinds of scripts into Russian. The methods used are described in further detail at

The mod will be supported for all subsequent patches and hopefully for Warlords as well by the team of translators and programmers.

Known bugs and glitches:

1) The installer will not automatically check the directory where Civ is installed as it uses only the default directory. You can change the destination by browsing through the directory tree.

2) In order to correctly uninstall the mod, the language has to be set up to English upon exiting Civ4 before the uninstall program starts. It can be done within Civ4 but just in case it is better to check the CivilizationIV.ini in "My Documents"\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4 and if the Laguage line says Language=5 change it to Language=0 by a text editor.

All comments and question are very much wellcome and you can ask them either in this thread or at this forum and specifically in this thread.

A new version of the mod (2.00.2 build August 8, 2006) for Warlords is now available for download from here.

Comments and questions can be posted in this thread or here.

Keep up the great work! :goodjob:

Of note also are other a great projects of Civ4 translation in Finnish.
It is a new words in CIV4 history world!!! :)
Ура! Спасибо большое!
Чудно смотрится: установка руссификации для владеющих русским на английском языке! :crazyeye:
It is a new words in CIV4 history world!!!

New words?! What are you talking about?! It's a whole new language! :goodjob: :trophy: :dance:

Vladimir Mayakovsky said:
Да будь я и негром преклонных годов, :old:

И то без унынья и лени :lol:
Я русский бы выучил только за то,

Что им разговаривал Ленин. :gp:
I remember in 91-92 years, Civ-1 whithout russian translation help me to learn English. Now, 15 years ago, I hope, that by help this job other people can learn Rissian :)
Что ж, может кто-то и выучит русский по этому моду :crazyeye:

Привет, Pet!
Это Jorge.

Я тут, как видишь, под другим ником, но не для конспирации, а просто Джоржей тут, видимо, вагон.

PS: прошу прощения за флуд.
For some people who are just curious, the number of "real" total downloads for this latest version is about 9,000 with total traffic registered for about 30,000. For a previous version compatible with patch 1.52, the numbers were similar.
Как жаль что только с Windowsom работает. У меня есть Macintosh и выполнят .exe невозможно :(

Будет еще версия для Mac-Userov ? Я бы хочень хотел играть Civ 4 на русском ...
Well, there are too few Macs in Russia, so may be not now but I don't know to tell the truth.

BTW, the Russian language mod for Warlords is ready. First post updated with url where it can be downloaded! This is indeed a blazing speed of updates! :goodjob:
On now available russian translation of a mod Rhye's and Fall of Civilizations (v.1.00-1.08) based on this Russian Translation Pack.
swan said:
On now available russian translation of a mod Rhye's and Fall of Civilizations (v.1.00-1.08) based on this Russian Translation Pack.

Aye? Well I love Rhye
But yay for More languages but I actually know English better then Russia:rolleyes:
Niice... Through I don´t understand a single word, you must be excited. It´s strange when people are just rushing to get the translation of their own language. I never used the Finnish translation, I like more the english version.
I remember in 91-92 years, Civ-1 whithout russian translation help me to learn English. Now, 15 years ago, I hope, that by help this job other people can learn Rissian :)

exaclty same thing here...but now I dont speak russian at all but I,m taking a class in January probably if I have the money for. i'll surely try that to learn russian. can this work with warlords?
Niice... Through I don´t understand a single word, you must be excited. It´s strange when people are just rushing to get the translation of their own language. I never used the Finnish translation, I like more the english version.
Strange, i don't know why. You must be from Finnish Karelia. I have spent many summers in Russian Karelia.

Ya ckuchau po chernom xlebe n rum-babe.
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