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SirPleb deity, with Palace rank exploit

Final score: 52842
:king: :goodjob: :worship: :thumbsup: :band: :vomit:

I can't wait for Conquests...PTW has obviously been beat like dead horse. No, I take that back, it's been beat like a red headed stepchild.

Congrats, SirPleb!
.........thanks for the maps, tips and insights! :goodjob: :goodjob:

Congrats on a 52K+ game at Deity level. :)

The truly amazing fact to me is:


Please tell us it really took you a month!? :lol:

(What was the total game time?)

P.s. I think Thunderfall should put your posts for this thread in the War Academy AND make an announcement on the Main Page!
Originally posted by SirPleb
Finally in 2049AD, with the treasury at over 3 million gold, a settler founded a town to trigger a Domination victory in 2050AD.

Final score: 52842

Here's the financial state of the empire in 2050AD:


Done already? It seems like you were just starting it yestersday. Oh well, time flies when you having fun. A big congratulation on the big score.:goodjob:

[party] :band: [party]

Btw, since you had a low domination limit of 3717 on this game, I think it's very possible for your next game to end in 55K (at least).;)
Originally posted by EMan
Please tell us it really took you a month!? :lol:

(What was the total game time?)
It took a bit over three weeks actually :)

When I first posted I think I was about 1/2 way through the game in playing time. The game says I played for a total of 199 hours. I'd guess that between 1/4 and 1/3 of that was actually idle time. I've been playing rather intensely since my first post :)
congrats on the very impressive score!!:goodjob: :goodjob:

did you happen to keep a turnlog like your last hof deity game?
Originally posted by Takeo
did you happen to keep a turnlog like your last hof deity game?
I kept a scratchy log but it is rather illegible in its current condition. I might go back and clean it up later, not sure, at the moment I'm trying to catch up on GOTM24 :)
just finished reading through all the posts and come to understand that people are impressed with your gameplay.

Allthough I think of it more like fine arts!
-Hi to all friends !...I read the thread carefully and i would like to ask SirPleb ( or anyone else that may knows) some things...
-Is it possible for a player to use the same fine strategy and finally win , when the civ hasnt such an aggresive unit like Ottomans ? ( lets say Greeks)
-Also , what will you do when the Greeks land area is a medium island and there is only one opponent ( Zulu) near in another island?
-what would you do also when the other 3 opponents appears much later in the game?
-i would appreciate every answer that can help...the version is CIVIII standard edition 1.29f ...thanx
Veteran, it sounds like you're running an archipelago map, and I can't honestly see that making the HOF. The two types of games you see on the list are huge ones milked all the way to the end, and also tiny maps with extremely fast/early conquest. In all cases, we always use pangaea.

With an island map, the water not only slows your military, but also your expansion. It also robs critical wonders (eg Pyramids) of their blanket effects.
- I just choosed a random standard map , and i suppose it is archipelago one, and everything was random (like climate, age )
-So, Superslug (or anybody else) dont you think there is any solution under these conditions?
-I know the difficulties friend Superslug mentioned , and i am wondering if there are any other solutions as i tried hard to follow the same strategy and i find it impossible to win....
-As i am little stubborn , and i really like the most difficult i am still keep trying to find out if it is really impossible to win this type of game....is it really unbeatten?....any help pls?
I do think it is possible to win such a game through good trading and a couple of siucide galleys that can give you the other contacts easier. A save file or screenshot would definetaly help to find some strategy for your game, veteran.

I think that superslug was assuming you wanted to get on the HoF with that game which seems to be close to impossible with the difficulties you metioned: HoF games are not just about winning...they are about winnig with a huge margin that allows to maximize score.:)

that's an amazing game - too bad it's based on an exploit.
Never mind that, though, it was a brilliant demonstration!

Two questions: Do you use the governors? And do you
automate workers?

I usually stay away from the gov until very late in the game and only automate workers if I am sure all irrigation I need is in place, but on this large a map with hundreds of cities and workers it would take
hours per move.....

Originally posted by Hammurodi
Two questions: Do you use the governors? And do you automate workers?
I never use the governors. The only worker automation I use is after everything else is done, I shift-A a number of them to automate pollution cleanup. But I leave one unit on manual so that I can intervene in each turn to reassign citizens before allowing the automated workers to do their part. The manual approach sure does make some of the turns rather long :lol:
SirPleb, much congrats, hope 2 beat it in a year...

Originally posted by SirPleb

I never use the governors. [... rest of quote is only two posts up] The manual approach sure does make some of the turns rather long :lol:

This makes it even more impressive. Well done indeed. *bow*
Although the thought of doing all that micromanagement of several hundred workers and cities by hand really makes me wish for more effective ways of controlling the governors and the worker's AI... its hard enough to find the time to play as it is. I also tend to lose track of the big picture if I get caught up in the micromanagement.

Thanks again for the writeup!

A terrific read. I've only bumped this to point out that the HoF entry is here, since I can't link things from the HoF entry to the thread.
I though that any game using that exploit wouldn't be accepted? Or is that a newer rule?
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