So I'm trying to mod Bug...

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CivDOS Fanatic
Sep 5, 2005

So I'm trying to mod BUG. Atm I'm still very green, learning Python and trying to get into BtS Python modding.

Anyway, what I'm trying to do is to add alerts for "Whip Anger" about to drop and has dropped for each city at the beginning of every turn. To make whipping easier. Later I'll try to add more functionality. Gotta get the whipping anger working first.

It essentially follows this very simple logic:

    for pPyCity in pCityList:
        pCity = pPyCity.GetCy()
        iHAT = pCity.getHurryAngerTimer()
        if pCHAT.has_key(pCity) == 0:
            pCHAT[pCity] = iHAT
        if pCHAT[pCity] == 0 and iHAT == 0:
        iHAL = pCity.flatHurryAngerLength()
        if iHAT % iHAL == 0:
            # City's Hurry Anger just dropped!
        elif iHAT % iHAL == 1:
            # City's HA is about to drop!
        pCHAT[pCity] = iHAT
The problem is, in order to get it to work I need to be able to store the dictionary pCHAT. How would I do this?

It seems BUG mod uses I was thinking of using (follow link or see spoiler below). Will this work with BUG mod or may it cause conflicts, bugs, etc. Is using SdToolKitAdvanced the best way of storing data, or are there any other ways? What's recommended?

Big thanks!

Spoiler :
## Sid Meier's Civilization 4
## Copyright Firaxis Games 2005
## sdToolKit by Stone-D (Laga Mahesa)
## Copyright Laga Mahesa 2005
## lmahesa@(yahoo|hotmail|gmail).com
## Version 1.22

from CvPythonExtensions import *
import CvUtil
import sys
import cPickle as pickle
gc = CyGlobalContext()
CyGameInstance = gc.getGame()

################# SD-UTILITY-PACK ###################
#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BASIC-UTILITIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
def sdEcho( echoString ):
	printToScr = True
	printToLog = True
	message = "%s" %(echoString)
	if (printToScr):
	if (printToLog):
	return 0

def sdGetTimeInt( turn ):
	TurnTable = CyGameTextMgr().getTimeStr(turn, false).split(' ')
	TurnInt   = int(TurnTable[0])
	if (TurnTable[1] == 'BC'):
		TurnInt = 0 - TurnInt
	return TurnInt

def sdGameYearsInt():
	yearsBC = sdGetTimeInt(gc.getGame().getStartTurn())
	if (yearsBC < 0):
		yearsBC = yearsBC - (yearsBC * 2)
		yearsBC = 0
	yearsAD = 0
	for i in range(gc.getGameSpeedInfo(gc.getGame().getGameSpeedType()).getNumTurnIncrements()):
		yearsAD += gc.getGameSpeedInfo(gc.getGame().getGameSpeedType()).getGameTurnInfo(i).iNumGameTurnsPerIncrement
	yearsAD = sdGetTimeInt(yearsAD)
	if (yearsAD < sdGetTimeInt(gc.getGame().getGameTurn())):
		yearsAD = sdGetTimeInt(gc.getGame().getGameTurn())
	yearsAL = yearsBC + yearsAD
#	sdEcho('yearsBC : %d, yearsAD : %d, All Years : %d' %(yearsBC, yearsAD, yearsAL))
	return yearsAL

#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SD-DATA-STORAGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
# Every variable is a string, except for the actual
# value you want to store, which can be anything.

#--------------- INTERNAL USE ONLY -----------------#

#   Initializes a central reservoir of custom variables for your mod's use. 'ModID' should be your mod's name.
def sdModInit( ModID ):
		cyTable = pickle.loads( CyGameInstance.getScriptData() )
		cyTable = {}
	if ( not cyTable.has_key(ModID) ):
		cyTable = sdModFixCase(ModID, cyTable) # Check for capitalization difference and fix in case of permanent change.
	if ( not cyTable.has_key(ModID) ):
		cyTable[ModID] = pickle.dumps({})      # Initialize with an empty table.
		sdEcho('Mod Data Initialized : %s %s' %(ModID, cyTable.has_key(ModID)))
	CyGameInstance.setScriptData( pickle.dumps(cyTable) )
	return {}

#   For internal use. You should not use this function.
def sdModFixCase( ModID, cyTable ):
	for i, k in enumerate(cyTable):
		if (k.upper() == ModID.upper()):
			szStringData = cyTable[k]
			cyTable[ModID] = szStringData
			del cyTable[k]
			sdEcho('Mod Data Fixed : %s : %s (was %s)' %(ModID, cyTable.has_key(ModID), k))
	return cyTable

#   Loads previously initialized data from the central reservoir.
def sdModLoad( ModID ):
		cyTable = pickle.loads( CyGameInstance.getScriptData() )
		mTable  = pickle.loads(cyTable[ModID])
		mTable  = sdModInit(ModID)
	return mTable

#   Saves a mod's entire variable data to the central reservoir.
def sdModSave( ModID, mTable ):
		cyTable = pickle.loads( CyGameInstance.getScriptData() )
		cyTable = sdModInit(ModID)
	cyTable[ModID] = pickle.dumps(mTable)
	CyGameInstance.setScriptData( pickle.dumps(cyTable) )
	return 0

#----------------- MOD FUNCTIONS -------------------#

#   sdEntityInit( 'MyModName', 'UniqueName', Template_dictionary )
#   Initializes a unique data entity (city, unit, plot).
def sdEntityInit( ModID, entity, eTable ):
	mTable = sdModLoad(ModID)
	mTable[entity] = pickle.dumps(eTable)
	sdModSave(ModID, mTable)
	return 0

#   sdEntityWipe( 'MyModName', 'UniqueName' )
#   Removes an entity that has been previously initialized by sdEntityInit.
#   Returns int 0 on failure, int 1 on success.
def sdEntityWipe( ModID, entity ):
	mTable = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(entity) ):
		del mTable[entity]
		sdModSave(ModID, mTable)
		# sdEcho('Entity Wiped : %s' %(entity))
		return 1
	# sdEcho('Entity Wipe FAILED : %s. Did it exist?' %(entity))
	return 0

#   sdEntityExists( 'MyModName', 'UniqueName' )
#   Checks whether or not an entity has been initialized by sdEntityInit.
#   Returns bool False on failure, bool True on success.
def sdEntityExists( ModID, entity ):
	mTable = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(entity) ):
		return True
	return False

#   sdGetVal( 'MyModName', 'UniqueName', 'VariableName' )
#   Fetches a specific variable's value from the entity's data set.
def sdGetVal( ModID, entity, var ):
	mTable = sdModLoad(ModID)
	eTable = pickle.loads(mTable[entity])
#	sdEcho('%s : Load : %s, %s = %d' %(ModID, entity, var, eTable[var]))
	return eTable[var]

#   sdSetVal( 'MyModName', 'UniqueName', 'VariableName', any_value )
#   Stores a specific variable's value within the entity's data set.
#   Returns bool False on failure, bool True on success.
def sdSetVal( ModID, entity, var, val ):
	mTable = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(entity) ):
		eTable         = pickle.loads(mTable[entity])
		eTable[var]    = val
		mTable[entity] = pickle.dumps(eTable)
		sdModSave(ModID, mTable)
		# sdEcho('%s : sdSetVal : %s, %s = %d' %(ModID, entity, var, eTable[var]))
		return True
	return False

#   sdDelVal( 'MyModName', 'UniqueName', 'VariableName' )
#   Removes a specific variable from the entity's data set.
#   Returns bool False on failure, bool True on success.
def sdDelVal( ModID, entity, var ):
	mTable = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(entity) ):
		eTable         = pickle.loads(mTable[entity])
		if ( eTable.has_key(var) ):
			del eTable[var]
			mTable[entity] = pickle.dumps(eTable)
			sdModSave(ModID, mTable)
			# sdEcho('%s : sdDelVal : %s, %s' %(ModID, entity, var))
			return True
	return False

#   sdGetGlobal( 'MyModName', 'GlobalVariableName' )
#   Fetches a specific variable's value from the mod's global data set.
def sdGetGlobal( ModID, var ):
	szGlobal = 'Global'
	mTable   = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(szGlobal) ):
		eTable    = pickle.loads(mTable[szGlobal])
		if ( eTable.has_key(var) ):
			# sdEcho('%s : sdGetGlobal : %s, %s = %d' %(ModID, szGlobal, var, eTable[var]))
			return eTable[var]

#   sdSetGlobal( 'MyModName', 'GlobalVariableName', any_value )
#   Stores a specific variable's value within the mod's global data set.
def sdSetGlobal( ModID, var, val ):
	szGlobal = 'Global'
	mTable           = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(szGlobal) ):
		eTable   = pickle.loads(mTable[szGlobal])
		eTable   = {}
	eTable[var]      = val
	mTable[szGlobal] = pickle.dumps(eTable)
	sdModSave(ModID, mTable)

#   sdDelGlobal( 'MyModName', 'GlobalVariableName' )
#   Removes a specific variable from the mod's global data set.
#   Returns bool False on failure, bool True on success.
def sdDelGlobal( ModID, var ):
	szGlobal = 'Global'
	mTable           = sdModLoad(ModID)
	if ( mTable.has_key(szGlobal) ):
		eTable           = pickle.loads(mTable[szGlobal])
		if ( eTable.has_key(var) ):
			del eTable[var]
			mTable[szGlobal] = pickle.dumps(eTable)
			sdModSave(ModID, mTable)
			return True
	return False

## Modification by Teg Navanis. While SD-DATA-STORAGE stores 
## values in the GameInstance - scriptdata, these functions can be used to store data
## in the scriptdata of an object (for instance a unit, a city or a plot)
#-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SD-OBJECT-DATA-STORAGE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-#
# Every variable is a string, except for 'object' and the actual
# value you want to store, which can be anything.
# object can be one of the following:
# - CyCity object
# - CyGame object
# - CyPlayer object
# - CyPlot object
# - CyUnit object
# - PyCity object

#--------------- INTERNAL USE ONLY -----------------#

#   Loads previously initialized data from the central reservoir. If no data is found, init it.
def sdLoad( object ):
		cyTable = pickle.loads(object.getScriptData())
		cyTable = {}
	if (cyTable == ""):
		cyTable = {}

	return cyTable

#----------------- OBJECT FUNCTIONS -------------------#

#   sdObjectInit ( 'MyModName', object, Template_dictionary )
#   Fetches a specific variable's value from the object's data set.
def sdObjectInit (ModID, object, VarDictionary):
	cyTable = sdLoad(object)
	if ( not cyTable.has_key(ModID) ):
		cyTable[ModID] = VarDictionary
	return 0

#   sdObjectWipe( 'MyModName', object )
#   Removes an entity that has been previously initialized by sdObjectInit.
#   Returns int 0 on failure, int 1 on success.
def sdObjectWipe( ModID, object ):
	cyTable = sdLoad(object)
	if ( cyTable.has_key(ModID) ):
		del cyTable[ModID]
		return 1
	return 0

#   sdObjectExists( 'MyModName', object )
#   Checks whether or not an object has been initialized by sdObjectInit.
#   Returns bool False on failure, bool True on success.
def sdObjectExists( ModID, object ):
	cyTable = sdLoad(object)
	if ( cyTable.has_key(ModID) ):
		return True
	return False

#   sdObjectGetVal( 'MyModName', object, 'VariableName' )
#   Fetches a specific variable's value from the object's data set.
def sdObjectGetVal( ModID, object, var ):
	cyTable = sdLoad(object)
		mTable = cyTable[ModID]
		return mTable[var]
		print "initialize object first!"
		return 0

#   sdObjectSetVal( 'MyModName', object, 'VariableName', any_value )
#   Stores a specific variable's value within the object's data set.
#   Returns bool False on failure, bool True on success.
def sdObjectSetVal( ModID, object, var, val ):
	cyTable = sdLoad( object )
		mTable = cyTable[ModID]
		print "initialize object first!"
		return 0
	if ( mTable.has_key(var) ):
		mTable[var]    = val
		return True
	return False
Check the logger code because it reports when the whip anger drops. If you do need to store it, please stay with SdToolKit until we move the whole mod over to the advanced version (if ever).
I will have a look at the logger code, if after that I still need to store anything in my code, I will use SdToolKit (original version) included with BUG. Thank you for your help!
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